
Leon Zoldyck

Follows the life of Leon Zoldyck heir to the Zoldyck clan in the world of HunterXHunter. If you want to support the novel and want to read ahead go check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Zhouzifeng77?fan_landing=true

Black_Paladyn · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs


Yeah, so I'm going to do a new fanfic, but there will be a lot of similarities still hunter hunter MC is still a son of the Zoldyck family, and he will still end up going to the dark continent. But the plot leading up to that point will be more fleshed out with a clear goal and chapters. Also, I feel like the previous MC's powers were way too vague and overpowered. So I came up with a new set of powers which I'm really proud of. The first five chapters are already up so check out Incarnated As The God of Sin.

PS also check out my original novel it would mean a lot: Ascension of The Ashen Fiend


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