
Let’s run an inn on dungeon island

One day, Sanada Shirou, who works for a black company, is transported to another world. Using his \"creation magic\", an ability he gained when transported, he opens an inn and is supposed to lead a slow life, but this other world is a little strange?! It is a world where women are overwhelmingly dominant, where women do dangerous work and battle, and men are powerless and are protected! The daily life of entertaining (in many ways) the women of this other world begins...!

Daoist137206 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Leisurely Survival

It's been 15 days since Leanne left this island, but the Imperial research team still hasn't arrived.

They come by boat, so it can't be helped that it takes time.

It's not like a flying wyvern.

While leisurely developing the island, I spend my days devoted to creative magic, and my level has risen considerably.


Creation Magic Lv.9


Food production Lv.5 Food production time reduced by 9%

Tool creation Lv.5 Tool creation time reduced by 9%

Weapon Crafting Lv.2 Weapon crafting time reduced by 3%

Material production Lv.5 Material production time reduced by 9%

Golem crafting Lv.4 Golem crafting time reduced by 7%

Medicine production Lv.2 Medicine production time reduced by 3%



The level of all creation magic has risen to 9, and material production and golem production have also increased.

It's the result of increasing the number of construction materials and worker golems for infrastructure development.

Now Iwao has up to No. 5, Goku has up to No. 4, and Silver has up to No. 2.

You can now create a new hound-type golem.


Crafted Item: Metal Golem Dog Type (Small) (Lv.1)

Category: Golem Crafting (Lv.5)

MP consumption 320

Description: A hound-type metal golem. A golem that specializes in hunting. It pounces on its prey with its agile movements and sharp fangs. Also useful as a guard dog.

Production time: 49 hours


 I started making it the moment I became able to make this golem.

In terms of combat power, it surpasses the other three.

It's also useful as a bodyguard, and it's a golem that kills two birds with one stone by fetching meat.

It looked like a German Shepherd dog made out of metal.

I'm sure you'll find it useful.

However, even though her fighting power is high, she can't do any work at all.

At most, it digs a small hole with its front paws.

Almost no different than a dog.

I named it Wonder.

Wonder has already been made up to No. 2.

I want one to always be by my side.

 As a result of leveling up medicine production to 2, it became possible to produce hematopoietic agents and pain relievers.

The potatoes in the field are also growing, and it looks like we'll be able to harvest a little more.

Eggplants, cucumbers, and green peppers have also begun to bear fruit.

Peppers, in particular, grow very quickly, and the harvest has already begun.

It also tastes great.

However, only tomatoes broke when they hit the rain.

I feel bad for growing up.

This land may not be for you.


 I could faintly hear the voice of Wonder No. 1, which was out hunting.

Unlike other golems, the Wonder type can speak.

That being said, I can't speak human language, I can only make dog barks.

I'm sure it's a function that comes with it as a means of intimidation and communication when hunting or guarding.

"What happened?"

 I've told Wonder 1 to target deer, goats, and the like, but it might be fighting a formidable wild boar.

I told Wonder 2 and Goku 1 to 3 to follow me, and jumped on Silver 1's back.

My riding skills have also improved considerably.

"Wonder No. 2, go ahead and help No. 1!"

 Hearing the order, No. 2 starts running.

We rushed after him.



 The threatening voices of the Wonders are echoing.

Didn't a monster appear? 

I've brought a spear with me, but I don't think I'll be of any use in the event of a battle.

I thought that if there was a monster, I would run away while riding Silver.

 When we arrived, the Wonders were fighting a goat.

It's a pretty big individual.

Another goat was lying nearby and seemed to be dead already.

Judging from the bleeding from the throat, Wonder must have defeated it.

The goat that was fighting was also bleeding from its right hind leg, but it was fighting back with its horns.

Relieved that it wasn't a monster, I observed the goat closely.

It has horns, but it looks like a female.

Her swollen milk was shaking.

I searched for a baby goat nearby, but it seems to have already escaped.

Perhaps he fought Wonder to save the baby goat...

"Wonder, don't kill me!"

 It's not like I was particularly moved by feelings of pity.

I just wanted to catch him alive.

"Goku and the others, take down the goat with this."

 I handed over the rope to the three Gokus and decided to watch Takami.

Wonder and Goku use the power of numbers to drive the goat.

Before long, Goku 2 jumped onto the exhausted goat's back and put a rope around its neck.

The goat became docile when the neck was tied up with a strange rope.

"Okay, okay, hold down the legs of Goku and the goats."

 I took out the wound medicine and bandages that I always carry around with me from my storage bag.

Perfect for animal testing.

I put medicine on the frightened goat's leg and wrapped it in bandages.

Goats don't have magical power, so it won't be as effective as using it on humans, but you can still expect a considerable effect.

During the treatment, the goats were left to tame.

I couldn't say that she had a cute face, but she was pure white and somehow charming.

"Your name is Koyuki. How is it? Can you walk?"

 When I pulled the rope, it didn't resist and started walking while covering its injured leg.

"It looks like you're okay. Take it slowly to the cave so you don't overdo it."

I left Koyuki to Goku and went back one step ahead.

 After returning to the cave, I summoned Iwao and the others who were doing road maintenance, and had them drive stakes in suitable places.

Because I have to put up a fence to enclose Koyuki.

Iwao and the others do the heavy lifting, and Goku and the others undertake the detailed carpentry work.

The foundation work for the livestock hut where Koyuki lived was also completed on the same day.

We need golems to take care of animals in the future.

Goku and the others are also working in the fields, so they are working at full capacity.

It would be better to make two more before the survey team comes.

Not only can we get goat meat, we can also get milk, and the vegetables in the fields are getting more and more harvested, so we have secured enough food.

I decided to make this week a golem strengthening week.

 After catching Koyuki, the food situation improved dramatically.

It's great to be able to get milk regularly.

You can squeeze more than you can drink by yourself.

Milking was fun at first, but after one day it got boring, and from the next day onwards, it was Goku No. 3's job.

If it was Chris-sama or Cecily, I wouldn't get tired of it...

The milk is pasteurized and put in a sealed container and submerged in the river, but if you don't drink it quickly, it will go bad.

I use magic to make cheese and use it for cooking, but the current situation is that I can't use it all.

In order to preserve it better, they added sugar and boiled it down to make condensed milk.

This is useful when eating drinks and shaved ice.

 During Golem Enhancement Week, the number of Goku-types increased further, and now there are 6 of them.

It has the highest versatility because its hands are dexterous.

 That day, after lunch, I drank cold brew coffee and iced cafe au lait made with goat milk.

If you use creation magic, you can also create ice, so the drink is well chilled.

Because of the heat of Monte Crisis, the demand for ice is high, and we make it frequently.

Thanks to that, the individual level of ice making is up to 3.

Following Lv.5 for bread and Lv.4 for rice, the preparation time is reduced as the level rises.

Bread now costs 2 MP and takes 25% less time to make.

Combined with the food production level correction, the production time is reduced by 34%.

Bread that used to take an hour to make can now be made in less than 40 minutes.

Let's keep going like this!

 The tropical sun shines brightly through the palm leaves.

All I can do in this hot afternoon is to be lazy.

The ice cafe au lait that I drank while lying on a wooden reclining chair was the best.

Condensed milk is used to make it quite sweet, but this is really delicious.

When I was enjoying the tropical resort while letting Goku 4 blow the wind with a large fan, I heard the barking of Wonder from somewhere.


 Did you find prey again? 

Overfishing reduces food supply, so it should be prohibited.


I can hear voices coming from the coast...

Ha! Could it be that the ship of the research team has arrived?