
Entering a School

After seeing the arrogant young man being arrested and hearing the old man talking about the city, Loki had decided that it was there that he would stay and perform one of the last wishes his parents had left behind: The desire that he attend a school and get some friends.

Luckily for him, today was the day of testing for one of the largest schools in the kingdom and anyone under the age of 18 could try to pass the school tests and become a student of it.

as soon as he learned that, Loki wasted no time and went to one of the registration counters that were scattered throughout the city and was surprised by the line of boys and girls of all ages who were making their inscriptions. Being sincere, Loki had never seen so many people his age in one place before and that made him a little too anxious.


After more than thirty minutes waiting in line, Loki finally found himself starting his inscription, that was simpler than he had imagined. He just had to write his name, age, sex, and tribe to which he belonged, and then a person would take him to the test room, where he would have to pass both a theoretical test and a practical test. If he could get good results, he would be admitted to school.

Sitting on a bench and waiting for someone to come and call him, Loki began to think about the different types of school that existed in the world.

In general, schools could be separated into three categories: Mortal School, Cultivation School and Specialized School.

The Mortal School was the school where those who did not have talent or did not want to cultivate would go to learn other professions that did not need a high cultivation, like administrators, inspectors, accountants and several other professions. It was the school sought out by those who wanted to live a simple life and without many adventures, taking care of their family and of themselves in the safest way.

The Cultivation School was the exact opposite, it was the school where those who sought to climb to the top of the world and fight the monsters with their abilities and powers would go to learn everything they needed, from the weak points of the monsters to combat techniques. It was also the best place to bond with other cultivator's and maybe even set up a future team of hunters to explore dungeons and protect the human race from monsters.

Meanwhile, the most special of all three schools were the Specialized School, where what was learned was the most diverse professions a cultivator could have. From blacksmiths to alchemists and masters of formations. All who subscribed to such schools were the unorthodox seekers of Daos who wanted to be at the top of their respective profession and to help the human race with their creations.

The school for which Loki had enrolled was a cultivator's school, he had made that choice mainly because he believed he would be more likely to pass the tests at this school than any of the other two.

"Please, follow me."

After a few minutes of waiting, Loki was soon called by a young blonde who with a smile led him to a room down the hall. Inside the room there was only one table with a test sheet and a pen.

"You have twenty minutes to answer as many questions as you can and then hand the sheet to me. I wish you good luck"

Still smiling, the young woman closed the door behind her and left Loki alone in the living room to answer all the questions.

And exactly twenty minutes later, she had come back to pick up the sheet with the answers with the same smile on her lips.

"Now please follow me to the room where you will take your practical test."

And when again the young blonde took Loki to a new room, he can not help but be surprised the room is completely empty. And as if noticing his strangeness, the young blonde smiled and began to explain.

"This is a virtual reality room where your only goal is to survive for as long as you can.The time, monsters you killed and amounts of injuries will be taken into account for your final grade. Again, I wish you good luck"

After the blonde girl closed the door, the empty room began to turn into a huge forest that Loki knew very well: The Forest of Blood

Seeing that familiar place and listening to the roars of wild beasts that had long been his lullaby, Loki could not help but grin as he wielded his two swords and joined them by the handle, turning them both into a bow with a rope made of energy.

That would be fun.

A while later when he left the room, Loki again found the blonde who had taken him to the test rooms. But this time the smile she always wore seemed a bit hard as she gave him a look that seemed to pierce the mask he wore.

Here an image to facilitate the imagination of Loki's weapon:


Another chapter for today.

_DreamWalker_creators' thoughts