

After a few moments Reynold had called upon the maid, within the hour an assortment of food was brought to Lela's room. Only then did she realize how hungry she had been, how parched she was… all the manners that she had learned in her lessons were thrown out the window as she ate her fill, Reynold could only sit in his seat with a smile holding back a fountain of joy as he didn't want to worry her with his tears…

As Lela began to feel full a older man walked into the room, the door had been left open for the various maids and butlers… while the castle staff was small they might as well be family, the Fidellis household was a tight-knit group, seeing the man Reynold climbed to his feet reluctantly taking his eyes off Lela as if she'd disappeared the next moment, slightly lowering his head he greeted the old man, "Royal Doctor."

The man gave a gruff nod towards Reynold as he lugged around a large bag, dropping the bag onto Reynold's seat he opened the bag and searched through the bag while talking, "So, little lady how are you feeling?"

Swallowing her food, Lela took a drink before speaking, "I-I don't know…?" She set down her utensils and turned towards the man, who feeling her gaze turned his eyes to her, "There's something weird with my… body…"

The man's brows furrowed as he grabbed her wrist startling her, twisting it he placed two fingers against the underside of her arm, running those two fingers up the length of her forearm he let out a 'hmmpf' of thought before turning towards Reynold, "How old is she?"

"Lela is 5…"

Lela's eyes switched between them, she didn't follow what was going on until the old man snapped his head towards her, "Little Lady, can you do something for me?"

Curious Lela nodded, seeing this the old man smiled as he pulled something from a pocket in his robes, "Alright, take this and focus… focus on that weird feeling… Can you do that for me?"

Reynold was watching intently, the item Lela held was a mana induction plate, this one specifically was a hand warmer… if she really awakened her mana… his mind was racing, but he knew if she didn't he would do everything in his power to make her special in her own way whatever that meant to her…

Lela closed her eyes, as she attempted to focus on that feeling, her brows furrowed, nothing happened… Was something supposed to happen? Opening her eyes she looked towards the old man, who huffed "Who said stop, keep going,"

Lela stuck her tongue out at the old man before turning away from him, he stood there shocked before turning towards Reynold who awkwardly scratched the back of his neck… He couldn't believe Lela would do such a thing to the Royal Doctor, as for the Old Man he eyed the girl it was rare that they weren't overly polite…

After almost an hour the old man was losing interest, it never took this long, it seemed he was wrong. Just as he was about to leave he heard a yelp as the sound of glass shattering reached his ears, he snapped around and saw Reynold holding Lela as she cried, narrowing his eyes he found burns on the young girl's hands. Turning back around he asked, "Little Lady… did you feel it?"

Stifling back her tears she nodded, Reynold held her as he congratulated her, "Lela, you awakened your magic,"

Her eyes went wide, her mind not even processing the pain, "Huh…?"


After checking Lela for any hidden injuries or illness the Royal Doctor left, but as he rode past the gates of the castle he couldn't stop thinking about that child… She had just awakened her mana but yet she was able to heat the 'Mana Induction Plate' enough to burn herself…

Pulling a plate similar to the one Lela broke he channeled his mana into his slowly increasing the amount until he could feel his skin burning… "My god… nearly an apprentice already…"

There were four known ranks of magicians, the first rank was an Apprentice. It usually takes children 4 years for them to reach this level, depending on their talent and how much they use their mana.

The next level was Adept, at this point a magician could register at the 'Tower of Magic'. For most it would take 10 years to reach this level and this is where most stop advancing.

Expert, the same level as the Royal Doctor… It had taken him his lifetime to reach this level, however his talent in magic was less than average. He wouldn't have made it this far without his knowledge of medicine, however due to forcibly expanding his magic reserves with special medicine it had become diluted and unstable, but despite this he was still an Expert Magician, something many men would fear.

