
Legends Of Blood Star, Arkine (The Bloody Tale Of Arcane )

A Young Man find himself in a world filled with supernatural and mystery, confused about who he was? or where he was, the youth then horrified to find himself to be the the target of few groups of mysterious people. The grand city of Ceptron was one of the larget independent city in the entire Arkine, but being chased by various group of extraordinary people he found himself in the unfavorable situation. His instincts tells him to survive on this ruthless world on his own was near impossible unless he have the extraordinary strength or means to back him up and need certain level of influence to roam free. But can he achieve all of this, by the way who was he? a refugee? or an orphan? an experiment product of these nasty scientist or the cultist, what exactly are they trying to do, why are they relentlessly chasing him. To find out what's going on follow the path of this senseless youth in the mysterious world of Arkine.

raven_lord017 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

A Case Of Murder Mystery, Beautiful Suspect

Captain Stan of the special force team had to stifle a gasp, as he walked past a cold decapitated body with a missing arm. He subtly glanced back at his twelve men team Stan could see few of them (namely new recruits) look uncomfortable with all those bodies they walk past to reach here.  At least the rest of his men seeing such a Gorey scene didn't look very disturbed; anyway there was nothing they could do as this was the nature of their job.

He was glad the rest of them were in the dark. If not they will be severely discouraged by the immensity of the situation.  Because he was already shaken enough when he realized what they were dealing with. 

Unlike most of his team members Stan knows the truth as he had access to the selective few confidential information and files about dark and dangerous things.  Something he dearly wished to not learn anytime soon, which showed him all the proof he needed to see the world wasn't as simple as it looks; it's just he was under the illusion of false safety 'ignorance was a blessing indeed '

That day started out just fine. Tonight was supposed to be their schedule with a handful others stand-in.  Around seven pm the alarm went off, they got an emergency call from an old and abandoned construction site very close to forest. 

A team leader of patrolling cops claiming to have an encounter with an unidentified and dangerous lunatic or possibly a superhuman Assassin. And they were in constant attack; he doesn't know whether it was a group or a single one but his men were injured in the process of defending themselves.  

The call was cut short in a few more minutes as Stan heard a strange gurgling sound clearly the cop was found by that attacker. He waited whether that person picked up the Boden or had any demand but none. 

Stan naturally furious with the murderer's audacity, it was clear he didn't want to keep this patrolling crew hostage instead hunting them down. Stan ordered his team to get ready, and they departed for the tracked location in a few minutes.

Although they reached that place in two hours they clearly knew very well, they couldn't make it in time.  If someone managed to survive the assault that means the person's luck was indeed extraordinary.  

No sane person would attack police officers without a plan or motive, so it's very likely he was confident in finishing off all of them in time before they get back up.

Still Stan tried his best to run through some security protocols in such a situation which could potentially save or at least ensure few of these cops got rescued. He dispatched combat drones and alerted the special agents about the event.

Hoping they could provide some form of assistance before their team could reach the spot but lamentably the area was way out of the city in a remote place.  It couldn't be accessible to any special force or Agents from the city, even their own base located near two hours travel distance.

They have been trying their best to search for lucky survivors for about an hour and half only to find mutilated bodies of cops.  Total reaching eighteen which was close to what the team leader who contacted him informed him of in the call. He said it's about twenty cops in total which included their team plus the back up nearby whom they urgently called for.

"Damn! Why did they have to run up here to this God forsaken place again? " Stan's vice captain complained in a low voice.

" Well... He said someone living nearby informed police about how he noticed suspicious activity near the place In the late morning "

Vice captain muttered something under his breath when he heard about this. Stan wasn't in the mood to talk nonsense with this fellow. He can't ignore the fact that he put their life on the line as soon as he found out this was related to some supernatural thingy.

But the most horrifying thing was you were unknowingly step into somewhere you shouldn't.  As soon as he saw the state of the first body they found he knew where he was and how he should proceed from there. 

