
Legendary Seer

Infinity online, a mysterious game which was launched by the government for unknown reasons... A game which was the key to the survival of humanity. - The 'zombies' who kept rushing at me endlessly were all sliced apart, forming more pile of decapitated bodies on the field and giving me a breather. And with a shout, I raised my scythe above my head, and stamped down the end pole to the floor... and... Nothing happened. I really should keep it low on the 'Animes'. - Let's follow our MC through his daily life, and see his reactions towards sudden turns and twists in the mysterious game. ******* This book will be featuring for the webnovel spirity awards 2023, so I'd really appreciate all the help I can get from you guys. Please comment and review for better development.

White_Priest · Games
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39 Chs

Having Fun

Her actions surprised me but I was already on guard. I quickly clapped my palms together, with the blade in-between.

The girl pulled the chain in her hands which was connected to blade, and the blade slashed my palms and flew back to the girl.

The moment the blade slashed my palms, I felt a portion of my life-force siphoned away by the blade. My jaws instantly dropped as I looked at the girl in awe.

"How does getting a taste of your own medicine feels?" The girl asked with a scoff.

She was really pissed off by my question earlier, but I really don't recognize her. Ginger hair, slim fit, tall, long legs and a perfect proportion in each place... I do recognize her now. The new transfer student, Audrey Hall.

"Audrey?... You can't actually blame..." Before I could finish my sentence, the blade came at me again. I tilted my head to the side and the blade went pass me and got embedded on the wall.

She was about to pull the chain but before she could, I grabbed the chain on my end, and pulled it. Her grip on the chain was tight, so she got pulled along with the chain towards me.

She fell on me, and due to my balance not being steady, we both fell on the bed behind me. I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist and smirked at her.

Her face became as red as an overriped tomato as our face were just a few inches apart. I never knew I'd have such a wonderful moment with her.

At that moment, the door of the room opened up and a guy's head peeked in with a smile. But when he saw Audrey on top of me with my hands wrapped around her waist, his eyes became bloodshot and he frowned deeply.

"What's the meaning of this?... After all we've been through!" The guy said, while gritting his teeth.

Scoff... Dramatic boyfriend.

Audrey quickly jumped off me and was about to start explaining, but the guy didn't give her a chance and slammed the door behind him. Audrey then turned and glared at me in anger.

"Uhhh... Is he your dad?" I asked innocently and began laughing maniacally at my joke.

She stared at me like I was psychopath, and waited till I was done amusing myself. After a while of laughing out my accumulated stress, I wiped my eyes and looked at her.

"Why didn't you chase after him?... Seems like I did you a favour, you own me one" I said with a creepy smile.

"Let's go..." She said and walked out of the room, ignoring my remark.

I made myself comfortable on the bed and covered myself up with a blanket. Then I heard footsteps walk into room and heard an annoyed voice, "Hey!! What are you doing? I said let's go!!".

I didn't reply and smirked instead. Then I heard the footsteps approach the bed and a hand reached out to pull the blanket off me... Just like I expected.

But before the hand could touch the blanket, I quickly pulled down the blanket and grabbed the hand and pulled the person on me.

Audrey had a shocked expression on her face as she fell on me. She never thought that I would keep taking advantage of her.

She tried to get off me but I quickly trapped her with me in the blanket, I laid on her and pinned her hands above her head with mine, then watched her struggling to free herself.

She soon got tired of struggling and stared at me with her red face. "Are you done?..." I asked with a creepy smile. But she just stared at me with her eyes filled with hatred.

"I'm gonna ask you questions... And each time you don't reply, you get a kiss, okay?' I asked, still with a creepy smile.

And just like thought, she didn't reply. I quickly pecked her lips before she could move her head. "F*ck!!..." She screamed and started struggling below me again.

After a while of struggling, she calmed down again. "Are you done?..." I asked again with a creepy smile. But to my disappointment, she mumbled "yes".

"Good... Now for each question you answer correctly, you also get a kiss, okay?" I asked with a chuckle. I could already see tears accumulating in her eyes as she nodded slowly.

Just then, the blanket got pulled away and I heard a familiar feminine voice, "Fun time is over, we need to discuss".

I sighed and let go of Audrey arms, then rolled off her. She quickly got off the bed and stormed out of the room. Then I looked at a girl in white who was standing by the bed.

"Wanna take place?" I asked her with a smile.

The girl in white stared at me for a while before saying, "You've really changed in a short while".

"Or you never knew me" I replied nonchalantly, still with a smile.

She stared at me silently for a while before saying again, "Rape has serious consequences here".

"What the f*ck! I'm not that disgusting... I was only scaring her." I said and stood up from the bed. "Is this the alliance base?" I asked.

"Something like that... we are inside the lowest floor of a tower. Let's go" she said and walked towards the door.

"Wait..." I called out, while summoning my status board. I wanted to check my new level and assign my free stat.

'Summon status' I mumbled.


Name: Priest [Marked]

Class: Legendary Seer

Level: 51 [15000/42500]

Titles: Pioneer, Heartless, Predictor, Demi God, Ruler of Men.

HP: 7800/7800

MP: 4000/4000


Strength: 101

Agility: 113

Intelligence: 90

SP: 100



Ruler of Men: Everyone born in flesh, will believe and trust in your words, even if it makes no sense.

Demi God: ×3 life-force.

Predictor: Ability to foresee your opponents next move.

Heartless: Defences against weak soul attacks.

Pioneer: luck Enhancement



Seer: Ability to peek into the future or past of a target on contact.

Cost: -90%HP

Duration: 5seconds

Cooldown: Nil


Spirit vision: Ability to eavesdrop on desired target regardless of their location.

Cost: 150MP

Duration: 60seconds

Cooldown: Nil


Blindfold: Ability to detect enemies within a mile.

Cost: 70MP

Duration: Nil

Cooldown: 5minutes


Manipulator: Ability to hypnotise a single target on eye contact.

Cost: 1000MP

Duration: 60minutes

Cooldown: Nil



Truth pendant:

*Ability to answer all YES/NO questions correctly.

Spins clockwise - Yes

Spins anti-clockwise - No


Cloak of the Inevitable:

*Ability to make a target daydream the worst nightmare ever on contact.

*Ability to Soar.


Book of Divine:

*Ability to alter fate.

Cost: -50%Hp to open it || -10Hp/sec for as long as it is open.



Scythe of Fate:

*Siphons enemy's lifeforce on damage to regenerate user's lifeforce.


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