
Legends Of Blood Star, Arkine (The Bloody Tale Of Arcane )

A Young Man find himself in a world filled with supernatural and mystery, confused about who he was? or where he was, the youth then horrified to find himself to be the the target of few groups of mysterious people. The grand city of Ceptron was one of the larget independent city in the entire Arkine, but being chased by various group of extraordinary people he found himself in the unfavorable situation. His instincts tells him to survive on this ruthless world on his own was near impossible unless he have the extraordinary strength or means to back him up and need certain level of influence to roam free. But can he achieve all of this, by the way who was he? a refugee? or an orphan? an experiment product of these nasty scientist or the cultist, what exactly are they trying to do, why are they relentlessly chasing him. To find out what's going on follow the path of this senseless youth in the mysterious world of Arkine.

raven_lord017 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

A New Colorful World

What is a beautiful night to him was today was the beautiful night for him many ways he was looking dirty and battered no worse than old begger who was powerless to live a such life but seeing this sceneary infront of him gave a sensation he was hoping for.

He slowly walked out of the dark alley towards the colorful street lights he could hear the buzz of sound from the people who are walking by with purpose something he never seen in all of his life the strange scene attract him more than he could understand.

When he was just little bit away from entering the empty streets he noticed someone from the corner of his eyes. A tall man in his early thirty with a tired countanace walked towards the were house and when the youth spotted him so was he also got caught in the man's eyes.

He didn't look away from him as he slowly but cautiously walked towards him all the while not taking his eyes off the boy's face and Come to stand in front of him in restless manner.

"Can you give that to me" he whispered his tone was little strange "Hurry, I want to go somewhere else"

"Uh!" the youth looked at him confused completely bewildered by the time and the unexpected conversation with a stranger he was little alert because of the restlessness from the other party but his intuition told him he wasn't a threat so he turned his face away.

He ignored the other party and turned his attention back to the light in front of him but the tall man seemed let go of things started to talk completely gibberish he was little annoyed by the constant pestering he started to once again move towards the city lights.

Little impatient and exasperation the man take out a bundle of currency waved it in front of the youth it managed to grab his attention he had seen this kind of papers in the wooden trunk and simply just a moment of distraction, he didn't know why but he somehow felt he know this papers was somewhat important out there but he didn't thought much of it.

As he saw more then handful of bundles so he decided to ignore the thing but the man was agitated and shoved the bundle in his hand when he wasn't paying any attention to the man.

Frowning he throwed it to the other party without any hesitation and simply went away from him seeing such a persistent from the other party not wanting to get dragged into any of the problem.

The man looked stunned by the other party's action as he never expected to the youth to throw back the money but he still needed to get some stuff if not he likely end up crazy so he searched for any amount of loose money in his pockets only managed to scrape few more bills.

His expression was pained but he still squeezed out some smile and asked in hurry "Hey, little friend! How about take this excess amount think a debt on my tab in the next time I'll definitely able to give this to in the next time we do business"

The man said in desperate tone but he could only continue to follow the youth behind his back seeing the other party didn't show any signs of stopping the man reached out and grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

The youth become very annoyed from the continuous disturbance he shrugged off the man to the side.

The man stumbled little but managed to stabilize the footing he became angry and swing his fist towards the youth with low oath this was very annoying now that he think about it he was here on the said date and time his friends clearly told him about how much was the goods.

He didn't feel he bring Less money but the youth was simply greedy for money using this tactic to secure more money so it was obvious that he would be angered his mind come up with the solution to beat up the youth and take the stuff.

His cloudy mind didn't help him think up anything rational for him, it was very dangerous and stupid to think of getting stuff like that it was simply mean he was overlooking things.

How could such a person come alone to this kind of area, wasn't it looking for abuse the youth skillfully dodged the swing his calmness come to the play and he kicked out with his front leg the man tried to dodge but no awhile he could only watch as the party leg zoomed In striked his thighs as he fell to ground with a gasp.

"Uh" a surprised sound came from their behind "Hey!... who are you guys "

A teenager come out of the were house areas and he stared at the both fighting party warily, "Did you guys don't know how to do things properly here, you are going to attract attention if you continued with this"

The both of them have him blank look and continued to stand off against him, the teenager looked little pissed with their behavior so he warned them "I don't care what's your problem but I advise both of you scram from this place. I'm going to do some business if you messed this up then hmph! don't blame me "

The both of them stopped the youth once again walked towards the city lights not as fast as before as he understand this wasn't probably the time for him to enter the colorful world.

The man stared at the youth back with resentment but he was little struggling to even standing his body was shaking not only because of the kick but his condition the teenager eyes flashed a little and hesitantly asked what's the matter.

