
Let’s run an inn on dungeon island

One day, Sanada Shirou, who works for a black company, is transported to another world. Using his \"creation magic\", an ability he gained when transported, he opens an inn and is supposed to lead a slow life, but this other world is a little strange?! It is a world where women are overwhelmingly dominant, where women do dangerous work and battle, and men are powerless and are protected! The daily life of entertaining (in many ways) the women of this other world begins...!

Daoist137206 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Activation "Creation Magic"

I took a deep breath and then closed my eyes.

Flounder, flounder, flounder-san, how do you use magic? 

In case of emergency, he was ready to shout "Status open!"

A translucent window panel opens in front of you.


Creation Magic Lv.1

Acquired EXP: 0/100

MP 40/40

Food production Lv.1 (EXP: 0/0)

Tool making Lv.1 (EXP: 0/0)

Weapon Crafting Lv.1 (EXP: 0/0)

Material Crafting Lv.1 (EXP: 0/0)

Golem production――

Chemical production――


Search word _____________


 What I have been given is like magic that allows me to create all sorts of things.

Could it be possible to make something like a panacea? 

Let's do some searching.


Crafted Item: Panacea (Lv.――)

Category: Medicine production (Lv――)

MP consumption 260

Description: A potion that cures all injuries and illnesses.

Creation time: 247 years


 There was....

However, I can't seem to make it at my current level.

Not enough MP at all.

Besides, what is 247 years!

Your life will end first.

"Hey, Shiro.

 I returned to my senses when Princess Christia called out to me.

Apparently the princess can't see this panel.

"Well, I can use magic too, so I was looking into it."

"Don't be silly. There's no way a man can use magic."

 Ah, he's looking at me again with pityful eyes.

That's why I'm not a child who tends to dream!

"I understand the feeling of wanting to get caught in a place like this and avert your eyes from reality. But hold on tight."

 Saying that, he gently hugged me.

It's like trying to comfort a wounded woman.

Gender is opposite.

But I don't mind it at all.

I'm rather happy to be hugged by such a beautiful woman.


Estimated F cup... is this a real puff puff...

It's very stimulating for someone like me who has almost no love experience.

When I was in college, I had only one lover, but the timing didn't match up with each other, so I was quickly dumped...

"How are you, have you calmed down a bit?"

 No, I'm excited.

At this rate, I don't think I'll be able to reason, but I don't have the courage to go on my own.

I'm super useless.

Wouldn't it be better for the princess to push me down?

"Umu, you seem to have calmed down."

 When I stood still without being able to move, Princess Christia let go of my body, contrary to my expectations.

His gentlemanly attitude is rather resentful.

I felt like I wanted to be messed up tonight...

It's still daytime.

"Get some rest. I'll lie down too."

 Princess Christia lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.

Goodbye boobs, until we meet again.

I was happy to be surrounded by you.

No, no, it's not the time to regret the remnants.

I have to restart my magic experiments.

It's fine to flirt, but right now I have a lot of things I want to think about and confirm.

It's fuller than your boobs.

 I open the status window again.

As I read the explanation, I realized that the easiest thing to make at the moment was water.


Crafting Item: Water (Lv.1)

Category: Food Production (Lv.1)

Consumes 4 MP

Description: Can be made using oxygen and hydrogen in the air.

It is also possible to create drinkable fresh water using water that actually exists (seawater, river water, water in food), and in that case, the production time is shortened.

Preparation time: 30 minutes (1000ml)


 Does it take 30 minutes to make?

However, this seems to be shortened by increasing the level of creation magic, the level of each category, and the level of each crafting item.

Do you want to try it anyway?

 I closed my eyes and turned my attention to the inside of my body as if meditating.

Then I could feel the magical power in the same way as I could feel my pulse and breathing.

And I activate creation magic.

Then, I felt like my body was drained of magic, and a timer lit up at the edge of the window.

Water Until the end of production 00:29:58

 It seems to have started.

The creation is automatic, and you don't need to concentrate all the time.

You can walk around freely even while activating magic, and there seems to be no problem doing various tasks.

After all, this place is in a prison.

There is very little you can do.

Shall I clean up? 

