
legends of uncertain destiny

Thousands of years ago gods fought a war and disappeared only leaving traces of them behind and with time those traces also disappeared. In the age of different powers. Follow the journey of our heroes. With a single breath dragons burned downed the cities and with a single strike knights were capable of hunting them. A Magician, an assassin, A witch,An elf,A princes, a warrior and a gladiator brought together by fate. Watch the journey of friends how they shoulder's fate of the world.n the age different powers. Follow the journey of our heroes. With a single breath dragons burned downed the cities and with a single strike knights were capable of hunting them. A Magician, an assassin, A witch, An half-elf, a princes, a warrior and a gladiator brought together by fate. Watch the journey of friends how they shoulder's fate of the world.

navjyot · Action
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3 Chs


The war between various races came to end only 25 years ago although this war was not too serious because it was going since 75 years ago at after 50 years strength of every race began to decline so respective leaders from various races came to an agreement of stopping the war. Forming central alliance with powerhouse having seats for representative candidate. After that there were some complications, feuds but matters settle down and everyone were trying their best tired of war to maintain the harmony. Due to the tradings between races storms began to calm down little bit. winds of war faded away. Various races shared their prowess with each other. After the agreement new currency got released it took around 7-11 years for new currency to settle.The currency was simple. Most common currency was copper teals used by everyone 1000 copper teals would form 1 silver teals, 100 silver teals would make 1 gold teals.After that came gems which was further devided into low, intermediate and high rank and this was highest forms of currency. The world was too big consisted thousands of miles of distance on a single continent between countries, forest, some undiscovered mountain ranges, thousands of islands, territories were occupied by Various races, some islands became territory of races.

Even without war races like elves, dwarves, demons, ashuras etc were trying to get better footholds for their races trying to gain lost powers in wars. In order to make up for their loss of battle powers and to preapre their next generation with knowledge of other races, to develope themselves and adapt with ever changing world they formed an academy on great east continent hiring Various knowledgeable peoples and while doing, so they made it sure that every race which was part of alliance would get qualifications to attend academy.As long person have enough qualifications to teach elites students alliance hired them.They were also provided with privilege and resources.So it Various experts from different races gathered even those who were at pinackle of fields began to gather.In order to prevent resources from wasting alliance stated standard in form potential scaling between 1 to 10. Potential was decided on different kind testing method for different types of races,peoples and the energies cultivation methods they used the testing methods. Different fields began to develope runic technology,potion making , fighters ,weapon forging, architecture, medicines etc. lots of fields began to develope it was possible for peoples of excel in one or more fields but many lacked potential though. Dispite of having longer lifespans there were not many experts who practiced more than one field and achieved pinackle.Only handful of people whose counts were estimated to be hundred or so stood at top of food chain.

During this advancement alliance turned blind eye to the smaller problem while dealing with bigger problems e.g.slavery, underground arena etc. Because of this carelessness hierarchy began to develop like every civilization and era difference began to develop between rich and poor, noble and commoners. Even with intervention of alliance these things were inevitable. Number of clans and organizations, races rose in power with influence of certain experts. Ranking system got developed everything got ranked with categories base on performance, influence, wealth and powerhouse they possessed.

Even with power of alliance it became hard to keep check on every organization and individual. For sake of stopping those, alliance made law enforcement bureau and scattered the forces throughout the world. Over a decade it was hard for the bureau due to lack of manpower. But Various families, races and clans came forward to reap benefits,gain power and influence in the name of supporting bureau. Law enforcement bureau began to gain strong footing. And the fastest growing family was the Stuart family due to their quick-wittedness, business strategies and connection they rose to number one family in law enforcement bureau. Stuart family was a magician family and produced the highest number of fire mages.

The alliance was made from combining power of organizations and clans, powerhouses.

The alliance and it's members called themselves 'The High Table'.It consisted 10 member. For a organizations or a person to sit on high table needed support of at least five large families, clans or organizations or races with sufficient influence,wealth and manpower. Every 7 years election would be held in between memebers of high tables and their supporting clan for giving fair chance to others. It served two main advantages

(1) supporting families and high table would keep each other on check cause fear falling

(2) to restrict their actions and Powers.

