
The Encounter On Lost Forrest

Wolford And I ventured in Shadow Forrest. Expected it was taken about 16 hour to travel cross 1 country.

The Wolf Emperor Is Really Convenient. -Shyre

The Shadow Forrest entrance was very mystic. The Shadow Forrest was known by it's treacherous characteristic.

- Shyre -

[ The Dusk Void Blade is very powerful... even I doubt if I can touch it... ] * Proud * With my shadow skills proven... it won't do anything harmful to me nor Wolford.

[ A Shout Was Heard By Shyre And Wolford ]

- Wolford -

* Sharply * It is in the Forrest my Lord... Based on tone of shout it was a girl encountered a trap or some beast.

- Shyre -

* Amazed * Nice Wolford... Head now ... Lead the way!

- Wolford -

* Howls *

[ Shyre and Wolford immediately gone to the origin of shout... Then, They see a fainted girl... ]

- Shyre -

[ It seems that she lost her consciousness ] * Calm * Wolford we gonna look after this girl until she gets out of the Forrest ...

- Wolford -

* Agree * Yes my Lord ...

[ Time passed and finally the young girl woke up... ]

- Young Girl -

[ My head feel fuzzy ] * Sits * ... * Shocked * Er... WHO ARE YOU!? What've you done to me !? Wahh... It's a Great Wolf... * Trembling * You... were planning to e... eat me... [ !? ]

- Wolford -

* Calm * Impolite girl...

- Shyre -

[ Pfft... Great Wolf... ] * Calm * Don't mind it I don't have any desire regarding to you... especially your body... Oh regarding this wolf he is a good wolf...

- Young Girl -

* Reddish face * You-

[ Shyre blocked her lips using his fingers ]

- Young girl -

* Blush * ...

[ Shyre Let go of his finger ]

- Shyre -

* Intrigued * Name young girl?

- Young Girl -

* Protective * Hmp... Why do I have to tell you!?

- Emperor Of Wolves -

- Rank S Mythical Beast.

- Its Claws Can Slice A Mountain.

- Fastest Among Mythical Beast