
legends of the soul reaper

"A curse can often become a gift...and a gift a curse.....give him a wing...and he might fly too close to the sun......give him tremendous strength....and he might lift a load too heavy, crushing himself to death......give him a precious gift, one of its kind......and he might think he was born to rule the world........ And I myself was given a curse.....one like no other.......a burden too much for me too handle....and it was slowly eating me up.......but in the never ending dark abyss.......there was a spark of light.......a ray of hope, and I seized that hope........I inherited the power of death itself, or better still.......I became death itself......... Welcome to my world.......and don't get me wrong I am not the hero of this story.......I am the f*cking VILLAIN.......

RobertNoel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The soul reaper chapter 6

Without looking back, he ran at full speed making the ground tremble lifting dirt and Leaves up the ground leaving a large web like crack were he once stood.

"How is there a magical beast here, this forest is supposed to be checked once a week by the "flower plump guild" said Evans in his mind, he was not going to make the same mistake he made last week, which is running and talking, it was not a nice experience.

- Shut up and hide! -

Evans quickly climbed a tree hiding on one of the branches, touching his waist he found out he forgot his sword.

"Sh*t, how I am going to defend my self if that thing catches up with me" Evans said with a worried expression.

- something is moving towards our direction and it is pretty fast -

"Oh goodnes- before he could finish talking a blurry figure crashed into the tree snapping it in two and scattering pieces of wood everywhere producing a loud sound making the birds on tree tops fly away.

Standing up from the ground, Evans quickly checked his surroundings before he spotted a werewolf creature standing on its hind legs with a height of 6'8 feet tall with brown dirty fur and long, sharp thick claws and teeth, it stared back at him with bloodlust.

"Sh*t the magical beast looks pretty strong, what are the odds of meeting one out here during daytime" said Evans nervously.

- You must find a way out of this mess or you will finally feel the pain worst than what you felt last time -

"Way to go cheering me up" said Evans clicking his tongue in annoyance at Zaferel comment.


The creature made weird noises before charging at him and slashing at his face, Evans bent back slightly dodging the claw a few inches away from his face before throwing a quick jab to the ribs region of the wolf creature then back stepped and gave it a powerful kick to the right side of it knees before standing back in his fighting stance.

The creature charged at him like nothing happened and swung it's hands horizontally aiming to crush Evans head with brute strength making Evans raise his hands in defence, the claws stabbed into his hands digging into his flesh until it arrived at his bone making Evans scream in pure agony, without even resting a second Evans was flung to a nearby tree with enough strength to snap the tree in half and cause Evans even more agony as he heard a loud cracking noise from his back.

The creature howled in triumph walking slowly towards him like he was a cornered pray, when the creature got to his position it kicked his left shoulder slightly to make Evans chest face up then it stepped on his chest with an increasing pressure aiming to break the bones in his chest.

- Don't tell me that this were your story ends after all those big talk of being able to protect yourself -


- Remember what you promised me about moving around the world -

Evans was struggling with all the strength he had the lift up the creatures feet both it felt like he was trying to lift a mountain.

- Push to your limits and then surpass it with a thousand margin -

"I can't die here, I won't! in fact I refuse!!" said Evans with determination as his pupils in his eyes suddenly spread everywhere covering his whole eyes.

- That's__-

Zafar El was lost of words as he noticed the strange phenomenon taking place.

Immediately the weird phenomenon happened Evans felt rage like never before as a strange energy courses through his veins blessing him with new found strength which gave him a zeal to break something.

Looking upward, he saw the perfect object to break which was the monstrosity crushing his chest.

The temperature dropped by several degrees, the surroundings turned a little darker as a dark mist spread around the ground with a silent but continuous pulse that made the ground tremble.

He threw a fast jab to the creature's ankle that only appeared like a blur with the ever lingering black mist, when the punch landed the creature ankle bent in an unnatural way with a White stained object sticking out (bone).

The creature growled in pains falling to the ground as blood flowed out endlessly from the gruesome injury.

The black mist gathered around Evans body and started mending the broken bones and healing the torn flesh of his body.

After a minute Evans got up to his feet and looked down at the whimpering creature then slowly walked over to it like it was a cornered animal, making it's hairs stand, it's heart to beat faster by the second, images to flash repeatedly in it's minds, for the first time in it's life...it felt real terror.

It felt deja vu like never before....