Master, a level that very few have reached in the past thousand years. There are only 3 known living Master Magicians, the first and youngest is the head of the 'Tower of Mages' a once in a millennium genius who broke through the Master Level at the age of 40. The Magicians at this rank are granted rights to do as they please in most kingdoms, known as walking calamities. These Magicians usually seclude themselves in magic and only show their faces when something interests them, as for the second it was the Stolan King who broke through the Master level at 83. While the third is an unknown person, they had only revealed themselves to the masses a few times and had never released their name of their features.

The old man fell into thought, it was rare for someone to awaken late especially as late as this… maybe the mana that had been pooling in her body needed a shock to awaken… maybe this could be replicated…

"I need more information…" The old man grumbled as he closed the window shutters. Intent on resting in the carriage before the next stop.


Lela soon fell to sleep, all the food she had eaten had settled deep into her stomach, Reynold didn't want to leave the room but now that he knew she would be fine. He had a lot of work to do…

The next morning Lela had asked one of the maids to take her to the 'Knight's Training Grounds', she spent her whole day watching the knights practice with vigor. Seeing someone that they didn't expect to see the Captain of the Knights approached Lela with a bow, "Milady, are you enjoying the knight's practice?"

Lela showed a large smile, "I want to learn how to fight with a sword!" The Captain was taken aback, Anna chided, "A lady shouldn't meddle with such things,"

Lela pouted, "I can't…?"

Anna watched as tears began to pool in Lela's eyes, and she was lost. The little lady never acted in such a way before… What happened…

In an attempt to soothe the little lady Anna softly spoke, "I will speak with Lord Fidellis when we return," Lela wiped her tears as she watched the knights, Anna noticed that each breathe would become longer and more irregular as she became seemingly entranced with their movements, 'I've never seen her so… interested…'

After taking Lela to bed, Anna went towards Reynold's study.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in," As Anna opened the door she found Reynold hunched over a paper, his quill quickly gliding across a different paper as he read the report, "Is there something wrong?"

Looking up from his paper he met eyes with Anna, who shook her head, "No, My lord… Little Lady Lela seems to have an interest in sword fighting… I promised her I would ask for your permission…`` Her head was low as she spoke, she had the most respect for Lord Fidellis, not only had he picked her off the streets but he had given her a home and a purpose. That is something she'd never be able to repay…

"Really? Well let her do as she pleases, just make sure she isn't injured in the process. I'll inform Sir Clifton to begin training Lela starting tomorrow, go and inform her of the news immediately. Make sure to report back to me about how she reacts."

Bowing lower than before Anna backed out of the room, "Very well my lord, it shall be done."


Lela was sitting in her room, taking deep and long breaths, she didn't understand why she did but it felt right to breath this way, she felt like she could see the world differently when she was doing it 'correctly'… but she didn't even know what that meant, since the lightning fell she didn't relive that nightmare, she couldn't even remember it…

However as she watched the knights swing their swords she felt like she wanted to do the same, she felt familiar with their movements, to the sword… she was frustrated that she didn't understand why or how but she figured the only way to learn was to pick up a sword and swing it till she understood.

As the sun rose in the east, Lela woke up to the light peeking past the curtains. Sitting up she felt that the pain in her chest had lessened slightly, the pain from breathing was easing, and she felt as if she could see the world clearer than before. She could see the small specks of dust floating in the air, she could hear the footsteps of the maids and butlers scurrying about as they prepared for the day… she could feel her mana faintly clearer than before…

Shaking her head she stood up, the maids would be coming soon to inform her that her bath was ready so she used this time to read a book, a fairytale about a princess locked in a tower in isolation until a monster came to save her, only for it to be revealed that the monster was a prince of a far away nation that had been cursed to never find true love as a monster…

She was excited to learn swordsmanship from Sir Clifton, she had heard stories from her father about how he could cleave a rock in two, or how he could split the clouds with a wave of his sword… how he was a magician at the Adept Level and how he was granted access to the third floor of the 'Tower of Magic' by the Tower Head himself.

