
Legends Academy - Only A Small Fraction

Uriah Crane, a fourteen-year-old teenager who inherited his father's powers rather than his world-renowned powerful mother's. He is now enrolled in Legends Academy, where he will encounter conflict after conflict, or will he eventually give up? Make sure you stick with Uriah to the end, because you're in for a wild journey!

Kenji_Akuma · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Picture Perfect Family…

Welcome to Earth, an Earth far different from that of which you know. An Earth with only two continents, one known as Eotus, and another called Iwari. Now those aren't the only things different about this world, however, it all started with these two continents, and their greed for power.

The two continents thought it best for only one to have control over the land, that only one should rule all. So they did what any foolish leaders in history would have, and began a war, its declaration of war sent from the king of Iwari. This battle was soon to have changed the world forever, and this war was soon to earn a warm spot in history.

The war between the two would soon be known as the Mutation Of Humanity, where each leader would stop at nothing to finish the other. As the name implies this war changed humanity's genetic code. Enabling forty percent of the world's population to do things beyond physical limitations.

Some could lift cars with one hand, others shooting lasers from their eyes. Ever since the Mutation Of Humanity, this seems to have become the new normal. Or rather the world's way of coping, from the great losses that go along with every war.

Although here, Earth is now making a fresh spot in its new normal, where men and women fly through its skies. And some swim through its hottest magma. Oh, for where have my manners gone, I am none other than Edward Frederick. The first king and only king of Eotus, long-dead might I add, however for some strange reason I've been brought back to tell you the tale of one man, Uriah Crane…

"Lucas, do me a favor and go wake up your brother, for today is the day of the Legends Academy's entrance exams." Mirah Cane, the lovely and well-dressed mother of these children, spoke before taking her seat at the dining table. Which contained a wide variety of delectable delicacies from practically every culture!

'Father like son, he's just like Elijah, I still can't believe mother married him.' Lucas thought inwardly, as he wouldn't dare verbally question or talk back to his mother, you could even say he feared her. Making his way through the vast and lavish house, Lucas had finally arrived at Uriah's door.

Without knocking Lucas slammed the door wide open, and could see a sight he wishes he could forget to this day. Almost as bad as when his father Liam Jones, took him fishing and proceeded to gobble up the worms which were supposed to be used as bait.

Lucas remained terrified in the doorway because he had never seen his brother's lazy eye wide open as he slept; he had heard stories about it from his mother but had never seen it in person. He was too terrified to approach his brother or even speak to him. He continued to stretch out his hand, and as he did so, it became longer and longer until he was able to reach his brother and forcefully wake him up.

"Alright, I'm up so stop shaking me!" Uriah snapped angrily, as he proceeded to hop out of bed and walk towards the door in his Christmas pajamas. He then closed the door and proceeded to get dressed, once fitted Uriah was wearing a grey hoodie, white undershirt, and a pair of black jeans.

While Uriah was getting dressed Lucas told him that breakfast was ready and went back to the kitchen table to take his seat. Shortly after, Uriah had arrived at the table, and now this time his father Elijah Crane was seated as well.

"Okay, now that everyone has arrived, shall we talk about what you'll be doing today? I just want to make sure everyone is organized before I leave." Mirah spoke, not wanting anyone to forget their tasks of today.

"Sure, I know that Lucas and I will both be tackling Legends Academy's entrance exams today, but I'm not sure what dad's going to be up to," Uriah replied moments after his mom had spoken. Then he began scarfing down food, almost as though he was a vacuum cleaner. His grey hoodie soon to bear many stains to come.

"Well, I'll be off to work while you're all off saving the world, such never was my line of work. Nevertheless, I'll be supporting all you heroes from behind the scenes, most heroes need lawyers nowadays anyways." Elijah spoke, knowing that his line of work was outshined by that of heroes. However, those heroes did sometimes make mistakes and end up requiring a lawyer.

'There he goes again, always comparing his line of work to that of heroes, I really can't believe mom married such a worthless loser. And that I was forced to be brother's with someone whose dad acts like a wimp, heck his power's even weak, I'm surprised mom hasn't lost interest in him.' Lucas spoke his mind in his head freely, glad that his mom couldn't read minds like him and his father.

"Lucas honey, make sure to eat up before it's time to go, you haven't touched your food at all," Mirah spoke.

"Oh, yeah I almost forgot, I don't have long until It's time for the entrance exams!" Once Lucas had said this, he immediately began eating the mouth-watering food on the table.

After around thirty minutes, both Lucas and Uriah had set out to arrive at the place where the entrance exams were being held. While Lucas would fly there, Uriah would have his father drive him to the exams. They had both insisted that Lucas journey with them, but he made it clear he wanted to arrive alone.

Upon arriving, Uriah couldn't spot Lucas anywhere and worried that he may have gotten lost. Then before he knew it his father had driven away, leaving Uriah on his own. A man the same height as Uriah's father had grasped a megaphone and began relaying instructions.

"For those who don't know, my name is Oliver Fox, and I am the headmaster of Legends Academy. Being referred to as the academy's principal is also acceptable. Now I'll get to the meat of the matter: the entrance examinations. These differ for each grade level, so select the bus that corresponds to your grade level, and further instructions will be provided at the actual meeting location." Oliver, the bald headmaster, spoke before he dissolved into thin air in front of everyone.