He right away knew this was the work of some supernatural monster rather than some crazy psychopath they expected.  His vice captain also suspected that was the case, imagining his surprise and horror when that guy put two and two together his mood wasn't pleasant. There is no way a well equipped patrol team officer could be crushed like a paper construct. 

Definitely something supernatural involved in this to explain the ridiculous mess, ' It's no wonder that officer suspect the assailant might be superhuman ' he secretly thought. From the corner of his eyes Stan noticed his team's scout ran out of one of the buildings they already searched, the scout looked agitated and flustered.

Of course he didn't plan to send them out alone or away from a certain distance that would be courting death.  After making sure this area was safe and secured he ordered his men to use the height of the building and advanced equipment to search the place.

Stan arranged three of his best scouts to search for missing bodies and their boden as well as clues for what might have happened in the meanwhile he sent his findings to their base.  Now seeing one of them rush out of the building like a headless chicken lost his composure , someone of his status should have made Stan's stomach sink. 

' I hope it's not about assailant. It's better if we don't encounter such a dangerous individual on our own ' he prayed in his heart.  Despite being in the special force for two decades he didn't believe for a second a mere team of well trained humans capable of confronting these kinds of dangerous monsters.

He read about these supernatural forces, be it weak or strong, they aren't something to be subdued by humans. They have claimed to have a wide variety of special powers in them. If their team could assist the cops from long range then it would be okay,If they were lucky. But if they engaged this unknown assailant in melee that could be no different than waiting for a gruesome death.

Stan knows what their team is capable of so he doesn't want to encounter this supernatural entity if he can, his hand hesitated near the small red button in his utility belt but he forced himself from not pressing them. 

Stan watched as his vice captain took futuristic looking glasses from that scout and wordlessly put it on.  In less than thirty seconds his whole body went rigid, his expression turned aghast.  

Stan impatiently snatched the thing from his face and put it on.  His expression also became more stern if not gloomy. Taking the glasses off he turned to look at his vice captain with a beseeching look.

" I think we should, go see what's this situation at our hand....There is no other way in it " he trailed off with distinct wariness of what they were about to do evident in his face.

Captain nodded his head and pressed the small Red button in his belt.  After confirming the slight buzz in his Boden he looked a little relieved. He let out a sigh and gestured for his team to follow him somewhere taking out his Boden. He reached out to the dispatched drones as a blinking light appeared on his device.

Not much distance from their position there was a park like empty ground situated, a path near that place covered in blood and dry leaves made the place gooey mud in the moonlight.

Under the red and hazy light of fullmoon a  breathtaking beauty standing in that path alone gazing at the red moon motionlessly. 

This sight no doubt could stir countless artists' souls and creativity to a great deal. It doesn't matter if there were corpses lying around her feet or not while one of her hands and dresses had splotches of blood in them.


Stan was silent for a moment. He had to gesture a few times to get the attention of his men. He instructed them to form a loose formation as he motioned them to creep close to her. 

" FREEZE! " 

After noiselessly closing the distance between them to a certain degree, Captain Stan shouted from the top of his lungs. And wasn't much surprised when he found the blonde didn't even flinch, instead turning to look at them smiling with a certain amount of amusement in her pale green eyes.

 Including Stan everyones heart sped up but unlike them. of course the recent was completely different to one another.  He cursed the stupidity of his men for letting down their guard.

He wasn't moved by her beauty or anything but there was a primal sense of fear awakened in his heart that wouldn't slow down the wasted effort of calming it down.

There and then Stan knew with finality standing in front of them wasn't something they could deal with their team work, strength or weapons. Compared to lethality, psychopathic serial killers were much more preferable and easier to deal with.

' O embodiment of Eternal and Ethereal beauty.  My goddess! just like how you shower us with your crimson rays of grace and blessings. Please! Guide and protect your children from the demons lurking around us. Stan looked up at the glorious red Moon and prayed the famous verses of the holy tablet.

