
Legendary Soul Art

[Daily Updates at 15:00 GMT+2] Becoming a Soul Artist was every kid's dream and goal in life. They would train hard since young and then join the Soul Academy to make their parents proud. When a mysterious teen walked up the stage to get tested during the yearly Selection, everyone assumed he had the same dream. They were wrong. He had much bigger goals and he bet with his life to achieve them. His name was Number One. —————— Check out my other novels too! Author's Insta -> instagram.com/piokilek Discord -> https://discord.gg/mFmYwyT

Piokilek · Fantasy
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139 Chs

Just For Today (**)

Everyone had defensive instincts in them to act when they were in danger and Luna immediately grasped onto Number One's forearm that was holding her neck. She wanted to pull him away but her natural instincts seemed defective. She didn't even consider him a danger anymore and no strength came out of her arms. 

Luna turned her gaze to Nami as if looking for help but Nami was in another world. Her eyes were closed and arms wrapped around Number One's head as they made out passionately with no break for a breath. She must have thought that Luna already left and focused on enjoying herself. 

'Just pull him away and run!' Luna scolded herself in her mind but her body didn't move an inch. She felt so good just a moment ago and Number One wasn't really hurting her. 

It was the complete opposite.