

The novel revolves around a person named Leon who has been persecuted throughout his life, even though he is a member of the richest families. However, he finds himself in an evil organization that aims to create special, supernatural children. What will his life become after he undergoes the dragon experiment? And what will happen to him after he turns into a human monster devoid of purpose, emotions, and will

DaoisthAQvrC · Fantasy
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7 Chs

normal day

I woke up to find myself lying in a bed in the school clinic while that nurse or whatever her name is standing at my head, saying, "Wake up, how do you feel now?

Nothing my head hurts so bad.

That nurse put her hand on my forehead and said, "Well there's no fever. I've lost consciousness from malnutrition. You really don't eat well."


What are you? This is a normal thing. Your blood pressure is low because of nutrient deficiency. I'll write you some medications that you have to take to get better.

l. No need. Thank you.

And yet that nurse didn't listen to me take a paper and a pen from her office drawer and she writes me those medications and gives them to me... But I didn't understand the handwriting of doctors and nurses is really hard to understand, basically is it possible for the nurse to write me the medicine this school really top in the mess

And it seems like she was reading my thoughts when she saw my volatile mood and struggles to understand his handwriting, and she said to me, while hanging over her mouth, "Hey, boy, give it to your parents, do you understand?

Well, I'll do it... " And I say to myself and talk to her on the basis that my parents will understand your line and also want me to tell them? In Your Dreams

Until she stun me, she said she would call my parents to tell them how I was and reassure me.

Damn, this nurse's trying to kill me.

I started trying to convince her that I was fine and that there was no need to call them out. It wasn't worth it, but there was no life for those calling out.

This ridiculous woman doesn't want to understand.

Leon: "A... Please don't have to call them. I'm fine.

Nurse: "I'm really sorry, but that's my responsibility.

And here my heat started to rise, I started sweating from the stress, and I see her going to get the phone to call them, and she gave me that phone and asked me my parents' number.

I replied that I didn't know what made her insistent on calling them after she smiled slyly because she thought I was lying and I swore I didn't really know my parents' phone number... Basically, what am I going to do with their numbers? They don't care about me at all.

And I went to look at the student's record because it contained parental data and also phone numbers... Really fuck this nurse is unbearably stubborn.

I started crying at that moment, and I went into a hysterical crying attack, and this nurse was surprised by my reaction, and she's trying to calm me down in any way.

Nurse: "Please calm down a little bit. It's not worth all the crying. You didn't do anything wrong, did you?

Leon: "Nurse, please don't... I said that while grabbing a limb of her clothes while I cried.


Well, actually I... In fact, my mom is sick with cancer and she's in a bit of a bad state. Luckily, her condition is not so bad as to be bedridden. But if she knows about what happened to me today, she will worsen as well. My father works in a distant city and I can only see him every other week. So I would just be in their eyes a hassle-inducing kid and a heavy burden on them because I kid couldn't be able.

Please, nurse, don't tell them, please... I said those words while my tears were still in my eyes, but I was surprised by her hand, she patted my head and she said,

Well... It's okay, I'm not going to tell them, but I didn't think you were such a good-hearted kid with such amazing and impressive consideration.

And then we heard the sound of the door, and it opens up, and we see Kiara intervening as soon as she saw me come up to me surprisingly, and she says, "Leon, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you. I said it with some shame because I didn't imagine she was worried about me and she came to visit honestly.

A strange feeling that someone cares about you while you've never had anyone before, a sense of interest for the first time is a very strange thing and I can't describe it.

I got out of that bed and I was going to get out of this clinic with Kiara, but I heard a voice from behind me, she's the nurse, and she's saying to me, "You're not eating well, little girl, I know you have problems, but at least take care of yourself and also buy him something to eat, my daughter.

Kiara: "Of course

We finally got out of that clinic walking in that hallway. Kiara started asking me what was that nurse talking about? What problems were you talking about?

Nothing worth mentioning, Kiara.

I was mind-blowing and I was thinking about what I said to that nurse that my mom was a cancer patient and that my dad was working somewhere far away and I was asking myself how? How could I lie an exaggerated lie to such a crazy degree?