She once read in the book how the 'Tower of Magic' had 20 floors, each floor held knowledge of spells, Magic Arrays, Magic Scrolls, Magic Techniques, and various Magic Tools. The 'Tower of Magic' was built to strengthen magicians from all countries and was a neutral land where no kingdom held any power, it was a place without discrimination or segregation… It was a place of research into the mysteries and applications of magic…

*Knock Knock*

"Milady, your bath is ready…" standing up from her seat Lela opened the door to let the flood of maids drag her away, they all seemed happy to help her around the castle whenever they got the chance, although it was awkward at first she slowly grew to like it…


After bathing and breakfast, Lela met Sir Clifton in the training grounds, the knights circled around them curious as to what their Little Lady was doing. They had heard from Sir Clifton and the Knight Captain that Lela would be joining their training from today on and they were excited, if their Little Lady could enter the 3 Kingdom Competition and win how many people would praise their Little Lady?

"Milady, are you sure you wish to do this… I have been ordered by Lord Fidellis to treat you the same as the knights…" Sir Clifton was worried, although Lord Fidellis had told him that they should support the Little Lady as much as they could. He couldn't help but feel that she wasn't built to hold a sword…

As for Lela she was ecstatic, she couldn't wait to swing around a sword, she'd never been allowed to do things like this so how couldn't she be excited, "I'm ready!"

Her seemingly fearful-looking eyes convinced the knights, they couldn't do this… there was no way they could swing their sword at the Little Lady, even if the Lord Fidellis ordered them. Sir Clifton released a heavy sigh, "Very well then, Lela go get changed your clothes are in the barracks. I expect you back in 3 Minutes."

Lela was shocked, the soft caring tone had disappeared leaving only Sir Cliftons commanding voice, she hurriedly ran off towards the barracks. As they watched she'd leave the knights and speak out, "Did you really have to do that?"

"Yeah, she's a child, let alone our Little Lady."




"SILENCE!" Sir Clifton barked out, "If you got time to complain you got time to run 30 laps around the keep!"

The knights looked at each other before sprinting off, none of them wanted on Sir Clifton's bad side, looking to his side Sir Clifton growled, "What are you doing standing there?! I SAID RUN!"

The Captain of the Knights was shocked, he was still in his half-plate armor as he had just come off night duty but instead of voicing his complaints he ran off, internally complaining how he was the only one that had to run the 30 laps in armor…

After 5 minutes Lela came out of the barracks, she seemed uncomfortable as she picked at the clothes she was told to wear, the fabric scratched at her skin, and the clothes were uncomfortable. Seeing her finally coming out, Sir Clifton ordered, "You're 2 minutes late, drop down and give me 10 push ups for every minute you were late."

Lela tilted her head in confusion, "Push ups?" Sit Clifton let out a long breath as he mumbled under his breath, "It's gonna be a long day…"

It took Lela an hour to finish 20 push ups, her body had been deprived of movement and nutrients for too long, at the end her body was trembling, her breathing was rough causing a shooting pain through her lungs as she tried to breathe, but it only got worse the more she tried to breathe the worst it got… she wanted to cry but she couldn't, she wanted to know why she felt like holding a sword, she wanted to know why she changed…


A month passed like this, Lela would join the knights for training in the morning, then go off for her lessons before lunch, then she would continue her lessons until the knights training at night before she would retire to her room to repeat it the next day, like this she fell into a rhythm which surprised Reynold… he never expected her to last this long but he couldn't help but to be happy, at least this way maybe one day she could protect herself… he wouldn't always be there even if his wealth was…

During this month, Lela began eating more and more food. Her body took everything it was given as if it was still starved, and slowly she became toned. Her shoulders, arms, and back were more defined than other children her age much like her legs, most girls would be put off by the muscles but Lela welcomed it.

