
Let’s run an inn on dungeon island

One day, Sanada Shirou, who works for a black company, is transported to another world. Using his \"creation magic\", an ability he gained when transported, he opens an inn and is supposed to lead a slow life, but this other world is a little strange?! It is a world where women are overwhelmingly dominant, where women do dangerous work and battle, and men are powerless and are protected! The daily life of entertaining (in many ways) the women of this other world begins...!

Daoist137206 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


Why does it feel so good to take a bath in the morning?

The wind blowing from the forest is still refreshing, and the sunlight filtering through the foliage glitters in the hot water, making it very beautiful.

I didn't have time to go pick flowers and herbs, so I put the essential oil I made in the material preparation into hot water.

Relax in the morning with the scent of lavender.

Somehow, I feel like my femininity has increased since I came to another world.

Is this also the effect of the transfer to another world? 

The women around me are like men from Earth, so maybe I'm becoming more feminine.

Or rather, maybe I'm the one who unconsciously senses the image of a man that's sought after and plays it...

I'm not a strong enough person to decide my actions based on my own will alone.

How can human behavior be influenced by the environment? 

In particular, I have an easy-going personality.

"Goku, when the pudding is baked, let it cool down in the storage room.

 After issuing a new order, I stretched out my arms and legs as hard as I could in the hot water.

If I was on Earth, it would be about time to go to work.

At first I wondered what would happen, but I feel like it would be more fulfilling after the transfer.

I don't know why, but I've adapted to this environment and live comfortably.

The bath slime was happily swaying along with my humming.


 Lotte Glam and his party were walking along the forest path towards the dungeon.

Soldiers, led by non-commissioned officers, are about to arrive at the scene.

An important mission is finally about to begin, but Lotte is vacantly thinking about Shiro Sanada.

(Even though it's homely, there are men like that...)

 That was Lotte's honest impression of Shiro.

The breakfast this morning was also delicious.

The sausage made from goat meat was especially juicy, and the goat yogurt with mango was delicious.

The tablecloth was dazzling without a single stain, and the knives and forks that were served were beautifully polished.

The golems are in charge of cleaning and washing the most, but Lotte doesn't care that much.

And Lotte was happy that Shiro was interested in building moats and model sailing ships.

I could have a good conversation with that man, and that kind of expectation springs up.

(If I could make such a man my lover...)

 Marriage may be impossible because of the difference in status, but I think how happy I would be if I could make her my mistress.

If that happens, I'll probably spend all my time at the concubine's house.

Carabel, Galley, Galleon, every day they make models and talk.

Enjoy the food made by Shiro, and then at night...

Dreaming of such a future, Lotte secretly smiled.

"It seems that Lotte-sama is also looking forward to conquering the dungeon, isn't it?"

 Lotte came to his senses when he was suddenly spoken to by his adjutant Rain.


"Lotte-sama doesn't often leak a smile.

 Only then did Lotte realize that her expression had loosened due to delusions with Shiro.


 Self-examination that I have to change my mind, I forced my head into work mode.

Then, Lotte immediately realized that she had forgotten something.

I forgot the blueprint of the island from the air at the inn that I received from the Land Management Survey Institute.

"I'm sorry Diane.

"In that case, can I send someone to take your place?"

"No, I'll go by myself."

 The documents were in my room, and I didn't want others to enter my room.

Above all, in the bag containing the documents, there are several erotic novels to soothe the boredom of the trip.

The story is about a woman who likes to be blamed by men, and it's a bit abnormal.

In this world, a woman's M is a bit unusual, but Lotte was also a woman with a strong M.

"I'll be right back. I've asked you to direct the scene."

 Leaving the rest to Rain, Lotte turned back along the forest path.


 When I got out of the bath and had the cold river water poured over me, I felt refreshed.

While enjoying the feeling of openness, walk naked to the cave.

The wind blowing from the forest goes through my crotch...

I felt a wavering feeling in my body.

 If you walk around while soaking in a good mood, the important parts will sway.

When I was thinking about going to the work site after getting dressed, I bumped into Gram-sama at the corner.


 Both Gram-sama and I were unable to say anything immediately.

And the next moment, they shout the same words at the same time!


 When I used my hands and thighs to hide the important parts, Gram-sama turned his back.

"I-I'm sorry. I thought everyone was going out..."

"No, I forgot something... Excuse me!"

 Mr. Gram ran away.

Your face was red, but you won't fall down again, right? 

Anyway, hurry up and get dressed.


 Lotte rushed into her roomwrithingmimodaI dived into bed so that I could see it.

And without looking at the bag containing the documents, I scratch my head.

No matter how hard I tried to erase it, the body of Shiro I had just seen revived vividly in my mind.

"What should I do... At this rate, I can't get my work done..."

 Trying to calm herself down, Lotte slightly loosened the button on her shirt on the bed and took a deep breath...

Then, with a flustered hand, I also took off my underwear.

(I have to finish quickly...)

10 minutes later

 Lotte looked listlessly at the dust dancing in the sunlight shining through the crack in the wooden door.

It's time to start work, but I still don't have the energy to start moving.

I feel sorry for my subordinates, but I wanted to be a little more vague.

Still, Lotte has a diligent personality by nature.

With my mind gradually awakening, I also have all the necessary notes in my hand so that I will not neglect this time.

As I checked my hair in the mirror, I heard a timid knocking sound.

"Gram-sama…are you sure?"

 At Shiro's visit, Lotte's heart, which should have calmed down, was beating like an early bell again.


 Thanks to taking a deep breath and replying, my voice is not trembling.

That fact gives Lotte a little peace of mind.

"I apologize for earlier. Also, thank you for sharing the various ingredients yesterday. I want to say thank you."

 Shiro entered the room with a small box in his hand.

"Thanks, etc..."

 As usual, Lotte spoke very few words.

I know it's not going to be a conversation, but there's nothing I can do about it.

"So, I made something like this as a thank you."

 Lotte gasped when she saw what Shiro had taken out.

It was a number of finely crafted small dolls.

"Is this... me?"


"So many?"

"Ah, I only made it for Gram-sama last night. I already made the rest…"

 Shiro tried to deceive him, but Lotte, who was fascinated by the figure, didn't particularly care.

"Actually, I have a doll of my own, but… are you still not good at putting a man on it?"

 Lotte falls into the illusion that Shiro's smiling smile will suck him in.


"You did it!"

 Shiro lined up the miniature dolls next to the unfinished sailing ship model.

The size was also just right in harmony with the sailing ship.

"What is this made of?"

"I am using clay."

"What about coloring?"


 The miniature dolls are adorable.


 Actually, it was, but Lotte himself had forgotten about it.

"Uh, yeah. That's right."

"Then, let's ride Silver. It's a horse-shaped golem. I was thinking of going to the work site soon."


 Lotte and Shiro came out together.

"Silver No. 1, come!"

 When Shiro called, the horse-shaped golem came immediately.

"Which would you like, front or back?"

 It seems that Shiro intends to ride with them.

After some hesitation, Lotte chose the front.

I can't ride behind a man if my subordinates see me.

Lotte's personal hobby is to cling to a man and ride, but...

However, I can ride a horse with this man, so I switch to feeling that I shouldn't say luxury.

 Lotte got on first and pulled Shiro up.

Even though I was feeling calm, I hated myself for becoming uneasy and acting suspicious again.

"I'll put it out."

 Keeping his cool with all his heart, Lotte let the reins bend lightly.