
The Bestest Of Friends.

[5 years later]

"Beep, beep, beep!" My alarm clock rang in my ear, slowly sitting up on my bed i began to turn off the alarm clock. "It's morning already?" I asked myself.

Looking out my room window i began to think about what happen in these five years. "This new life still feels weird to me." Lifting my 5 year old hands to my face, i began to remember the first time i came home with my new mother.


When me and my mother came home at midnight, i had a good look at the place. It was a rundown apartment complex and was three stories high. Then my mother began to walk towards the building.

When me and my mother made it to the second floor, she turn to the side and walk over to the second door that had the number 12 on it. She Stop in front of the door and used her free hand to take her key out of her pocket.

Putting the key in the lock she began to open the door. "Welcome to your new home kale." She said.

When we walked in to the apartment the place was pretty decent. Looking in the apartment, there was a living room when you first walk in the door, and the dining room and kitchen was on your right.

Focusing my attention back on my mother, she began to walk through the living room. When she made it a little bit closer to the dining room, she turn to her left. Walking in the hallway she suddenly stop in front of the door next to the bathroom.

Putting her hand on the door knob she open the door. In the room was a baby crib under the window, and also a toy box on the bottom end of the crib.

She walked up to the crib and gently put me down, Looking up at her she began to cover me with a blanket. Reaching my hands at my mother i grabbed her finger. She look down and gave me a motherly smile. "Don't worry kale, your mother will be here by your side." She spoke warmly to me.

When my eyelids began to close, i heard my mother soothing voice before i went to sleep. "Sweet dreams, my sweet kale."

[End flashback]

Still reminiscing on the past, i began to smell my mother's cooking from the kitchen. I immediately shot out of the bed, and ran out the room. When i made it in the dining room, i quickly sat down at the table.

When my mother saw me, she came up to me and put a plate of food in front of me. Smelling the nice aroma of the food, i began to dig in. " So kale, did you had a good night sleep?" She said to me.

I lift my head up and knotted yes to her, when i was done eating i left the table and put my dishes in the sink. Turning my attention back to my mother i began to smile at her. "Thanks for the food mom." I said in gratitude.

Looking at my mother giving me her loving smile, she began to say "I'm glad you like it. Now that your finish eating, how about we go outside and walk to the park." Then i responded happily. "Yes! Let's go to the park mom!"

Running to the front door i began to hear my mother say "Hold on one second young lady! You're not going out looking like that." Looking down at myself, i realized that i was still wearing my pajamas. Rubbing the back of my head embarrassed. "Sorry mom, i will get dressed right away."

Rushing back to my room, i got dressed quickly. When i was done putting on my clothes i went back to the living room. I saw my mother standing in front of the door waiting for me. "Ready to go?" I stood in front of my mother and looked at her straight in the eyes. "I sure am." I responded.

Then me and my mother went out the door.

[At the park]

When me and my mother made it to the park, my mother began to sit down on one of the benches and i ran to a spot that no one can bother me. Finding a tree where no one was around, i began to sit cross-legged underneath the tree.

Closing my eyes to resume my training from these past 5 years. When i was trying to unlock my ki, I hadn't noticed someone's shoe was about to hit me.

Feeling the shoe hit my head, i had lost my concentration at that moment and heard a girls voice. "God dammit, my shoe!" Looking up into the tree, where the voice was coming from. I saw a girl about my age in the tree.

She jump down beside me and i had a good look at her. She had spiky wild hair, and was wearing baggy pants with a sports bra on her chest.

She walked over to her shoe and picked it up. When she put her shoe back on, her attention turned to me. "What are you looking at?!" She said in irritation. I just stayed silent and decided to ignore her.

Closing my eyes again the girl began to speak once more. "Don't you ignore me!" Still ignoring her the girl began to march up to me. "You really like to get on my nerves. Don't you." Opening my eyes, i saw her face nearly close to mine. "Can you please back away." I said calmly to her.

She did not leave me alone and just sat right next to me. "No one tells caulifla what to do." Holding the bridge of my nose in frustration, i began to mumble under my breath. "Stubborn brat."

When i was about to resume my training the girl spoke to me again. "What are you doing?" Taking a deep sigh, i decided to respond to her. "I am training."

"for what?" She said to me. "None of your business." I said with a little irritation in my voice. When i was about to close my eyes again the girl slap me on the back. "I like you now. What's your name?"

Looking at the girl with annoyance i said. "My name is kale. So can you leave now?" The girl began to wraparound her arm behind my neck and said. "I can't leave now that i have made a best friend."

"What do you mean friend." I said to her with anger in my voice. "You know what i mean. We are going to be the bestest of friends." Looking at her with horror in my eyes, i had only one thing on my mind. "My dumb luck!"