
Forgotten Grace

Everyone in the arena couldn't believe what they were seeing. Those that were criticizing Leng San a while ago were frozen in their tracks.

The referee went onto the stage to check Zhong Jiangfan's pulse.

'The guy fainted within one hit to the face. What a beast!!'

"Zhong Jiangfan cannot continue to fight. The winner is Leng San of the Floating Cloud Village!!"

Not a word was said for a moment until the referee's announcement broke the crowd's silence.

"O...One hit, only one hit by the palm!!"

"Damn!! This kid was just acting yesterday."

"Terrifying, he knocked out an opponent whose qi was 3 levels higher, within one hit!!"

The crowd that had looked down on Leng San just a moment ago was now humming like bees in confusion.

Leng San brushed off some dust from his clothes, flicked his hands, and crossed them to the back before leaving the stage, gracefully. His weak qi and acting had made the crowd overlook the fact that...

'This man's physical attractiveness is second to none.'

Leng San's build was that of a full-grown man, lean and tall. His complexion was not light, but it was fair and spotless like a woman's skin. After the match with Zhong Jiangfan, the boy had become the target of every lady in the Indigo Cloud City!!

'This participant, despite having only violet qi, attacked his opponent with superb accuracy and did not make any unnecessary movements. I am sure that he had been acting all along.'

Yi Longwang speculated, her eyes were fixed on Leng San.

"Hahahaha! You nailed it, my boy," Xiaolin Lun stood up and clapped his hands in delight.

"The next match will be between Su Guanbiao from the Fire Fortress Sect, and Di Longguan from the Di Clan," the referee announced on stage.

Leng San squinted his eyes.

'Chun Jiangtu told me that Su Guanyu is the eldest son of the leader of the Fire Fortress Sect, while Su Guanbiao is his younger brother. Great!! I will root for him this round so that I can defeat him in the next match as a little present for Su Guanyu!!'

As expected, Su Guanbiao won the match. As the second eldest son of the Fire Fortress Sect, he easily defeated Di Longguan within ten moves.

The tournament continued until eight matches went by.

"I would like to announce the eight qualifiers for the quarterfinals.

Leng San of the Floating Cloud Village versus Su Guanbiao of the Fire Fortress Sect.

Guan Sangtian of the Deluge Sect versus Xiaolin Zhen of the Xiaolin Clan.

Zhang Jitian of the Soaring Sword Sect versus Li Yang of the Fire Fortress Sect.

Xiaolin Zhang of the Xiaolin Clan versus Yi Longwang of the Soaring Sword Sect."

"Leng San and Su Guanbiao, step onto the stage," the referee announced.

Leng San slowly walked up to the stage, his arms were still crossed at the back. The boy instantly sensed a murderous intent from Su Guanbiao, who was dispersing his level 5 indigo qi to provoke his opponent. Leng San's eyebrows knitted together.

'He intends to kill me!!' Leng San squinted his eyes and smirked.

"Leng San, there is no conflict between us, but it's just your bad luck that you are representing the Floating Cloud Village!!"

"Ohhhh, the fact that I am representing the Floating Cloud Village is troubling you? But how?"

"Scumbag!! Do not feign ignorance. You seem to be in high spirits after that victory for your tiny village. I'll show you the sky's limit!!"

"Hmm? The sky's limit? I'm not interested in that sort of thing. I'm more interested in the following question. What should people call a person who's been defeated by scumbag!!"

Leng San initiated the fight with his light-body technique, Dragon Spirit, and disappeared from the arena!!

The boy then packed one hundred percent of his ninth-level violet qi into his right fist and punched Su Guanbiao's lower abdomen!! Su Guanbiao didn't even have enough time to circulate his defensive qi!!



Su Guanbiao's scream exploded within the arena. His body flew at least five meters high into the air. As the boy's body was falling down to the floor, his neck was grabbed by Leng San's cold devilish hand, who then let his murderous intent roam free. Su Guanbiao's body trembled, not because of the injuries, but because of the mental pressure that was washing away his senses like a tsunami. Su Guanbiao's irises swelled up before yellow liquid, flowing from the crotch of his pants made a large puddle on the stage!!

"Ohhhhh, the young master of the great Fire Fortress Sect. Why are you urinating in front of everyone?"

The spectators were petrified, as if their organs turned into stone, even swallowing their saliva was impossible. Especially those that were sitting right beside the stage, profusely sweating. Their spirits were crushed to bits by Leng San's murderous intent.

"Actually, I just wanted to teach you a lesson, but you plotted to take my life. Don't blame me for being cruel!!" Leng San whispered into Su Guanbiao's ear.

The boy raised his left hand that was grabbing Su Guanbiao a bit higher and circulated qi to his right hand.

'The third of the Five Leng Clan's Techniques, Poisonous Dragon!!'

Leng San then lightly placed his hand onto Su Guanbiao's stomach.

"Arghhhhhhhh!!" Su Guanbiao wailed in horror, the tips of his fingers and feet contracted, each and every cell in his body had been intercepted by a stream of qi. The spectators were paralyzed, mouths hanging open, by the boy's hysterical cry of pain.

Leng San softly smiled. His eyes were that of a soulless beast that had taken the lives of many. He then flung Su Guanbiao's body below the stage with the flick of his left arm.

Xuanwu Jincan, the referee quickly went to check Su Guanbiao's condition!!

After checking the fallen participant's pulse, Xuanwu Jincan was at a loss for words. His eyes bulged as he swiftly turned to look at Leng San!!

'His pulse and meridians were intercepted and cut by a stream of knife-like qi. He would be living the rest of his life as a paraplegic!! This technique is terrifying and cruel. Which clan does this boy belong to? I've never seen anything like this in my whole life.'

"Su Guanbiao is unable to return to the fight. Leng San is the winner of this match!!" Xuanwu Jincan announced to the crowd instead of the acting referee.

The crowd's buzzing came from all directions!!

"Wh...wh... who is that boy!! He defeated the young master of the Fire Fortress Sect within less than ten breaths."

"He crushed Su Guanbiao!!"

"His killing intent was devastating!!"

Leng San left the stage, gracefully. But he was frowning.

'I've turned the young master of the Fire Fortress Sect into a paraplegic. They wouldn't let me survive after the tournament ends. It seems that I must be named the winner of this tournament in order to seek protection from the people of the Indigo Cloud City.'