
Legendary Shelter Survival Guide

Once upon a time, everything was awesome on planet Earth. People were chilling with their families, tech was super advanced, and they could even travel way out into space. Animals taking care of the food chain like they always do. But then, bam! Something crazy happened, and everyone got zapped to this super-dangerous place along with some weird alien folks of many types. Follow Lucas, a regular dude, as he tries not to get wrecked in this crazy new world. Some folks got cool skills to survive, but all Lucas got was the power to build a fancy shelter that could level up. Sounds lame, right? But turns out, it might be his ticket to not getting squashed. So, get ready for Lucas's wild ride as he figures out how to survive in a place that's basically a nightmare. While others are doing ninja moves or casting spells, Lucas is just trying not to get eaten. Little does he know, his so-called bad luck might just be the thing that saves his sorry butt. Join Lucas in this epic adventure full of surprises, where he builds his shelter, faces crazy challenges, and learns that sometimes, what seems like the worst luck ever can turn out to be a total game-changer. It's a story of survival, discovery, and how even the simplest guy can rock a world that's turned upside down.

sahejRocks · Fantasy
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291 Chs

Summoning (1)

Just like that, Lucas had his days peacefully spent devising plans for the shelter and helping others in completing their missions.

The building that was being made outside the shelter was considered the guild building by Lucas. He had already conversed with Mike about it and by destroying two of the walls and making them from scratch again, they had the measurements right too.

'The starter guild doesn't need a lot do space, but the other ones after it need a lot of space. If everything goes right, there may be an upgrade option with the help of my skill.' 

Lucas looked at the guild in the making and couldn't help but feel satisfied, Mike was putting each grain on his own, and from Lucas's eyes, it was easy to say that his skill level had increased.

The efficiency had increased a lot.

He then went to the cook and looked at the missions she had to complete.

"What? You already completed two?"