It must be a filthy place to begin with, but the puke I just threw up is still there.

The smell is supposed to be terrible.

However, when I looked around the room, I couldn't find any cleaning tools.

All that's here is the bed we're on and the bucket in the corner of the room.

This must be the toilet...

It's kind of scary when you think about it.

It takes 247 years to create a panacea, but what about vaccines and antibiotics? 

If you don't do something, you may die from pneumonia or an infection.


If you do a search, it looks like you can make penicillin.

If you have the blue mold that is the raw material, you can make it in 47 hours, which is faster than you think.

Oral medicine can also be made, so you don't have to go out of your way to make a syringe.

Either way, it doesn't seem possible at the moment.

Water Until the end of production 00:16:37

 What should I do, when I finish making water, I'll try making a rag or a mop.

For the time being, I want to clean up my own vomit responsibly.

How long does it take to make a rag?


Crafting Item: Dust cloth (Lv.1)

Category: Tool making (Lv.1)

Consumes MP 20

Description: A type of cleaning tool.

Production time: 6 hours


 After all, it seems that it will take a lot of time to make it without materials.

Maybe I should just wipe it off with the clothes I'm wearing.

Wiping it up and throwing it out through the small window might make the stench go away.

Right now, I'm wearing a cotton shirt and chino pants.

The rainwear was taken off when forced by the female soldiers and remained in place.

It's semi-underground here, but the temperature is higher than in Japan.

In terms of feeling, it feels like I came from Tokyo to Okinawa.

I don't like using my shirt as a rag, but it doesn't seem to be a problem if it doesn't turn into underwear.

When I glanced at Princess Christia, she closed her eyes and remained still.

It doesn't look like he's sleeping, but he's not moving.

Should I take off my underwear now?

Water Until the end of production 00:08:07

 It looks like it will take a little longer for the water to finish.

I quietly remove the button so that I don't notice the presence.

As I took off my clothes, I suddenly thought of the earth.

It might be a big fuss on the fishing boat by now.

Because I suddenly disappeared.

Will it still be treated as a maritime accident? 

It was a holiday reception, so I don't think there will be any industrial accidents...

Parents will be worried...

Can I go back to my original world? 

When I was thinking about various things, I cried, and I wiped my tears with the underwear I had just taken off.

"Shiro... are you crying?"

 Princess Christia was lying down and staring at me.

By the way, my upper body is still naked.

"No, this is..."

 When I hurriedly tried to put on my shirt, Princess Christiana hugged me from behind.

You can feel the softness on your back.

Maybe I don't have to go home anymore...

"Shiro is kind. Did you try to comfort me when I was about to die..."

 You are making a big mistake, but I dare to ignore it! 

Now keep pushing me down!

"But if you don't want to cry, you can't force yourself..."

"It's not unreasonable... I feel sorry for the princess..."

 I tried my best to play a cute guy, but what do you think? 

Just disgusting? 

Leave me alone!

"Shiro is really cute."

 It works for princesses! 

It's possible in this world! 

I can go, I can go!

 I felt Princess Christia's kiss on my neck.

I'm glad I took a shower first thing in the morning so as not to be rude because it was a reception.

Hmm, tickling...

"Are you trembling? Don't worry, I'm used to dealing with men..."

Then leave everything to us!

Everything will be fine now.

Princess Christia's white finger gently caresses my cheek.

I closed my eyes while my brain was numb with sweet expectations.


00:00:00 until the end of water production

water is complete. Please specify the spawn location.



Hold on, I'm in a good place now!

water is complete. Please specify the spawn location.

I'm noisy.

Ehehe, Princess Christia...

water is complete. Please specify the spawn location.

Give me some concentration!

water is complete. Please specify the spawn location.

Already understood! 

water is complete. Please specify the spawn location.

Just leave it there!

It was the moment when I thought about that while looking at the edge of the floor in front of my gaze.


Suddenly, the stone floor was flooded with water.

Probably exactly 1 liter...

When you make water, you have to prepare a container first.

Be careful next time.

Princess Christia doesn't seem to have noticed that the water has appeared.

Yeah, let's focus on this rather than magic for now.

Otherwise, I can't think of anything calm down.