
Let’s run an inn on dungeon island

One day, Sanada Shirou, who works for a black company, is transported to another world. Using his \"creation magic\", an ability he gained when transported, he opens an inn and is supposed to lead a slow life, but this other world is a little strange?! It is a world where women are overwhelmingly dominant, where women do dangerous work and battle, and men are powerless and are protected! The daily life of entertaining (in many ways) the women of this other world begins...!

Daoist137206 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


After seeing Captain Milan off, I immediately set up another Goku.

This should be ready by noon the day after tomorrow.

If the dungeon survey team comes, I'll be busy, so I'd like to make some more Goku types.

Besides, if you make two more bodies, the level of golem production will increase.

It might be possible to create a new type of golem.

I thought it would be a good idea to make golems in succession if I could secure food.

 From noon to evening, Iwao and his friends were asked to maintain the fields and roads, collect firewood for fuel, etc., and Goku was sent to pick fruit.

I work in the sea fishing.

Since I'm making a golem, I can't use crafting magic.

I had to secure my own food, but I couldn't catch anything on a day like this.

I had no choice but to catch a small rock crab on the beach.

This is a soup stock rather than eating the meat.

It looks like it would be good to make pasta with tomato sauce, but it's impossible right now.

Try it when you have time and MP.

 There were three guests, so the food stock was running low.

There were only 10 small freshly caught crabs, 6 bananas, 1 onion and a little bit of salted meat left.

Goku could only find 3 papaya today, so he had only crab soup and bananas for dinner.

I want to catch fish tomorrow.

I'm also thinking about catching wild goats that live on the island.

Females should be able to produce milk.

Milk can be created with creation magic, but it's better to have a goat to fool people.

There are times when you can't use magic like now.

Tormented by a slight hunger, I fell asleep.

 These days, I wake up with the sunrise.

I've grown accustomed to this world.

I ate two papaya for breakfast.

"Iwao and the others, start making a path to the ruins in the south.

 I gave the order and headed for the sea myself.

It would be convenient for the members of the research team if there was a way to go to the dungeon from the cave.

If Iwao and the others build it from now on, it should be possible to open a narrow path before the survey team arrives.

If so, I'm sure you'll be grateful.

I honestly say.

I want to be teased.

Soon, 100 girls will come to this island.

I'm sure there will be one or two of my favorite types.

In the first place, my strike zone is very wide, so it wouldn't be strange to have about 20 people.

Maybe 40 people...

It is my wish to be loved by all such children.

There's nothing like building a trail or two for that.

 At that time, the memory of being attacked by ridiculous guys was half deleted.

Perhaps, memories with Chris-sama and Cecily, and the bathing scene of Captain Milan and others had been overwritten in memory.

I regret that it was a good weather for me.

I think it was my fault that I was delusional enough to make my brain explode.

 Time passed and Goku 2 was completed.

Actually, I wanted to make another one in quick succession, but I'm running out of food.

There was a shortage of fish.

For the past two days, I've been picking out the flesh of small crabs and munching on them.

"No. 1, take No. 2 and go find fruit. I'll teach No. 2 the topography of the island."

 I immediately put the freshly made Goku to work and immediately started making rice.

Raw rice that has been polished can be made faster and in greater quantity than cooked rice.

You can cook rice in a pot, so this is a better deal.

Production time is 20 minutes for 50g.

One go of rice is about 150g, so let's make 500g for now.

There is also a level correction for food preparation, so it will be completed in 3 hours.

Dinner is crab porridge! 

I made green onions before, but I used the upper part and put the leftover roots in the field, and they were growing nicely.

Let's cut off the top from the ground with a knife and put it in the crab rice porridge.

The leek should grow back from the cut end.

I actually saw my mother do this.

Mom, I'm sorry that I thought you were so big back then.

I realized the importance of food for the first time when I came to another world.

 After spending the night making bacon and vegetables that seemed to last a long time, I started making Goku No. 3.

If this guy is completed, the level of golem production will rise.

I'm looking forward to the next two days.

"Iwao and the others, please gather."

 Three iwao lined up.

They work day and night.

It consumes MP when moving, but I'm thankful that I don't get tired or complain.

I also replenished MP before making Goku, so I'm sure it will work fine today as well.

"I'm going to dig a hole for you today. Alright, follow me."

 While preparing to welcome the guests, I realized something important.

Yes, there are no toilets on this island.

By the way, I'm doing it in a suitable place a little away from Iwaya.

Just hearing this may make some people worried about public health, but that's okay.

This is because the beneficial demon slime will immediately appear and absorb it.

I don't know how you can sniff it out, but it'll come as soon as you put it out.

It probably took less than 5 minutes.

Mine doesn't smell special! 

Thanks to that, the area around the cave is kept clean.

However, if 100 soldiers came, I don't think that would be possible.

After all, I have to decide the place.

So I decided to dig a hole for the toilet.

Keeping slimes in this hole would surely prevent environmental pollution.

The toilet seat can be made with my tools, so I plan to make about 10 private rooms.

After all, it's better to separate men's and women's...

I decided to make a separate toilet for myself.

 Draw a line on the ground with a branch to determine the approximate size.

"Okay, dig inside the line. It's five meters deep. Don't forget to add stairs to get out of the hole."

 After giving detailed instructions, Iwao and the others began to work silently.

 Starting with the restrooms, preparations for welcoming guests steadily proceeded.

The path to the ruins has also been opened, and the road to the crescent coast is also undergoing expansion work.

With the completion of Goku No. 3, who will be the staff, the golem production level has also risen to 3.


Crafting Item: Wood Golem Type Horse (Lv.1)

Category: Golem Crafting (Lv.3)

Consumes 212 MP

Description: A horse-shaped wood golem. It can be used for transportation and as a farm horse. Top speed is 40km/h (Maintaining top speed continuously for more than 5 minutes may cause damage)

Production time: 38 hours


 Now you can make horses.

Everything on the island was on foot, so it was very convenient.

I immediately made a horse-shaped golem and named it Silver.

Recently, when I go out for a short distance, I make it a rule to ride Silver.

It was my first experience riding a horse, but riding Silver was fun.

 Baths, toilets, road maintenance for officers, and then log cabins were built, and infrastructure development was completed.

At the same time, he also makes a lot of seasonings to expand his cooking repertoire.

Not only salt, but also soy sauce, sauces, sugar, miso, spices, ketchup, and mayonnaise were made one after another.

I also tried to make something like a smoking room.

I want to make bacon, sausage, and smoked fish here.

I want to try not only magic, but also crafting using my body.

Preparations progressed steadily like that.

And at noon, 10 days after Captain Milan and the others left this island.

When I was fishing in the sea as usual, I saw a wyvern flying over the horizon.

It seemed that one of the three had returned with some message.