Although election would be held in every 7 years since 14 years footing of members didn't change.The more support the family has more higher place they held in 'The High Table'.

High table consisted of:

1. Kingdom of sapin

2. Fire demon clan

3. Magic tower

4. Merchent association

5. Elf kingdom

6. Dwarves kingdom

7. Assassin's clan

8. Stuart family( Law enforcement bureau)

9. orc's race

10. medicine association

Every race always had little bit conflicts and sometimes killing. But they it never caused war due to alliance's power.The thing was every member of 'High Table' indirect needed support of other members. Some has hostility towards each other but they chose to stay silent avoiding war cause a moment of weakness and they would be devoured by others. strngth was law no matters where they belongs to.

On the pearl continent at the border of the demon realm and Beirut kingdom was a plane named as "dark lands" in the middle. Although, only 10 percent of dark lands was connected to the around 30 thousand miles of planes was barren lands. With harsh living conditions no one lived there except for the beast. Because some part of dark lands was also connected to dark forest and remaining was sea on the west side. On the borders of Beirut kingdom. Due to frequent beast invasion not many people chose to live there. Although Beirut kingdom has placed their armies, but they couldn't guarantee safety of all people. Sometimes adventurers from guilds came there for the hunt due to opening of dungeons because of strange phenomenon of energy concentration dungeons were opened in specific areas. So it was obvious a guild would form in order to take subjugation missions and some beast from dungeons provided MANA cores, and their skins, teeth scales could be used to make weapons, armors or other accessories. Mages, knights, assassin's, spirit warrior all participated in raids forming parties. Even a secret world of murim which was hidden for centuries only revealed around 100 years ago was participating in these sorts raids co-operating with other. If one were to dream of travel the whole world it would mean it was nearly impossible but it doesn't mean it was impossible. Many warriors/people through the history tried but some disappeared without trace. There were countless reasons due to frequent wards happening centuries ago, some were unaware of dangers laying in darkness, some of them got attacked by high tier beasts with intelligence etc.

In the house of slave a child took birth. The door of small opened slowly and an old woman came out she had wrinkles on her forehead she was wearing black hooded cape she looked at a man who was standing outside his name was max and said "congratulations you are blessed with a son but" her face hardened. Max's expression stiffened as he looked at women and said with concerned voice "is something wrong with my child"

women replied "that's not it but come in and see for yourself" max entered the house. Old women closed the door & headed towards the child who was on bed with his mother she picked him carefully and handed the child over to Max and got astonished as took the child. "He is heavy" this was the first thought came to his mind. Then he observed carefully there was a sign of half sun between the area of his eyebrows he looked at old women said "is this mark on the forehead worrying you?". Old women replied " not that look at his back " Max felt awkward but carefully not intending to hurt the child he turned him. In an instant his mouth fell and his eyes shot opened. There were some strange lines on his back ' A Nemean lion' that's the explanation one could have the face of a nemean lion. He felt like the lion would come alive any moment. Max said in astonishment "Oh! My god. What is this? " Women said in firm voice " I never saw or heard this kind of exceptional birth its like blessings of gods. There's a lion on his back". " I don't know what kind of path lies ahead of but thing is sure whatever he will face he will always remain firm and strong. Shall I give this child a name?". Max nodded with smile. Old women said " Alcides! His name will be 'Alcides stroman'"

(Note: guys I will be mentioning dates in future so it will become easier for you to understand timeline. If you want to correct , me please comment. Since I'm a student, so I don't expect anything but love from you guys. Introduction ends here, so I will continue with story in which there will more dialogues and hell of a fight. And one more important thing there are lots of main characters whose past I will reveal as the story continues so stay tuned. Thank you for reading.)

I hope you guys will like this chapter. As for small details would be covered little by little in upcoming chapter.

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