
legends of the soul reaper

"A curse can often become a gift...and a gift a curse.....give him a wing...and he might fly too close to the sun......give him tremendous strength....and he might lift a load too heavy, crushing himself to death......give him a precious gift, one of its kind......and he might think he was born to rule the world........ And I myself was given a curse.....one like no other.......a burden too much for me too handle....and it was slowly eating me up.......but in the never ending dark abyss.......there was a spark of light.......a ray of hope, and I seized that hope........I inherited the power of death itself, or better still.......I became death itself......... Welcome to my world.......and don't get me wrong I am not the hero of this story.......I am the f*cking VILLAIN.......

RobertNoel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The soul reaper chapter 18

<p>After walking for several minutes, Evans arrived back at the scene of the fight only to be shocked once more. The whole fight scene didn't even look like a grain of sand was moved out of it original spot, everything was back in place with not a single thing left out.<br/><br/> "What the hell??....how is this even possible, or am I at the wrong place or something?" asked Evans in disbelief.<br/><br/> As Evans was busy ranting to himself, a sudden robotic voice rang out.<br/><br/> "System booting...1%...10%.....50%....100%.....booting complete....uploading data...10%....60%....100%.....upload complete.... E-watch now fully online" said the robotic voice managing to shock Evans once more.<br/><br/> "E-watch?....Ohh the watch thingy rose was talking about" said Evans in realization.<br/><br/> "Student Manual now available to user" announced the robotic voice once more.<br/><br/> "Finally!! exactly what I needed!" screamed Evans in excitement attracting a lot of gaze from passerbys.<br/><br/> Realizing his mistake, Evans quickly shut himself up by placing his hands on top his lips.<br/><br/> "How do I get this watch thingy to display the student Manual" asked Evans in a confused tone.<br/><br/> "Would user like to access the student Manual?" asked the robotic voice<br/><br/> "Ehh yes....??" replied Evans still confused about the whole process<br/><br/> "Accessing file...file uploaded" said the monotonous voice before a transparent blue notification appeared in front of him, it look like a advance computer screen.<br/><br/> "What the heck!" screamed Evans in surprise, gaining unwanted attention once again.<br/><br/> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><br/><br/> Name ; Evans --- (surname not found)<br/> Race ; Human <br/> Department ; Cultivation <br/> Rank ; Mid-stage knight realm <br/> Class assigned to ; class D4<br/> Accommodation ; Not yet assigned ( entrance fee must be paid, along other bills)<br/> <br/> Rules ;<br/>1.No student are expected to fight on the first day<br/>2. A duel must be initiated through the E-watch before challenging a fellow student<br/>3. No student is expected to be outside after curfew....<br/><br/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><br/><br/> "Shit now that I think about it, I don't even have accommodation!" said Evans<br/><br/> "Were can I make all necessary payments" asked Evans<br/><br/> "Payments can be made online" replied the monotonous voice<br/><br/> "Okay....how do I do that" asked Evans in a dumbfounded tone.<br/><br/> "System processing...payments confirmed" rang out the monotonous voice.<br/><br/> "How, I didn't even do anything....??" asked Evans in a shocked tone.<br/><br/> "Payment slip received....full payments received from payer *Anonymous*" said the monotonous voice.<br/><br/> "An anonymous person paid for me....??" asked Evans in a shocked tone as he looks around with a suspicious gaze.<br/><br/> "Accommodation assigned...location uploaded.....would you like to display location??" asked the robotic voice completely ignoring Evan's question.<br/><br/> "Ehh yes....display location" replied Evans in a even more confused tone.<br/><br/> Suddenly, a large 3D map appeared in front of Evans, and he seemed to be the only one seeing it as passerbys didn't even spare a glance at him despite the large colourful 3D map displaying.<br/><br/> After several seconds of thinking, Evans decided to follow the blinking red arrow, he walk for several minutes before arriving at a relatively large skyscraper. After much thought, he step through the double doors entering in a large magnificent hall with countless people moving around.<br/><br/> He still continued to follow to the blinking arrow which lead him to a elevator. Without much thinking, he step in and the doors closed with a beeping sound.<br/><br/> The map then displayed a writing "36th floor", Evans wasted no time in imputing the digit into the panel of numbers displayed in the right corner of the elevator.<br/><br/> With a little beep, the elevator started moving carrying Evans to the 36th floor, after several minutes, a beep rang out signifying he was at his location before the doors slide open revealing a long hall with rows of doors.<br/><br/> The blinking arrow kept directing him forward until he arrived at a door with a sign that read "406", then a loud robotic voice rang out "User has arrived at designated location".<br/><br/> After catching his breath for a second, he inhaled deeply before approaching the door. When he got in front of the door, a red beam of light shot out and scanned Evans entire body before a loud clicking noise rang out.<br/><br/> Pushing the door forward, it opened revealing a beautiful and nicely equipped room, it had a medium sized bed, a wardrobe, a small shelf and a bathroom.<br/><br/> The walls were designed with white and gold colours which really suit Evan's taste. He quickly walked into the room closing the door behind him, he then proceeded to lay down on the surprisingly soft bed.<br/><br/> "I reek of sweat, I need to take a bath..... Ohh shit, I didn't even bring extra pairs of clothes" said Evans in a disappointed tone.<br/><br/> "Clothing, food and basic equipment are supplied to students for free" said the monotonous voice.<br/><br/> Hearing this Evans mood was lifted a little, he stood up and walked into the bathroom that had a bathtub in it and was decorated with style, he then took his bath before stepping out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, he then proceeded to open his wardrobe where he found neat pairs of clothes neatly arranged.<br/><br/> "This is a really nice place, I actually feel like a king right now!" said Evans in excitement.<br/><br/> "Classes will commence tommorow, user is advised to rest up...." said the monotonous voice.<br/><br/> "Sure what ever...." replied Evans as he walks over to the bed only to stop mid-way in confusion. <br/><br/> "Where does that door lead too??" asked Evans looking over to another door he didn't notice before.<br/><br/> "It leads to the training room provided for every student" replied the robotic voice.<br/><br/> "Woah that so lit, I would check that out tommorow!" said Evans<br/><br/> "Tommorow's class would be combat training, user is advised to rest up!" said the robotic voice as if wanting Evans to go to bed.<br/><br/> "Okay...okay...I will go to bed, I finally made it into the academy, let's see what tommorow holds for me" said Evans with a huge smile on his face before sleeping off.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/></p>