
Legends of Azaria

Follow a group of four adventurers as they travel across a vast continent. Fighting bandits, vampires, and all manner of monsters along the way. Slowly becoming Legends of Azaria.

Mr_GAl4xy · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Six: Weylok

Jethro followed Martha through the city of Weylok, passing by many buildings. There was a blacksmith, a general goods store, an inn, and many different houses. Eventually they found themselves in front of a small building that had a sign out front that read "Balek's Butcher Shop And Hunting Surplus". As they walked inside, a voice came from an open doorway behind the counter. "Welcome in, I'll be right with you in a moment." Jethro and Martha laid the bear's body and skin across the counter. Martha turned to Jethro. "Thank you for your help Jethro," said Martha. "It was my pleasure Miss Martha," replied Jethro. "Please, just call me Martha," she said. A slight smile grew across her face. "So what brings you to Weylok?" asked Martha. "Well I'm not from around here, and so I was looking for work," Jethro replied, "Mostly in the form of a sword-for-hire." "The best place for that would be Weylok's Courthouse." said Martha, "Lord Campbell always has bounties on the local bandit groups." Martha raised her hand and pointed out the door and then up. "Just follow that path and you'll find him," said Martha. "Thanks!" said Jethro, "You've been very helpful." A figure came from out of the doorway into the main room. It stood over 6 feet, and its skin was a sickly green. "Hello there!" It said. Jethro walked a few steps back. His face full of shock. "What in the world is that?" shouted Jethro. Martha and the figure looked at each other and then back at Jethro. "This is Balek Okenhak," answered Martha, "He's the owner of this place." Balek nodded. "Have you ever seen an orc before friend?" asked Balek. Jethro shook his head. "No, not at all," Jethro responded, "Where I'm from there's only humans," Jethro continued, " I'm not against it, I've just never seen your kind before." Balek chuckled. "It's quite alright friend," said Balek, "Any friend of Martha is a friend of mine." Martha turned to Jethro. "You should go see what bounties Lord Campbell has available," said Martha, "I can handle this from here." Jethro nodded and turned around and walked out the door. As he walked out Balek shouted, "Welcome to Weylok friend!"

Jethro walked through the city until he came across a building that was massive in size. There were two guards standing outside and they let him walk through. He found himself in a large room lined with pillars. There were many people standing around in fancy clothes. In the very back there was a man with a beard sitting in a chair. To the right of him was a scrawny man standing with a few rolls of paper in his hands. To the left of him was a large man in iron armor, wielding a battleaxe. Jethro approached the trio. "Welcome to my courthouse," the man sitting down said, "I am Lord Campbell." He continued. "Now what can I do for you?" " I'm looking for work my lord," Jethro replied. Lord Campbell nodded and turned to the scrawny man. He approached Jethro and handed him one of the rolls of paper. "Read this paper and carry its instructions," the scrawny man said, "Then return for your reward." Jethro bowed. "Thank you my lord." Jethro turned around and walked out of the courthouse.

He walked back through the city and saw Martha standing around. He walked up to her and held up the roll of paper. "I got a bounty to claim," said Jethro, "How did it go at Balek's?" "It went okay," Martha replied, "I didn't get as much coin as I wanted but it's okay." "Come with me on this bounty then," said Jethro, "I could use the help." Martha smiled and nodded. They both turned and headed out of the city.