
The Three Legends (Part One)

Transcend is the act of overcoming limits, it is something that occurs when a person reaches a level higher than allowed in that world.

An example of this would be in the old online gaming servers. When they were released, the games gave the player a level limit he could reach and over time that limit would be increased, allowing the characters to evolve further.

Transcending in this case, would be to reach level 51, even with the server limit being 50.

And that's exactly what Natasha Valente and Noah Magalhães Lima managed to achieve.

Before the appearance of the first Kaiju, Natasha was a historian and professional videogame player, famous in the gaming world as "The best support" thanks to her results as a support class in a certain MOBA game.

Already her husband, Noah Magalhães Lima, was a pretty famous webnovel writer who had begun to write romance a long time ago and had the title of "Dreamer", thanks to how innovative were his novels that seemed to come out of the dreams of several of your readers.

Thanks to a gaming event that Natasha participated in in North Korea, both had managed to survive the disaster that was the counterattack of the Kaijus and even managed to get their hands on a cultivate manual made especially for a couple.

With the passing of days and the difficult mission to survive in a world that was falling into ruins, the couple focused on cultivating the technique they had acquired and fighting the monsters that seemed to want nothing more than to eliminate and destroy the human race.

Perhaps because of their work, the couple had a quiet mindset to deal with that whole situation. Natasha seemed to deal with reality as if it were a game on the Infernal level and Noah handled as if he had reincarnated in another world with different rules and where he had to fight to survive.

Whatever the reason, they continued to hunt and kill each passing day while their cultivation bases rose at shocking speed, placing the couple as one of the strongest members of the human race and their last line of defense.

Maybe they had a shocking talent for cultivation or maybe it was because as a couple who had not been married for a long time, the fire of passion still burned every night and as they used the excuse of "practicing" to show their love and desire a by the other.

Regardless of the reason, one night as they were engaging in an intense "cultivation" session, a storm formed in the heavens and soon lightning struck the couple as if they were punishing them for something they did wrong.

Luckily the couple had managed to get through that unexpected ordeal thanks to the synchrony they had with each other, thus allowing them to understand each other without having to exchange a single word between them. But before the couple could even celebrate their survival, a huge black hole opened over their heads, sucking both into it and disappearing soon after.,

That night, the few survivors who belonged to the human race despaired. With two of his strongest guards being sucked in by a black hole, the thin thread that kept them all alive had broken and even though the monsters were busy fighting each other, there were still many who came around and tried to devour humans there. If it had not been for Natasha and Noah, as well as others, there would not have been a single surviving human long ago, but the two of them had disappeared and that seemed to foretell disaster.

Fortunately, they were wrong.

The same night that the couple had disappeared, a huge stone tower appeared in the middle of human territory as if it were always there and in the next moment something even more incredible happened: All the monsters within a 5Km area were "sucked" into that tower, screaming and roaring, unable to resist whatever might be the pulling power to tower.

And the arrival of the tower came with a message in the minds of all humans, a message that not only explained the act and rewards of transcend, but also explained the gifts that Natasha and Noah had left after leaving that plane.

Noah had given the world the Infinite Tower. A construction made by Heavenly Law to allow humans to have secure territory in the world.

The tower followed simple, stiffer laws. She evolved herself by gathering energy in the air and pulling all the monsters that were "born" within a certain area to your interior, and the higher the level for tower, the stronger the monster could be trapped. In addition, it also prevented monsters below a certain level from approaching the tower area, making the area a safe place for humans.

But with the justice of the Heavenly Law, the tower not only apprehended the monsters to be at the mercy of the humans. The tower was a restraint and an opportunity.

The monsters trapped in the tower gained the ability to become stronger by killing the humans who went in search of treasure and strength, as well as a faster rate of growth. And if the number of monsters trapped or their level was too high, they were able to create a "break" of the dungeon, leaving all tower monsters free to kill, loot and destroy everything outside the tower.

But even with these disadvantages, the tower was a perfect place for humans, the weaker monsters were on the lower levels, the stronger on the higher levels, and humans could enter the tower to obtain treasures and methods of cultivation of form relatively safe .

Natasha's gift has been something more innovative not only for the human race, but even for the celestial law itself: Akashic Record (Status)

With the gift received from Natasha, humans were now able to measure their strength and level of cultivation, as well as to understand the changes that happened to the world more efficiently, since some had gained the "Evaluation" ability they could bring from the Akashic Record the information on everything they saw.

And it was from that moment that the human race began to flee from its status of mere survivors at the mercy of tempest, to become those able to cope the winds and the waves.