The man eyes focused on the teenager dully before it was slowly started to brighten as he continued to stare at him then he hurriedly explained what happened the youth also paid little attention to their talk.

"WHAT! Is he really claimed he was the supplier and asked for more money " the teenager eyes were full of anger and ruthlessness as he stared at the youth's back.

The man scratched his head and further explained what happened to him, the teenager was speechless but taked a further looked at the youth his gaze was little weird " You were mistaken that person for me didn't your friend tell you my name how in the hell did this happen" he chuckled.

The youth was still paid some attention to him from then on as he also standing there selling some stuffs he quietly observed the kid and from few times even tried talk to this mysterious youth alas he was destined to disappointed.

it was around early night time the youth got disturbed from his blank look at the city roads and people from the rugged teenager.

"Hey dude are you there!?" he exclaimed in exasperation as If he already expected to similar expression and attitude from the mute looking youth.

"Hey buddy I'm talking to you, can you at least pretend to hear me " the teenager sighed in defeat and mumbled something to himself that was along the line with "weird " "big head"

After a brief pause he further decided to say something " If you aren't aware the time is very close to curfew.... don't get caught to the black caps try wouldn't show you any mercy"

With a casual shrug he started to walking in to tell familiar path to the area where his group staying not long after few minutes he tilted his head to the side and coldly said " Dude, if you have any designs for my money then I'm afraid you'll have to bleed to death "

His smile was little scary as he showed it to the youth "If you managed to live past then, in the least you should have lost a limb at least"

The youth on the side still looked as though he didn't hear a single threat about him instead of lessuirely taking some stroll in his backyard.

The teenager smiled wryly as he saw the reaction he was receiving currently from the other party and shook his head ' What should I expect, why did I even trying this? ' he scoffed to himself.

In the end the teenager still couldn't curb his curiosity as he felt the youth wasn't after his hard earned money he wasn't that hostile anyway.


"Dude, which gang you from and what are you doing in my place "

The youth cast his glanced at them as if he was studying the the most incredible think with his own two eyes. Then as if he already know of the silent treatment he was going to receive from the other party he continued.

"Ahem, forget to mention this I'm from purple mask gang and live around that area " he pointed his hands towards the other side of the area and beamingly explained.

The silence was once again descended frustrated the teenager could only grumble "Hey can't you be little nice " after a long minute the teenager grudgingly agreed "He he , I was wondering what caused you to open your mouth it seems unimportant you don't have to say if you don't felt like it"

The teenager despite deniying his attention to he was still find him little facenating it's not everyday you come across the kids your age and talk to them without have to guard against them 'Was This how the term friend came?' he mused.

He was an orphan and live here since four years back he was enter this dangerous areas on his own rather than forced like the other people and inhabitants here. He was one of the few lucky people to find some backing not encountered nasty people.

It was only little later did he understand how ignorant and foolish his actions of him coming here all alone not only could he died at any rate but he also has fate worse than that.

Little ghost has seen the few cases fall prey to the nasty buggers, they weren't much older than him some kids were even younger than him it was only after some luck the kids able to live in a dark place like this.

Little ghost know his safety and sanity wasn't for free it was certain praise he had to paid to live in this much production. The gang he was being part of wasn't an outright evil gang but not good gang by any stretch they were one of the few gangs deal with the illegal drugs in the area to be precise a small gang under one of the drug mafia.

They used children of teenage years in acting dealers in exchange for money and protection for them to stay here. It's because of the simple fact they were people with no documents in the city every adult have to had a authentic ID in paper and digital but kids didn't have it until they were reach off age.

They can own this document made specifically according to their details like personal and academic achievement or unique special traits.

Unlike children of citizens who In some form or other come in contact with officials or documented the orphans were like a blank piece of paper didn't have any documentation so they were used by the black hearted underground gangs and businessman.

It could be said that the reason such a fatal flaw in administration exist because of the corrupted government official and public representatives they wouldn't willing to let such s matter go around like this.

Little ghost wasn't bad person in heart so when he find out the youth was an interesting character he tried to get close to him maybe even trying to befriend him it was unknown weather he would still try entertain such a thought after all in the couple of weeks of his stay here he already offended the two top gangs and countless small gangs.

He found the youth was hard to get along and had a very gloomy air about him from what he understand so far with their interactions well it seemed impossible to get along well with the other party quickly ' Where did this kid come from '

After half an hour walk they parted their ways and disappear into different alleyways little ghost stoped for a second turned to take a good look at where the kid going seeing how nonchalant his actions were little ghost forced a smile 'Intersting!'