
Lessons from the Cascade!

Once, three travellers were passing through a jungle. There, they reached at a cascade and read a sentence which was written near by the cascade -"Virtue me, I'm an ideal for you".

Together, all three of them started wondering that what kind of message the sentence was trying to deliver?

The first one said,"This cascade flows onto a long valley, it goes nearby a pond, several lakes and drains melt in it, then at the end it converts itself into a so long river. So, this sentence teaches us that we should keep working consistently and be social but be full of yourself (in a positive way)".

The second traveller said,"Well, I see a different meaning in this sentence. This cascade quenches thirst of everyone, whoever comes to it, no matter who the person is, it gives chance to savor its water to everyone. It does this service without any price, any greed or not for any reward. Therefore, it is an ideal for us and it teaches that we should be useful for ourselves and for our people as well".

The third traveller politely said,"We drink its water only when it seems neat and clean. If it seems dirty then we absolutely wouldn't drink it. If you want that people respect you then make yourself so pure, be holy, be true".

Moral, by S.T.G.:

*Work hard with persistence, think good, be good, do good*

I am awesome!