
Let’s run an inn on dungeon island

One day, Sanada Shirou, who works for a black company, is transported to another world. Using his \"creation magic\", an ability he gained when transported, he opens an inn and is supposed to lead a slow life, but this other world is a little strange?! It is a world where women are overwhelmingly dominant, where women do dangerous work and battle, and men are powerless and are protected! The daily life of entertaining (in many ways) the women of this other world begins...!

Daoist137206 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Welcome! To Monte Cris Island

The three pteranodons (provisional) came closer and closer, and began to circle around the island.

Moreover, if you look closely, you can see that something like a saddle is placed on its back, and a person is riding it.

It's like I'm examining this island from above.

Maybe you're looking for a landing spot?  

If so, the chances of landing on the crescent coast are very high.

This is the most open place on Monte Crisis.

 As I held my breath and watched, the three pterosaurs entered a landing posture and descended to the crescent coast.

Perhaps, but I feel like my cave has been found.

The trees have been cut open over there to allow more sunlight.

Making a field may have backfired.

But everyone in this world isn't just the soldiers who tried to attack me, or those guys like that female pirate.

Among them were decent people like Chris-sama and Cecily.

So why don't you make up your mind and try to make first contact?

 As expected, the three pterosaurs landed on the beach.

Like an airplane, it would need a long runway for landing and takeoff.

He was running down to the sandy beach with thumping footsteps.

It seemed that vertical takeoff was not possible.

 When the pterosaur lowered its wings, the people on board came down and looked around.

"Louis, don't let your guard down.

"Yes, Captain!"

A reluctant old woman in her 40s seems to be the captain.

He was old, but he had dignified beauty.

The person called Luis is about the age of a teenager and looks like a newcomer.

Also, this creature was a wyvern, not a pteranodon.

Come to think of it, I feel like it's a little longer than the Pteranodon.

"There are no enemy shadows around. Would you like to go to the field that you can see from the sky?

 A woman in her late twenties was asking the captain in a slightly nasal voice.

This one gives me the impression that it's kind of funny.

It's not a flirty man, it's a flirty woman.

"That's good. Look. There's a road from here to the field."

 That's the road Iwao made.

It's already been found.

In that case, let's say hello from here and improve my feelings.

Besides, this captain-san and Luis-san don't look like bad guys.

The flirtatious woman didn't seem to have a bad personality either.


 I got out of the bush and tried to say hello with a slightly cute feeling.

Was it a little blunt? 

The three people were surprised when someone suddenly appeared, but they seemed to let their guard down because I was a man and I didn't have anything in my hand.

"I am sorry to surprise you with your sudden visit.

 Speaking of the Lulugoa Empire, it's a country that was hostile to Chris-sama's Regalta Kingdom.

"I am Shiro Sanada. I live alone on this island."

"I live alone here!? Seriously!?"

 The flirtatious woman raises a particularly loud voice.

"What do you mean?"

 Captain Milan stared at me with serious eyes.

I can't say that I escaped from the capital's prison with Chris-sama.

"I was adrift as a child."

 It was an unintentional lie.

"Hmm, your clothes look new for that reason."

 My outfit is the same chino pants and cotton shirt as when I came from another world.

Even though it's worn out a lot, it's not that much of a deterioration.

"That's... it's not like this island is completely devoid of people. Although it's rare, pirates and merchant ships sometimes come to supply supplies. We exchange with those people..."

 Does it hurt as an excuse?

"I see. It's bad luck to put a man on a ship, so maybe they won't even rescue him... You seem to be having a hard time."

 I don't know why, but I was convinced.

"Ah. But we can also get a lot of fruits here, and there are many prey such as goats and deer. We can also catch a lot of fish."

"Hmm. By the way, did the tax collector ever come here?"


"I'm asking if you've ever been asked to pay taxes."

"I'm sorry. I don't even know which country this island belongs to."