Also, what if that nurse wasn't convinced by my word?

And I called my parents to check if I was lying or not.

I literally can't imagine that situation. I was lucky at the time... Very lucky.

So I'm surprised by Kiara's words, and she says words to me that bring me back to reality: "Well, it's fine as long as you don't want to talk, I can't do anything.

I started to get nervous as always and move my hand like an idiot while I talk and I say to her: "Wait a little bit. That's not what I mean to assure you.

Kiara: "Here's what you are. I'm just kidding.

I sighed with relief after I heard these words we went to the vending machine and Kiara bought a sandwich and a juice box for me.

I hesitated to eat it because I simply don't have the money to give it back to her, but at the same time my stomach screams and she orders food.

What do I do... I swallowed my thoughts while I looked at this triangular-shaped sandwich and millions of thoughts swimming in my mind.

Do I eat or say no but I will die of hunger... Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Kiara: "How long are you going to be staring at her like this?

Well, in my hand, a stunt that started eating like crazy was so delicious while I drank that juice I had never drunk before. Water was my only drink, and the only thing that doesn't stop me from not dying.

Oh, my God, what torment I was experiencing.

I didn't know how I swallowed that sandwich in less than a second that disappeared from my fingers, while you look at Kiara with a wonder: "I can't believe you ate it so quickly. This is amazing.

What? Really? ؟

Yeah, but there's a fractional residue on your face.

I tried to wipe it with the tip of my clothes, but it stopped me and asked me to wipe it down with that napkin that comes with that sandwich.

Well, I was in an awkward situation because I don't even know how to eat as a natural person, which caused me some great frustration and shame, but that girl met me with a nice laugh, which made me kind of shit out of myself.

We went back to class and other students didn't skimp on me with those looks of fatal intent, but some kids came asking about my situation after they got the news that I was in the clinic and I suddenly passed out.

I replied that I was fine and thanked them for asking about me, but in the inside of myself I realize that they only did so that they might look good in front of Kiara.

It's been a week since that day and nobody bullied me at school because Kiara is always with me and that bully seems to be afraid of his damn reputation in front of the girls.

Kiara had a beautiful aura that attracted these kids and she could be friends on her first day at this school, but she always told me that I understood her and that I also treated her like a normal person.

I didn't understand what she meant, but that's what she was saying, and thanks to her, my relationship with some of my colleagues got a little better until that bully started talking to me normally from time to time.

It's like my life's getting better, isn't it? Well, that's what I thought, too.

I came home after that long school day and my brothers are always greeted by servants in a way that shows the utmost respect, but I

They always greet me with absurdly cold looks, and even servants disrespect me and beat me sometimes, once a maid beat me brutally just because I ate from a plate that was in the kitchen.

That's what made me have a big psychological knot.

I entered the gate of the palace and my brothers greeted me, I tried to avoid them relatively far away from them in order not to make my body close to them to avoid beating.

I passed by them and I hear them whispering.

The inheritance thief came.

Seeing your ugly face this every day really ruins my mood -

We haven't seen bruises on your face in a long time.

Honestly after everything that's happened to me in the last few years, I've gotten used to that bad treatment from my brothers so I'm not afraid of them anymore, but Hasturi when I remember that day, I almost pee on myself.

Here I knew that no matter how high I was, I couldn't stand up to that red devil.

I walked into that basement, and I found that cat right at the door waiting for me here. I started a few disturbing thoughts, but I kicked them out of my mind.

I got out of my love a can of tuna.

I brought it from the school restaurant. They give it to us every Monday.

And I lay in bed watching in that cat and he ate quickly, and I began to remember myself saying, "It seems like his condition is no different from mine..." Suddenly, the stomach started making noises. It seems that this sandwich is not enough to fill my hunger, but I can bear and patience until tomorrow.

Sometimes I stayed without food for three days, and yet hunger is the only thing I can't get used to.

I tried to distract myself from hunger, and I started to get those books out of my wallet, and I started studying a little bit, maybe if I worked a little hard and got a good sign, I might get some attention from my family, or maybe their treatment would improve for me.

That's what I thought.