
Legendary Seer

Infinity online, a mysterious game which was launched by the government for unknown reasons... A game which was the key to the survival of humanity. - The 'zombies' who kept rushing at me endlessly were all sliced apart, forming more pile of decapitated bodies on the field and giving me a breather. And with a shout, I raised my scythe above my head, and stamped down the end pole to the floor... and... Nothing happened. I really should keep it low on the 'Animes'. - Let's follow our MC through his daily life, and see his reactions towards sudden turns and twists in the mysterious game. ******* This book will be featuring for the webnovel spirity awards 2023, so I'd really appreciate all the help I can get from you guys. Please comment and review for better development.

White_Priest · Games
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39 Chs


I noticed few changes in my status board which weren't there the last time I checked. My class now had a tier1 tag, and I got a special AOE skill too.

On reading the skill note below, I felt my blood boiling and my legs turned jelly. With this skill, I could now abuse the 'Book of Divine' and my 'Seer' skill as long as enough life-force is stored within.

And as we are heading over to the top floor to clear out the numerous beasts inhabiting there, then it would be the best time to store life-force within.

I did some light workout and stretches, then gathered as much supplies as I could into a camping backpack. No one knew how long it would take to clear the upper floors except the empress of course, but I wasn't willing to ask her such question.

In my bulging backpack was a tent, spare clothes, canned foods, bottles of water and spices. I also changed my current clothe to a black tactical pant with multiple pockets, a black t-shirt with a brown vest and a black laced boot.

My once white trimmed hair were now overgrown and shabby, so I had to tie it in a ponytail, then I hooked a black skull earring on my ears.

Looking at my reflection in mirror, I nodded in self appreciation. 'It's time to go...' I muttered to myself, and picked up my bulging backpack. Then I took one last glance around my room then headed for the door.



The hall was pretty crowded and noisy when I got there, it could be said that seventy percent of the total population here, were present in the hall.

Some were sparing among themselves, some were showing off their skills and abilities, while some were just silent and entertaining themselves with the sights of the others.

Because I was just a new council member and wasn't made official, most people didn't recognize me. Some kept on glancing at me like I was an alien, while some didn't care who I was and kept on carrying themselves like peacocks.

I was planning on leaning on the doorway till the empress arrives, but... plans do not always go as they were planned...

I felt a huge palm grab my shoulder, then I heard a menacing voice from behind, "Little one, weren't you taught not to block my path?".

The hall instantly fell silent and the eyes of the hundreds were on me and whoever was behind me.

The doorway in which I was leaning on was a wide double door, so my size did little to block anyone who was willing to pass in peace.

I didn't bother looking behind me to see who was responsible, but simply said, "Get your dirty hands off me".


Just like I thought, this was one of the rebels boss, and I was going to use him as a stepping stone for my fame, today was just not his day.

"Did you just call omega Gary's hands dirty?!!" Another voice bellowed in anger behind me.

"If omega Barry is the one who has his hands on me, then yes, I called his hands dirty" I said softly, while chuckling in my heart.


"It's omega Gary not Barry you dumb f*ck!!" A different voice bellowed in anger, "Boss, let me f*ck over this mince meat here".

"I'm sorry to disappoint you boy... but I don't do gay shits bro" I said, trying push them to their limits.


"What'd you just say?!!" The voice screamed out in rage.

"I'm sure you aren't deaf... Or are you" I said and finally looked behind me. But when I saw the owner of the palm on my shoulder, my jaw almost dropped.

"Leo boy?!!" The owner of the palm called out in surprise.

"Mr John?!!" I exclaimed in surprise too.

This was my landlord, and the both of us were in good terms back on earth, because I've been living in his building for a long time and I always pay my rents when due.

There was even a time I had to lend him some money to pay off the loan sharks who were hot on his tails, because he always spent all his money on women and drugs.

Yeah... He was a gang banger.

"Leo boy, I always knew you'd survive this shit hole, you had it in you... Hahaha" John said while laughing wildly and patting my shoulders.

The crowd in the hall now felt like they were watching a drama series, even Mr John's underlings were now watching us in confusion.

"So you're now called omega Gary?" I asked with a pained smile.

Ater running my mouth with my cool 'pickup' lines, I turn around only to find out that my supposedly 'stepping stone' turns out to be someone I was acquitted with back on earth.

Damn... I look like a clown now.

'Plans do not always go as they were planned', I think that should be my moral lesson for today.

"Yeah leo boy, that's a really high position. You should join the gang boy, they're alot conspiracy theories you need to learn about. And we could tear down the council rules together... So what do say?" John asked with a proud smile.

The crowd noise had silenced again, as they wanted to hear my reply.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you... But I'm a council member" I replied with a smile.



Everyone turned to glare at the boy who had mistakenly dropped his weapon to the floor.

"S-sorry" he stammered and quickly picked up his short sword.

Then everyone turned towards me again and stared at me with dropped jaws.


"A-are you joking?" John stammered with sweat droplets forming on his forehead.

"Why would I, besides, Some know me here... Isn't that right?" I asked the crowd, and some people nodded while whispering to themselves.

"A-am I going t-to get thrown o-out" John asked with a cracked voice.

"Not if we work together" I replied with a creepy smile.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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