"Is that so? This place will become a dependent territory of the Lulugoa Empire. I don't know what form it will take in the future, but please remember that you are a subject of the Lulugoa Empire."

 I nodded obediently because there was no point in going against it.

"Does this mean that I have to pay taxes from now on?"

 A flirtatious woman speaks to my question.

"If you come to this place to collect it, you'll be in the red. Don't worry, no one will come anyway."

"Leane, don't be so rash. It's up to you to decide, not for us to say."


 Despite being scolded by Captain Milan, the flirtatious woman didn't seem to endure it.

"By the way, Shiro, is there a place to rest?

"In that case, please come to my house."

 I guided the members of the survey team back to the cave.

 When we returned to the Iwaya, we were greeted by three Iwao standing upright with their clubs in their hands.

"Iwao, they are customers. Don't mess with them."

 Iwao and the others, who were blocking the entrance to my words, open the way.

"Shiro, what is this?"

"It's my golem."

"Golem, Shiro is a man, right?"

 No man in this world can use magic.

There is probably no other man who can use a golem in the same way.

"Well, I don't know what it is, but it listens to what I say. Maybe it's a perverted golem who likes men?"

"Hmm, is there such a thing..."

 If it was Captain Milan, I was convinced again.

"What is this!? Welcome to Monte Crisis Island? Shiro's inn?"

 The flirtatious woman who saw the sign is making a fuss.

"Are there any guests coming to a place like this?"

"No, there's not a single one yet. You guys are the first to guide me this far."

"Then I'm your first woman, Kishishi..."

 A flirtatious woman entered the cave while stroking my butt.

I was sexually harassed immediately.


 Captain Milano was scolded again, but the flirtatious woman just stuck out her tongue.

"I'm sorry Shiro.

"Captain is too serious."

"You will understand once you become a mother. You don't feel good if your son uses your eyes."

 Commander Milano has a child.

It's not weird considering it's age.

"Um, who is taking care of your child?"

"Of course, Kunimoto's husband is raising her."

 It was an expected answer, but now it's clear.

Parenting in this world seems to be centered around the father.

 I served tea using herbs called citrus grass.

Cecily told me about this herb.

It grew a lot in a sunny place in the forest, so I transplanted it to the corner of the field.

Herbal tea with a refreshing citrus scent and acidity.

"If this is an inn, can I order food? Of course I will pay."

"If it's all right with you."

"I don't care about anything. We're only bringing water and dried meat. Rather than that, I'd like something delicious."

 I'm sure there's only portable food.

If so, how about I prepare something delicious for you?

 I built a kitchen outside the Iwaya in the last half month.

There are three ovens, a cooking table, and a roof.

There was also a bucket of water nearby, and when it ran low, Iwao would draw water for me.

 I made 10 pieces of bread yesterday, so it would be nice to add the main side dish to it.

It's simple, but I sprinkled salt on the fish I caught that morning, dipped it in flour, and sautéed it with olive oil and garlic.

You can also make a hearty soup by adding mashed boiled potatoes to the broth made from the same fish bones and onions.

"Goku, wash the vegetables in the river."

 When I was cooking, I heard the voice of a flirty woman from Iwaya.

"As I thought, the figure of a man cooking is intriguing.

"Well, well..."

 When the newcomer met my eyes, he turned bright red and averted his gaze.

The naive reaction is fresh.

"Louis, if you ask, they might let you do it. It's your chance to grow up."

 Liane continued to make sexual harassment remarks, but when Commander Milan threw him in disbelief, he finally shut up.

Even so, Luis-chan is inexperienced...

If you turn 30, will you become a witch? 

Ah, in this world, women are wizards from the moment they are born.

Luis-chan isn't particularly beautiful, but I was able to get a good impression of her with her simple features.

It's okay, you're cute, so you'll be married to someone you like.

If you really want to be an adult, I'll take advice.

Mood is a bewitching older sister who tricks young boys.

Gender is reversed in this world.

The smell of burning garlic and white fish fills the area.