
The Strongest Bond: Being Around Her Isn't That Bad.

[A Week Later]

"I can feel my ki throughout my body now. All i need to do is to let it out." Slowly opening my eyes i stretched out my hand in front of me. I began to open the palm of my hand, and i concentrated all of the ki in my body in to it.

A little green energy ball started to form in the palm of my hand. Putting a little bit more energy in to it. The energy ball started to grow until. "I finally found you!" I got so startled that i launch the energy ball into a tree.

Facing the person who interrupt my training with a sharp glare i said. "You again." Looking at the same girl i met last week, i began to get up and find somewhere else to train. But when i was walking away i began to noticed the girl following behind me.

Starting to pick up my pace, the girl also did the same. Noticing the girl was still trailing behind me, i started to run. "Wait for me!" She shouted. Not listening to her, i began to run even faster. When she was far enough from me, i turned to the side and climb up a tree.

Looking down from the tree, i saw the girl stopped under me. "Where did she go?!" She said. Waiting for her to leave, i started to remember all of her attempts to get closer to me. "Why won't she leave me alone?" I thought to myself.

Every time i come back to the park she always finds me. Even when i find a new spot to train in, she automatically knows where i am. Crouching on the branch, she began to look up. A smile appeared on her face. "Oh fuck no. She had spotted me." I thought to myself.

"Hey kale, it's me again! Your bestest friend!" She shouted up at me with that stupid grin on her face. "I will say this one more time! Leave me alone!" I shouted right back at her. But she began to climb up the tree and sat right next to me on the branch.

"Come on now, can i play with you." She spoke to me. Looking at her with a serious glare i said. "No." Her smile began to leave her face, and i started to feel bad. Then i grudgingly said. " Ok. But you have to train with me."

Then her smile reappeared on her face. "Okay, you got it." I jumped out of the tree, and she did the same. When we were both on the ground i turn to her. "first and foremost, Let's find a clearing to train in." I said. "Okie dokie." She responded with happiness in her voice.

When we made it to a good spot i stopped and said. "Here is a good spot. So let's begin." When me and her was standing in the middle of the clearing, she began to look at me and said. "So what do i do first?"

Then i reply to her answer. "Sit down, we are going to unlock your ki." She nodded and sat down on the ground. Then i sat in front of her and said. "Close your eyes and try to feel your ki." She closed her eyes and began to try unlocking her ki.

[5 hours later]

"BOOM!" A loud sound was heard in the clearing.. Looking at the tree that fell down i began to think to myself. "Wow she got the hang of it that fast." Seeing her jump up and down in happiness i started to smile. "So this is how a teacher feels when their student accomplish something."

She turn to me and said out loud. "I did it! Did you see that! It went boom!" I started to laugh at her antics and said. "That's good, you deserve to be happy." Looking at her happy smile, i began to take out two pack of gummies from my pocket. "Come here, i got a reward for you."

When we were sitting underneath a tree, i handed her one of my pack of gummies. "Is this for me?" I looked at her and nodded yes. "It was originally from me, but sharing with a friend is even better." I said in a soothing voice.

A wide grin appeared on her face, and then she immediately hugged me. "You forgot one thing." she said in my ear. "And what is that?" I responded in confusion. "We are the bestest of friends. And don't you forget that."

A genuine smile appeared on my face. "I promise i won't forget." I said to her. Hugging her back, i thought to myself. "Being around her isn't that bad." After our hug i said. "Let us finish are gummies, and then finish are training afterwards."

"Whatever you say buddy."