
Legends of Azaria

Follow a group of four adventurers as they travel across a vast continent. Fighting bandits, vampires, and all manner of monsters along the way. Slowly becoming Legends of Azaria.

Mr_GAl4xy · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine: Road to Death’s Circle

Jethro turned and walked back over to Martha and Harold. "Are you going to be okay Martha," asked Jethro. "Yes," replied Martha, "Thank you Jethro." Jethro nodded and smiled. "Let me buy you a room for tonight so you can get some rest," said Jethro. "Actually can I stay with you for the night?" asked Martha, "I don't want to be alone." "Of course," replied Jethro. "So what are you going to do?" asked Harold. Jethro turned to Harold. "If what Vasquez said is true then I have to find their hideout and take them out," responded Jethro. Harold stood up out of his seat. "Then I'm coming with you," said Harold, "You're going to need the backup." Jethro and Harold shook hands. "Thanks Harold," said Jethro, "We'll leave first thing in the morning." Jethro, Martha, and Harold sat down at the bar again for a few pints of ale before going their rooms.

Jethro let Martha have the bed while he sat on a chair in the corner. Except he didn't sleep, he kept his eyes on the door all night. When morning came Martha and Jethro gathered their belongings and walked out of the room to the main hall of the inn. Waiting there was Harold standing with a mace in his right hand. "So you ready to head out?" asked Harold. Jethro and Martha nodded. "Yeah let's go," said Jethro. The trio walked out of the inn and made their way out of Weylok.

As they walked down the pathway out of Weylok, Jethro got out his map. The map showed the area where Serenity's Lake was located. It was about a few miles east of Weylok. Jethro put the map away and they started walking towards that direction. As they walked Martha turned to Jethro. "Hey Jethro I wanted to ask you something." said Martha. "What did you want to ask me?" said Jethro. "You said you're a traveler," said Martha, "But where are you even from?" Martha continued, "Your armor is nothing like I've ever seen before." "I'm from a distance kingdom from across the ocean known as Wessan," said Jethro. "Across the ocean?" asked Martha. Jethro nodded. "Yes, I only arrived here a few days ago," replied Jethro, "I was one of the many knights protecting the kingdom," Jethro continued, "My family is still there." "So what brings to Azaria?" asked Harold. Jethro slightly lowered his head. "It's kind of a personal matter," said Jethro, "But let's just say I can never go back." Jethro turned to Martha. "So what's your story Martha, where's your family?" Martha blushed. "My family were hunters, and I'm the only survivor after a group of bandits attacked us many years ago." "You're the only member of your family left." said Harold. Martha nodded. "That's terrible, sorry to hear that." said Jethro. Martha looked at Jethro and smiled. "Thanks but I'm okay now," said Martha, "a few years back I managed to find their hideout and took them out." "Good, I'm glad you were able to avenge them." said Jethro. As they continued to walk Martha turned to Harold. "You said last night that you're a former monk from a nearby monastery," said Martha, "I'd like to hear all about it." Harold nodded. "It's a nice little area," said Harold, "I was born there in the monastery." "Were your parents monks?" asked Martha. Harold shook his head. "I honestly don't know who my parents were," replied Harold, "They never told me." "Did you leave the monastery to go looking for them?" asked Martha. "I honestly would love to find them one day," replied Harold, "But that's not the reason I left the monastery." Harold continued, "They have a strict no weapons rule." Jethro spoke up. "And you broke it." said Jethro. Harold nodded as he held up his mace. "So they banished me," said Harold, "But it's okay cause I get to be out here helping people that the monastery can't reach."

They eventually came upon Serenity's Lake. "We're here." said Harold. "Okay let's spread out and look for a way into there base." said Jethro. Harold and Martha nodded, and the three split up to find the way into the Death's Circle hideout. A few minutes went by before Harold eventually came across a small wooden door in the ground. "Hey I think I found it." yelled Harold. Jethro and Martha walked over to where Harold was standing. "Let's go then." said Martha looking down at the door. Jethro nodded. "We should be careful once we enter," said Jethro, "Who knows how many assassins are down there." Jethro opened the door revealing a ladder leading downward. The trio started climbing down the ladder into the abyss below. First with Jethro, then Martha, and finally Harold bringing up the rear.