
Let’s run an inn on dungeon island

One day, Sanada Shirou, who works for a black company, is transported to another world. Using his \"creation magic\", an ability he gained when transported, he opens an inn and is supposed to lead a slow life, but this other world is a little strange?! It is a world where women are overwhelmingly dominant, where women do dangerous work and battle, and men are powerless and are protected! The daily life of entertaining (in many ways) the women of this other world begins...!

Daoist137206 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


The boat ran ashore on the sandy beach that became a cove.

I immediately put out a rope and tied the boat to a palm tree that was growing on the waterside.

This is the first time I've seen a real palm fruit.

When I was absent-mindedly looking up at the palm fruit, Chris-sama jumped and cut off three of the palm fruit.

"Even with Shiro's creation magic, securing food is the basis of survival."

"Yes. Let's hide this in the shade."

 I just drank water, so my throat isn't dry yet.

"Once you've calmed down a little, let's explore the surroundings. If there's a house, you can ask where this place is, and if it's an uninhabited island, it's possible that there's a vicious monster."

"Are you a monster..."

"Yes. Look, there's a slime over there."

 When I looked ahead, I saw a jelly-like substance that was puffy in the green area of ​​the sandy beach.

It's about the size of a human head.

"Is that slime!?"

 Seeing me surprised, Chris-sama made a strange face.

"Is this your first time seeing slime, Shiro?"



 Of course you don't know the game.

"I've only seen them in pictures."

"Is there such a thing as a picture of slime? Shiro's country has changed."

 To me, it's weirder when the slimes are real and roaming around.

"Is there no danger?"

"If you don't come near me, you'll be fine. If you're surprised, they may splash digestive juices on you. If you don't wash it off immediately, it will sting and your skin will get rough."

 That's the extent of the threat...

"Slime is a beneficial demon. It eats human excrement and garbage and decomposes it. Don't kill it."

 I see.

It's like a spider that eats pests.

Spiders are beneficial insects that prey on mosquitoes and ticks.

I hid a pot of water and palm nuts in the grass and went out to explore.

 Seen from the sea, there were no houses on the island.

It seems that even Chris-sama's eyes, who have improved their eyesight through physical enhancement, did not see any artifacts.

Chris-sama predicted that this was probably an uninhabited island.

 I went along the coastline, but along the way there were many cliffs and places where vegetation grew so thick that people couldn't enter.

Each time, Chris carried me on my back.

Jumping more than 10 meters while carrying an adult boy on his back, or jumping from tree to tree, is beyond human feats.

We spent half a day going around the island.

I was able to make four fist-sized loaves of bread in that time.

I was able to collect other wild bananas and mangoes, so I put them in the rainwear hood and took them home.

I'll have to make something like a bag or bag later.

 As a result of the expedition, I found out that the circumference of the island is about 25 km and it is not so big.

And after all, there was no evidence of people living there, and it was confirmed that it was an uninhabited island.

A small mountain rises in the middle, but I think the altitude is less than 200 meters.

"Well, I need to secure a place to sleep tonight, but let's eat some fruit first. I'm hungry after walking so much."

"Well then, enjoy this too."

 Along with the bananas and mangoes, I also took out the steaming bread.

The one I made earlier was already cold, but the last loaf was just made 10 minutes ago.

"Is this also made with Shiro's creation magic..."


 I played around here a little.

"It's my first time, so I can't guarantee the taste, but I worked hard to make it!"

 I played a cute boy who works hard.

What is Chris' reaction?

"Oh, cute..."

 Whoa, that's a good reaction.

"Come on, let's eat."

"Uh, hmm"

 We sat in the shade of palms on the beach and ate bread and fruit.

I didn't know bananas have seeds.

It contained many large black seeds.

What do wild bananas look like?

The taste was closer to the Taiwanese banana than the Philippine banana, and had a rich aroma.

Mangoes are ripe and very sweet.

"This bread is really delicious.

 Certainly this is delicious.

It's called a so-called round bread, and it's a simple bread, but it has a nice chewy texture and the flavor of wheat.

If it can be mass-produced, it is possible to live as a baker in this world.

However, although fruits and bread are delicious, I still wanted to eat fish and meat.

I don't know if I can hunt with a bow and arrow, but I feel like I can do something like fishing.

After all, I caught a talking flounder.

The fishing rod should also be included in the crafting list.

 In the afternoon, I explored the mountains while making bread with creative magic.

When I went around the coast earlier, I found a stream, so I went up the slope to run up it.

Eventually we came to a large bedrock area.

"It might be convenient to have a cave around here."

"Yes. It's a reasonable distance from the river, so it seems convenient for drawing water."

 If it's too close to the water, there will be a lot of insects, so I think it's no good if it's a little farther away.

If you get malaria, you're in trouble.

I want to be relieved to learn how to make medicine early.

"But there's no such thing as a cave conveniently."

 I looked around, but all I could see was flat rocks.

"What, if you don't have it, you just have to make it"

 As usual, Chris-sama's hand glows red.

And I'm going to cut down the spa spa and the rock mass.

Well, it was sharp enough to make me say, "I cut a trivial thing again...".

While Chris was building the cave, I went back to pick up my luggage from the beach.

It's a pot and a coconut that I left in the grass.

There doesn't seem to be any dangerous creatures around here, so I should be fine by myself.

I was happy to get another banana on the way home.

 When I returned, I saw that a splendid cave had been completed.

"What do you think, Shiro. Do you think this size is enough?"

 The entrance to the Iwaya is rectangular and has a square-cut window.

The inside is about 16 tatami mats in size.

"It's more than enough. Ah, did you make a bed, a table, and a chair out of stone?"

"Because it happened."

Along the wall, there were tables and chairs that looked like box seats at a family restaurant.

With this, you don't have to worry about where to eat.

I set the pots and palm nuts I brought on the table.

"Also, I want something to put on the bed.

"I will do that.

 I found a lot of animal tracks on the bank of the stream earlier.

It seems to be the footprints of deer, goats, and wild boars.

These animals often come to the river to drink water in the evening.

Hopefully we can have some meat tonight.

As for the seasoning, there is salt that comes out when fresh water is made from sea water, so I should probably use that tonight.

If I have enough MP and time, I'll try making herbs such as basil and thyme.

"It would be nice if I could catch some prey. I want to make a bag to put the harvest in, so I will look for plants that can be used as materials."

 I already have three loaves of bread. I'm working on the last one now.

Currently, the experience gained is 72/100.

If this bread is completed, it will be +6 experience points, so it will be 78/100.

Until the end of bread making 00:21:17

 If you walk through the forest looking for materials, time will pass quickly.

We started acting differently.