
The Snake of Change

After Raphael disappeared from that space,the voice that had exchanged words with him again sounded in that place, seeming to speak to someone else.

"That is interesting is not it? Who would say that an abandoned world could really create a cultivator, even he if it only transcended because there are no cultivators in this world, it is still something noteworthy"

No other voice was heard answering, but even so the voice that talked to Raphael continued to talk, as if he had heard something.

"I know, his request is a little complicated, after all we can not create the energy out of nothing, but this abandoned world is perfect for an idea I had"

Again no answer seemed to come, yet the voice continued to act as if it were talking to someone .

"We have many agreements and promises that we can not fulfill perfectly, this world is a perfect place to do this"

Again, only the silence received the words of the voice that apparently did not care to continue talking alone.

"An example of this is the races that have people asking for the race to never be completely extinct. And while we can make the race thrive, with time the whole species declines and finds its end. And even when we awaken the lineage again in other beings, the enemies of that race soon finds them and they kill them, not allowing them to rise again, making us have to start all over our work again"

Such an occurrence was normal, no matter how much the celestial law cares for a race, they still must be impartial and allow other species to act freely. And this often made the races self-destruct and their enemies would not allow their revival.

But in a different world, if these races arose they would have no enemies to worry about and would not have to worry about being hunted without end.

"Racial discrimination? Humans are really good at it, even with the same species, but you're forgetting that any change comes with bloodshed. They will not have time to worry about race difference as they struggle to survive."

There was a few minutes of silence as the voice that spoke seemed to disappear completely. Maybe listening to whoever was talking.

"Do you want to know how I'm going to get enough energy to change this abandoned world into a cultivation world? That's easy, I'm going to use the Abyssower"

After a short silence, the voice began to speak again about his plans for Raphael's world.

Abyssower was an extremely peculiar race in the universe. Formed of pure energy and possessing sapience, race was born of the energy of the universe in a random way and continued to grow in energy with each passing second, until at some point they could no longer control the energy of their own bodies and exploded, thus ending with their own existences.

Thanks to this characteristic, the breed does not cultivate, as this would cause its life expectancy, which was no longer than a few months, to become days.

One day a member of this breed was born with extremely low levels for the speciesand what would be considered a reason for mockery and contempt for other races has become a blessing to the Abyssower.

Soon the member of the species cultivated to the point of transcend the heavens, using the energy of his body to achieve what no species could achieve in centuries in a few months.

Unfortunately after transcend to a space similar to what Raphael had appeared, Abyssower member only had time to murmur "The curse of my race ..." before he could no longer control his energy and exploded like his predecessors.

The funny thing was that as a member of the Abyssower race, he was just like the others, extremely arrogant, violent and cruel, not caring at all about the fate of the rest of his kind. But thanks to his last words that it was a bitter complaint about his fate, the celestial law had understood his last words as a request to rid the species of his deplorable situation.

And now a perfect opportunity had come to use the Abbyssower. In an abandoned world, without heavenly treasures and without a great amount of energy, it was impossible for people to cultivate, the very fact that Raphael was able to enter the first level of the cultivation path was enough to be considered a miracle.

And now, to attend to Raphael's request, just like those of many beings who came before them, the heavenly law would use the Abbyssower race not only to turn that abandoned world into a world of cultivation, as well as keeping promises which had hitherto been prevented from being fulfilled.

"Well, let's do this soon"

As soon as the voice finished speaking, somewhere in the Amazon a huge serpent came out of nowhere in the middle of the forest. The snake was as big as a pickup truck and had a pair of cruel, bloodshot eyes.

The Abbyssower were a race that were born in different forms, thanks to which the celestial law could easily modify the forms of it in that world, leaving them with an appearance more easily understood by the inhabitants of the Earth.

"The game started ... I wonder how long it will take for the world to stabilize again"

As if seeing the birth of the serpent in the world, the voice made one more comment before the space where Raphael had appeared began to disappear slowly. A sign that his purpose had been fulfilled.

Hello guys! Yes, I know, it was a rather boring chapter. But I wanted to explain a little of the world before I started the real story. So, I'm going to do a bulk chapter release to reimburse you.

Oh, I do not speak English, so please point out all the mistakes so I can fix it! Thank you!

_DreamWalker_creators' thoughts