Although Anna was upset and worried that her Little Lady would look like those brutish men that looked like a ball of flesh, she would do everything in her power to make sure that her Little Lady stays beautiful. Even if it meant getting rid of anyone more beautiful… She contently nodded her head pleased with the thought, she was almost an Expert Level Magician at the age of 37 after all… There weren't many she put in her eyes…

Lela hadn't seen much of Reynold recently, she didn't know why but he always seemed tired as of recently… he also spent a lot of time in his study… downhearted she set down her utensils and looked up to find Reynold half asleep whilst chewing his food, his head resting on his hand.

Standing up from her seat she ran up to Reynold giving him a hug she spoke with a smile, "Goodnight Papa," with a small tired smile Reynold hugged her tight, "Goodnight…"


A few months had passed alongside Lela's birthday, currently the newly 6 year old was in line with the knights swinging a dull sword for practice. The knights no longer were wary around Lela, they had gotten used to her joining their training and slowly reverted to their normal selves in her presence while they were on the training grounds… they didn't dare overstep, they were just commoners working, fighting, living for their lord and she was their Little Lady.

In these past few months Lela's breath slowly became unrecognizable, the days of the long irregular breaths were gone. Replaced with a steady breath that seemed unfazed by everything, and with it Lela slowly became able to keep up with the knights. She was still a long way from being on their level, she couldn't run 30 laps around the keep without a break but now she could do it with less breaks. Lela was happy to see progress, it meant she was doing something right, that she was getting closer to the reason…

"Milady, It's time for your lessons…" Anna stood on the side of the training grounds as the various knights wiped the sweat from themselves, just having finished their training each of them were dead tired but they still have much to do. Many of them averted their eyes as they got caught staring at Anna, who could blame them… among the lower class working in the castle, Anna was by far the most beautiful as well as single despite being as late into life as she was. There wasn't a single knights that wouldn't love a chance to impress Anna, but much like any other Expert Level Mage it proved much more than difficult for those that have tried.

"Coming!" Running through the net of Knights came a young girl, her hair was cut short and put up into a short tail behind her head, like every other person on the training grounds she wore the Fidellis Crest on her chest, dressed in the dark blue and white of the Fidellis Family she tossed the towel draped around her neck to the nearest knight.

Turning her head as she ran towards Anna she waved, "See you tomorrow! Work hard or I may catch up!" Her smile was large, her teeth showing as her eyes closed slightly.

The knights chuckled amongst themselves but she was right, she was making strides in progress thus igniting the competitiveness between the knights… none wanted to admit it but there were some that were afraid of the Little Lady's talent however they had a sense of pride and that didn't let them slow down now, to use this moment to realize their limits…

Half-listening to a lesson about various types of tea and other 'miscellaneous' things that she had listened to at least a hundred times from the various teachers that have came over these years, "Little Lady Fidellis, who is Lady Howton's seamstress…?"

Miss Lillian eyed Lela, believing she wasn't listening to Lilian and offered a question that she couldn't know. Raising her eyes to meet Miss Lilian's, Lela looked as if she couldn't understand as she spoke, "How couldn't you know?"

Miss Lillian was stunned, she always believed that Lela was ignorant of the world around her, always lost in her imagination… "Miss Lily does all of Lady Howton's, mine as well," Lela gave an innocent childish smile, she knew something her teacher didn't… how cool is that?

Lillian pulled back, scrutinizing the 'rags' Lela was wearing, 'It seems the Fidellis Wealth was just a farce'…

Lela became uncomfortable as Lillian looked down on her with contempt, she was a fairly new teacher that Lela hardly knew. Shirking back into her seat, Lela squeezed out an apology, "S-sorry…"

Lillian kissed her teeth, they were always brats that thought themselves better than others… and how dare she lie in 'my' face, the esteemed Miss Lily wouldn't dirty herself with such cloth…

"Lesson's over for the day, I will inform your father of your misdeeds," Lela froze, she didn't understand what she did wrong. Tears began to pool in her eyes as she darted out of the room, she didn't want anyone to see her cry… she wasn't a baby anymore, girls her age don't cry…

(A/N: Posted wrong one, this is only slightly different… no need to re-read if you already have)