___ ___ ___ 

The gorgeous blonde woman sitting in an all white room with blinding light hanging above her head.  Aside From the desk and another empty chair on the other side of the desk there is nothing in the room. It's spotlessly clean and too white for anyone to feel comfortable.

Her expression was plain and boring. Didn't seem bothered by the fact she was put in this awful glaring room for straight seven hours. It was already ten in the morning yet there was No Food, No Water or Any Enquiries about why she was in the crime spot. What is she going to say about this? She was simply locked up in that room. 

Her unchanging plain and carefree look indicates everyone. Nothing could possibly faze her.  In fact she didn't even do so much as shift in her seat nor did she look least bit tired for someone who did not sleep for the entire night. Instead she still looks as charming and energetic as ever.

But it wasn't the same for the people currently guarding the room while keeping an eye on her through the screen " Are they going to come here  any time soon? " Stan heard a gruff voice from the doorway. 

His fellow captain and friend Evans, who got dragged into this guard duty,  that fellow looked at him with wide and agitated red eyes.  Stan and Evans didn't have any sleep in the last seven hours.  The nearly three hours nerve racking returning journey and seven hours of staring at the suspect in the enquiry room was very hard.

He sent an apologetic look at his friend glad the base sent him as a backup, he didn't have the confidence to bring this 'Thing' with him without accident thankfully Evans team rushed over.

*Tat tat, tat tat tat tat * *Creek* 

Before He could tell something they heard a few pairs dulled footsteps from the hall outside and the door swung open.  A well built man entered the room with people in suits, his gaze shifted between two of them before it settled on Stan.

"You are that captain Stanley who alerted us last night is not it? "His voice was deep and unflipping; he smiled too easy and welcoming to be a genuine one. Stan wasn't comfortable with people like this, Nobody knows how much the smile is real.

Nonetheless captain Stan nodded his head, he didn't return the smile but introduced his fellow captain Evans. " This my colleague captain Evans....He was the one base sent to enforce my team and also currently helping me keeping an eye on that 'thing' " 

The man looked at them impassively " That's good, I'm Anthony From  special Law Enforcement And Counter Force Unit, in short  SECF.  These two are my assistants" he briefly introduced the three of them.

" Let's go to the business shall we? " He turned to Stan " I read both of your reports after you brought back the suspect here.  She didn't do anything dangerous or suspicious, even mentioned she was cooperative so I'm a little lost here.... You see this wasn't how a supernatural entity behave" he observed their expressions.

"  May I ask if you could run me through what exactly happened at the crime scene.  The clearer the better I suspected you arrested the wrong person here " Anthony said looking at the disgruntled look of both captains he further explained.

"It's merely a formality...just in case you mistakenly brought in an innocent person. If you aren't aware of this, such a mistake has severe consequences " his gaze was imploring then he shifted his attention to the women in the room.  

" She does look like an ordinary person to me, " he said rhetorically.

" Then you have some serious problems in your head my friend" a gruff voice said. " That thing sitting there unblinkingly for a straight seven hours and you tell me she was an ordinary person? Evans ' face had a funny mocking look.

Stan signals his friend to calm down, he knows getting into an argument with this guy wouldn't solve the problem here.  He turned to look at Anthony and his assistant " This is what happened...."

___ ___ ___

The gorgeous blonde woman looked at the new face with an impassive face. With practiced ease the man slid down the opposite chair, this person had a calm and collected gaze which didn't leave her face since he entered the room.

She waited for the obvious signs a human should express in her presence.  Inwardly surprised when he kept his emotions and expression her eyes took in his clothes and body language then realization dawned to her subtle gleam in her eyes that's all then returned to resume her boring mask.

After the staring contest for full ten minutes the strange man seemed to realize she had no intention of talking and broke the silence 

" May I ask, what is your kind doing in the vicinity of our city?"  there was an edge in his tone she would have laughed if it's not for the initial plan she has for this humans.