
Legendary System's Miss Lin

Lin Xiaoyu was a powerful figure in the business world. When it came to managing a company, there was no one who could come first if she was second place. Being a powerful CEO, she had money and power. She was unstoppable! --- Until one day she was kidnapped, tortured and murdered. Looks like power has a price… At least she can rest now that she's dead right? Wrong! She mysteriously woke up elsewhere! What's this? A white space?? What's this about being a system… And why is this immature brat the host! Eh… Eh?!

WolfQueen_YuNa · Fantasy
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1 Chs

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A red ray of light shone through the window on the penultimate floor of a building. It carefully embraced Lin Xiaoyue in warmth as she scribbled away on the last document that required her signature.

She stretched her arms lazily as she yawned. It seemed that she could finally relax. It had been a long day after all.

Glancing at the digital clock on her desk, Lin Xiaoyue quietly stood up from her desk and made her way out of her office. While she passed by the corridor, she was greeted by a short man with crinkled eyelids. This was her secretary, Liu San.

She quietly nodded as she walked out, completely missing her secretary grinning heavily at her departure.

Just as she arrived at the parking lot of the company, Lin Xiaoyue fumbled through her workbag for her car keys.

Despite being the CEO of the greatest enterprise in Xing country, she still refused to employ a driver.

Lin Xiaoyue's principle in life was: 'Don't get complacent in luxury, remember you have two sets of limbs you can work with!'

A mundane skill such as driving, if not practiced well enough, it's bound to be forgotten. After all, memories are fragile, and will fade away with time.

Just as she nodded complacently at her splendid way of thinking, a cloth covered her mouth as she was roughly grabbed from behind without warning.

Taken by surprise from this attack, she accidentally gasped, successfully breathing into the cloth.

Seconds later, her vision blurred and she lost consciousness.

As for what happened after that, it was unclear.



Lin Xiaoyue was rudely awoken by a tub of cold water. Her eyes shot open out of shock as she took in her surroundings. The stale air and metallic smell of blood... these people were experienced kidnappers.

"Hey there, bitch. Finally awake?" a familiar voice called out to her. She struggled to make out a figure in her blurred vision, but she managed to recognise the voice!

"S-secretary Liu? W-what's going on? What are you trying to do?!"

"It's very very simple, Miss Lin. I'm going to takeover Moonlight Enterprises as the new CEO! Heh... How does this sound: The unfortunate Miss Lin retires, leaving her secretary as the sole proprietor!"

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyue scoffed at him "What makes you think that would ever happen? If I retire, the company would pass on to my brother, not you!" she said disdainfully.

As if he had been waiting for this, Liu San cackled, "Hahaha... Oh Lin Xiaoyue, our beautiful Miss Lin, given the circumstances, haven't you realised?" he grinned despicably.

"W-what do you mean..." she asked in disbelief.

'He couldn't....' she thought nervously.

'No, please don't let it be true...'

"It's simple, Miss Lin. You won't be retiring. You will, quite simply disappear. Nobody will come looking for you. Aish, and even if they wanted to, they wouldn't be able to find you. If by some miracle they ever did, it'd only be your rotting corpse! HAHAHAHA...!"

As she heard these words, Lin Xiaoyue's face paled. She gritted her teeth and silently closed her eyes, seething in anger at her powerlessness.

Slowly, she sighed and looked straight at him.

"So you will kill me just to get the company? You are willing to commit murder and run the risk of being caught by the authorities... just for the position of a CEO? How laughable." She said coldly.

Upon hearing her remarks, Liu San just smiled and nodded.

"But you seem to be mistaken about something, I won't be the one killing you. And I won't be getting caught either."

"You see, Miss Lin... once I take action, I try to see it through to the end. So I hired professionals for the job, they're in charge of you. They'll make sure you thoroughly enjoy your death, they'll make sure you witness my rise as the new CEO." As he said this, Liu San's smile was as wide as the sun.

"But rather than me telling you all about it, it's better that you experience it yourself." he chuckled slightly, highly bemused at his former boss' look of plain shock as he turned around and left the room.

What came next, only Lin Xiaoyue and the professional killers knew. As for Liu San? He didn't care what happened to her afterwards, he finally had an entire company to himself!


A week later, various news outlets' headlines read:

"The reputable Miss Lin vanishes, A new CEO emerges in Moonlight Enterprises!"

"Who is Liu San, the new CEO of Moonlight Enterprises?"

"Where is Miss Lin? What changes await the new Moonlight Enterprises?"

Such headlines would appear, the public was shocked at the news it reported and for a while this new wave of news would remain.

"Do you like what you see, bitch?" A sinister voice asked the heavily breathing Lin Xiaoyue, who was just focused on listening to the loud noise of the TV in the cell.

It had been a week since she was kidnapped, during this entire time, the killers were told to not kill her immediately, but to endlessly torture her in various inhumane ways, making sure she survived until today.

Obviously, these killers were men, and as any man does, they get desires. Lin Xiaoyue was a very beautiful woman, and unfortunately she was not exempt to this rule. She had been repeatedly violated by them during the past few days.

They would torture her, beat her and **** her until she falls unconscious. But it was never enough that she would die.

During this entire time, Lin Xiaoyue tried her best to not scream, even when she was assaulted and her entire body was used as a dumpster by these men, she persisted. But just as any human would, she would inevitably shed many tears during her suffering.

When the news came out, she knew it would be her last day.

This was it. This was how she would die.

As she thought this, her breathing slowed and her heart finally gave out. All of this happened while she was still being violated.

Lin Xiaoyue never even got to tell them, that if by some miracle she ever returned... she would make their lives… a living hell.


When Lin Xiaoyue next opened her eyes, she found herself in complete darkness.

'Has she finally perished? Is this what death is? Just plain old darkness? Seems rather boring.' She thought.

However just as she wondered how long she would remain in this state, the room illuminated into a completely bright white room. It was so bright, Lin Xiaoyue had to squint her eyes—

'Hold on. Eyes???'

'How come she has eyes now? Shouldn't she be dead?'

Questioning herself, she started looking around in confusion. And yet everywhere she looked, there seemed to be only a white space.

Lin Xiaoyue even tried to walk around the space, but no matter how much she walked, she could not seem to find an end to the white space.

It was endless!

Knowing how futile her attempts at finding some semblance of reason in this white space was, she decided to lay down on the 'floor'.

"How boring, if only I had something to look at I wouldn't be this bored." She sighed as she proceeded to lay flat on the floor.

Even though she was lying down though, it seemed as though she had a body.

Touching and feeling herself up, she realised her body was the same as the one before she had been kidnapped and killed. So she felt no pain and in fact felt quite healthy and energetic.

After an indefinite amount of time, she randomly started to scream within the white space.

"Argghhh!! I'm so bored!"

"Where's the fun in being trapped in the middle of nowhere!" TT^TT she cried out.


After another indefinite amount of time, she took a nap. This time though, just as she was about to dream, she heard a robotic voice in the space.

<<Loading Up Interface…>>

<< Registering New System Operator… >>

<< Installing necessary components for Legendary System's creation >>

<<Components installed!>>

<<System Creation Successful!>>

<< Interface has finished loading!>>

Hearing this series of words being said in a cold monotonous voice, immediately woke Lin Xiaoyue up.

"What the hell…" she exclaimed as she immediately sat up and looked around. However it did not take her long to realise that those words were actually being displayed in black letters right in front of her!

<< Welcome Miss Lin, to the Legendary System's Control Room! >>
