

The protagonist woke up one day as one of Marvel's strongest anti-hero. Follow our protagonist as he raises his army of personalities. I am a newbie author and this is just written to give me an idea on how to write Fiction and Stories.

ShadyGod · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Once Again

God knows how long the author hasn't written my world for.

I knew though, the world vastly connected to my own existence. The lack of the words that continued my presence in the cosmos or the lack of the narrator and the thousands of eyes/minds viewing me.

The author had been in an indefinite Hiatus and I at an unknown and indefinitely extended stasis.

Perhaps this was the punishment I garnered for being the strongest from Chapter 2 onwards or the Author as always was being lazy and uninspired.

Whatever the reason, it made the Genocidal British inside me awaken, "Bloody Bastard what the hell took you so long".

For everyone inside this book, hardly a second had passed but for me... NO, I had experienced the position of being non-existent for an entire year or even more.

What did non-existence feel like, it felt like when all possibilities, all existence would stop, the maddening solitude stretching your mind, your self feeling uneven like the creator playing with clay trying to unmake you all the while retaining your shape, that was all you felt.

But with my kind of existence, an existence of thought and possibility stretched to unimaginable limits. I would never be unmade at the hands of my creator but exist indefinitely and unwillingly.

If the analogy that if you had an idea and now it exists was true, then I had felt what would undoubtedly happen if you forgot or gave up on the idea, trashed it even.

I had been the literal idea lost from the mind of existence, lost to the vestiges of thought where worlds simply no longer existed. I was the paper that had been crumpled and thrown in the garbage bin for an entire year.

Whatever my musings were and whatever my thoughts were, I had to stop when I heard.

"Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu"

And a literal sword stabbed me on my head piercing through, and appearing from my forehead.

The length of the sword, long enough that I could see it far better than my nose as it came from my back through my head, but also thin enough in my sight that I could not distinguish its length properly.

But from the thud that I heard as the hilt hit the back of my head and the emerging Aizen's face as he coldly grinned and arrived near my ears, made me understand how deep the blade had gone.

"Man proposes..."

He calmly said, then twisting and slashing through my head he continued.

"God disposes..."

A little titbit I had completely forgotten was that as soon as the world continued existing so did the other characters in it.

Definitely unwanted but unsurprisingly required.

Another titbit was that I had separated the surviving Bleach Verse characters into pocket dimensions of their own for the one on one I had proposed. They were technically as indefinitely indisposed as I was, or so I thought.

The last of those titbit was that Aizen did manage to control all of my senses through his Shikai and also managed to escape being indefinitely imprisoned.

Aizen then pulled back his sword for another stab hoping to capitalise on the ambush he had made, pulling me back from the second round of my musings.

As a sword slashed me through my abdomen rupturing my organs and quite disgustingly cleaving me in two.

As I was floating in the sky and Aizen had managed to not only fool my senses but also the automated defence of my swords, I unsurprisingly took a huge hit and I had yet to organise the laws of this world or adjust it properly.

Illusionists are the most annoying to fight as each fight questions the authenticity of the reality we see or they show. Please refer to the Nine-Tails for experience.

As I fell to the ground, with a thud and raised as well as tasted the dust in the air. There he was floating above in the sky, with his Haori flapping on a light breeze, that should definitely not have happened.

He did look cool with his smile never going beyond what I saw as the amusement line.

As I healed from my wounds, I coughed to grab his attention saying "Ahem Ahem, was definitely not expecting that and also you definitely do have some sort of God-Complex".

Well he can't help it, his power does make it seem like he had Godlike control over everyone, and for a good part and even later parts of the show he was jumping about kicking ass.

To give him a certain amount of understanding of my power, I , who could have silently commanded my blade's powers said in an audible voice.

"Adding Reaitsu, Substracting wounds, Multiplying the total Reaitsu, Dividing Time required by 0".

Instant regeneration plus a huge boost in Reaitsu. An instant saturation of the Reaitsu in the atmosphere began.

I was at least for now, a being of Unlimited Reaitsu and you would question how a being made of pure energy was even hurt in the first place. Well in Bleach without Biological Construction, Manifestation through Reaitsu our actions are similar to a soul in Haunted Mansions.

Active enough to be notable, moving objects, etc. but not enough to be as Godly like I was now.

While I regenerated I made a counter creation for Aizen. Especially for him, I modified my Biology.

Thereby I floated near Aizen and in true anime fashion, none of us attacked each other.

"That is... "

Aizen stopped prompting me to say.

"What ?" I responded.

To which he continued "Obscenely powerful"

Right then and there I got slashed at once more. This time cleanly cleaving my head from my body.

To which I grabbed my head with one hand and Four of my blades stabbed at nothingness or at least what looked like nothingness, and with another hand I grabbed the neck of the said nothingness that my four blades stabbed into.

"Urgh how many times will you sneak stab and slash at me ?"

Aizen who had been stabbed, at once began distancing himself with Shunpo throwing off my blades with insane speed.

