
Let’s Kill Together: Undying Love

Lovers will always find each other even if they happen to live in a shitty world with even shittier people. However, how far will the lovers go? How strong will their bond be? And who said that they will have a good influence on each other? Immerse yourself in a dark world where even a man wishes his enemy not to be born in it.

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22 Chs

Dark surpises

There, she was standing, two corpses before her. Would the police believe her if she told she was innocent? Damn no! 'Shit what am I going to do now?', Emilia posed herself the question. 'I can't just betray Drace! Betray? Why am I thinking that way? She turned around, on her way to leave the alley. However, before she had left it completely she spined around to have a last look at the corpses. She clasped her fast beating heart and mumbled: 'I hate this body!' And she was gone.


Mickal, one of the twins was jogging on a public sport place. The sport place was enormous and not placed in the centre of the city but rather next to a forest. The city itself was built like a triangle and surrounded by the ocean. In District 2 one side bordering the water had a beach, the other side though had a thick forest leading to the ocean. And before this forest the immense sport place was. Though today it was empty, only Mickal. This might have been like that because today most people were celebrating the lifting of the night-time ban. Mickal wore a black jogging tube and a black hoodie. He had been running for some time but he wasn't really sweating a lot. He ceased his jogging and went for some stretching. 'Huh, my condition is still good!' 'Yeah it seems like it!' Mickal turned around and spotted Pr. Edle with a wood baseball bat in his hands. Mickal's eyes thinned, forming to a slit and demanded: 'What do you want from me?' 'I want answers!', Pr. Edle replied and slowed down, though he also started swing his bat around. 'Did you force my wife to meet with you?' 'Damn, why would I want to meet with her?' Pr. Edle stopped walking and smashed his bat on the field. He supressed a grunt. 'You know I wanted to that the nice way' – 'The nice way dude? Then why bring the bat with you?' 'Only as plan B and it seems like I will need that now!' 'What was plan A Meeting me and speaking nonsenses. Look, I don't want any stress. Just let me go and tomorrow we can speak about everything!' 'Why tomorrow! You know I never really understood you black folk', Mickal formed fists and veins snaked up his face, 'always scheming something and playing dirty' – 'the only one playing dirty would be your wife. And you are fool enough to trust her. Well, I expected nothing more of white shit like you! Pathetic!' And the disgust in his words was strong!' 'You bastard!', Pr. Edle bellowed and dashed at him. Yet, Mickal was calm, damn calm. Pr. Edle swung the bat at him and Mickal remained on his place. He wouldn't defend himself or evade the coming bat. Instead he rotated his body as he thrusted one fist forward. And that fist was enough shatter the bat, though it didn't stop there. His fist met Pr. Edle's face and broke him to the ground. He held onto his bleeding nose. His legs were shuddering. 'Well', Mickal said, 'I can't now just let you go like that, can I. I mean the first thing you will do is run to the police!' 'No, I swear I will forget everything that happened today. And I will scold my wife for lying!' 'Hahaha, I think your wife is already being scolded by another person, if you get what I mean!' And Pr. Edle's face lost all its colour. He dropped his head. Mickal went into a crouch and put his hand on Pr. Edle's head. 'So professor, I shall take care of you!' And when Pr. Edle rose his head to meet Mickal's face he froze on place. Never in his life had he been terrified to this extent. (Pr. Edle This is not the normal expression of someone!)


Emilia entered her room. Although she was tired she didn't directly run to her bed. More like she couldn't because someone was sitting there. 'Finally I found you, my wife!'