"Spatial Substraction"

The world instead of expanding contracted for a moment and the distance that time needed to cover was instantly consumed, before my body had even begun moving I was already at my destination.

And before Aizen's feet could land for the next Shunpo, there I was waiting for him to arrive and arrive he did, at least his projection did, while an invisible Aizen stabbed from behind aiming at my head.

Ignoring the illusion I grabbed at nothingness again and this time I got his neck once again.

Surprise smeared his eyes and he stopped his invisible shenanigans and stepped a certain amount back and in true anime fashion asked how.

One little titbit I did not mention was how I found Aizen special. Total control and manipulation of the Six Senses was as bullshit as every second character's ability in Bleach.

"How ?"

He asked and I replied.

"A Seventh sense"

It is theorised that certain animals can see in different spectrums, where humans only see 12 colours, there is a certain species that can see 14.

The Bleach world after my unwanted announcement was contorting to my will, slowly and forcefully I continued to extract many of its properties and learnt how Vasto Lordes get to modify and make themselves unique.

Variations like a centaur like body, a gun, a different form, etc. and so on and I thought about why I lacked such features and it came to no complicated thoughts but a simple answer.

I grew too fast for the world and its evolution to accommodate. Thus I had to manually add and evolve.

"Shatter Kyoka Suigetsu" Aizen said once again.

And this time all the characters that survived me were standing around the battlefield. As if awoken from a dream they looked around in a daze.

Aizen wished to get the better of me, but with my Seventh Sense sealing much of his battle prowess. He had to look at second options, and nobody in this battlefield was foolish enough to forget the main target, well aside from Soi Fon.

Before most could completely wake from their daze, Kenpachi had appeared above me, bloodlust searing the space.

"Guraaaaaa... " he screamed as he punched me down to earth.

Wow people, these guys really don't like anyone floating in the air.

Before I could complete my second bounce upon the ground, I heard distinctly an old voice shouting out "Bankai, Zanka No Tachi"

Immediately the temperature rose, reaitsu and heat soared like a volcano exploding atop the sun. The heat seared through space, and faster than the eye could blink arrived stabbing me through, exploding and erasing my lower torso.

Looks like even though their world was devastated by my actions, they or the Shinigami, Hollows, and Quincy had banded together against one ridiculous intruder.

I had given them the chance and they had begun making the most of it.

Yamamoto had begun the fight but his participation only caused problems for the others.

Heat from the sun was indiscriminate after all, Allies, foes it turned all to cinders. With few characters actually able to participate. Yamamoto had unwittingly made breathing space for me.

Another stab blasted my torso from my lower body, heat exploding the space, causing devastating force to wrack my torso aside while instantly erasing my lower body from existence.

Free falling across the sky had me hearing, "You are an awfully absent minded, while facing us".

See another thing people forget after reading or just watching Bleach is that the strongest characters are easily Continental level.

Their base stats are also high enough to rival SSJ 2 or even SSJ 3 Goku.

We concentrate on their abilities more as they are the more intriguing parts about them, and thus we unconsciously ignore their age and strength.

"Diminishing Law"

My body instantly healed and the area instantly became colder, normalising the battlefield. Heat that threatened every party started dying, at least enough to get the other participants moving.

I was stabbed in the gut again, courtesy of Aizen. This bastard, if ever gets summoned in Fate, his class will definitely be Smirking Saber.

Then I saw Sakura Petals bloom in the background. Thousands of them, their appearance as if the Spring winds had carried them here.

Their conjugating mass as if the Storm God Susanno had asked for their duty in his war, their sharpness as though each petal had been an entire blade, and they had begun to swarm me.

Another Shunpo and Aizen and the rest had managed a safe distance from the petals.

Each petal that hit reminded me that they had opted to blitz through me in hopes to subdue or tire me out.

As each petal hit me, and though each piece only gave chinks in my body, scratches to me and that too minor ones. With the sheer amount, they had begun to shave me down like a Nano Machine grinder, that my regeneration was naturally curbed for a while

"Divide by Two" I exclaimed

The thousands of petals, like a continuous series of exploding stars were instantly cleaved in two.

As I raised my hand for the next move a thin blade had appeared in my eyes. Reflexively dodging it amounted to a sudden thunder to befall me.

"Byakurai !!!" screamed Aizen.

It wasn't even damaging to me but it did cover the next series of attacks from the Hollows.

A series of Ceros covered the sky, even that wasn't damaging enough, but it was enough to earn a split nanosecond. Which was more than enough for a Shunpo, Sonido, etc.

An white dragon of Reishi crashed on me in between the bombardment of Cero. Though the dragon died in an instant as well, Yhwach who was in close proximity took the energy from the dragon and turned it into an energy-lightsaber like blade.

Hoping to damage me.

But I had had enough of this.

I grabbed for the sword and it instantly dispersed before forming at my face. Not cool I tell you this, and the suicidal maniac even grabbed me before an entire Sun was shoved at my chest.

"FUCK" I groaned.