
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs


Tenshi licked his lips and looked everywhere, Zoro jumped, looking at Tenshi warily. Tenshi chuckled and disappeared directly.

A house exploded in the distance as Drake was shot across the sky, slamming into Orochi on the crucifix. Tenshi was already holding a bag with bundles of weapons on his back. He chuckled greedily before shooting around, smashing through houses and stealing everything.

In a few short seconds, not even a single nail was left.

Zoro slashed out and heard a 'Tsk' before the figure disappeared all around him. Zoro watched as every single weapon around them disappeared in an instant. Tenshi appeared on top of a building and cackled greedily, wiping the drool from his lips as he stared at the gold on Orochi's brocade.

He cackled and Orochi transformed, raging at Tenshi, "Bastard! I'll-" before he could say anything else, Tenshi grabbed one of his faces and lifted him in the air, grinning "Shut up, worthless snake. Even selling you, nobody would buy it. Your entire body is worth less per pound than infertile soil."

Tenshi slammed Orochi down onto the ground, shaking the Flower Capital itself before lifting him up again and throwing him into the air. Tenshi shot up and punched Orochi in one of his heads, splattering blood and teeth everywhere as he cackled greedily, "Jiejiejiejiejiejie~"

Tenshi paused and held Orochi by the throat as his wings shot out, smacking the other heads around brutally, spraying blood and teeth everywhere. He muttered, "Can it be taken? But I want it! I want it real bad! I want your Devil Fruit really bad!" Tenshi grinned exaggeratedly, "Jiejiejiejie~ Give it to me, garden snake!"

Tenshi looked at Orochi with a greedy expression, licking his lips.

Suddenly, he threw Orochi behind him as a huge flaming dragon came.

Orochi screamed in pain, getting cooked like a chicken and falling to the ground as King stood in the air.

Tenshi looked at Orochi and cackled, "Come on! Die die die! It can't escape Wano, right?" Alber looked at Tenshi and sighed helplessly, "I leave for a bit and you become like this?" Tenshi held his hips and mocked, "I LeAvE FoR A BiT AnD YoU BeCoMe lIkE ThiS? Save it, bro! I don't wanna hear it! When Kaido gets clapped, you're coming with me whether you like it or not!"

Tenshi touched his lips and a greedy expression appeared in his eyes, "Nonononono~ This won't do! I need to grab Quinn too! Jiejiejie~ That cyborg freak… Oh! The Technology in his body! It's mine! All mine!"

Alber felt goosebumps and looked at Orochi on the ground before forgetting about him. Whether he lives or dies, Alber didn't care at all…

Tenshi did though! He looked down and cackled, "Come on! Aren't you going to kill him? This is a good chance! Kill him! Jiejiejie~ Then you'll be free! This braindead donkey is actively ruining Wano because his name is Kurozumi! He doesn't care about Wano at all! He wants to destroy the whole country because one time, his scumbag ancestor tried to usurp the throne and failed."

Tenshi slapped his forehead and laughed, "HAHAHAH! Imagine! Jiejiejie~ How many treasures did he use! Ahhh~!" Thinking of this, Tenshi glared at Orochi, waving his hand, "Bastard! My treasure! You used up all my treasure! How dare you!"

A massive magma-like flaming bird shot out from his hand, sparkling a Golden Purple-Red color, it was very beautiful.

Alber jumped and looked at the flames curiously. Tenshi noticed and grinned, "Hm? Want my flames?" Alber's lips twitched, if I said yes, you'd probably attack me, right?

He was right!

In this state, Tenshi was Greed incarnate! Though it was still manageable at the moment…

Tenshi incinerated Orochi and looked around quickly, spreading out a massive Observation Haki bubble!

You know, he hadn't been doing nothing!

Every day, dozens of clones are practicing in the training room of the Ship!

Every night, they come back and Tenshi sleeps after sending out a dozen more!

In terms of proficiency, Tenshi was top notch! Even ninjutsu was learned with ease!

Another thing… Greedy-shi never held back.

Orochi didn't even scream as he disappeared from the world forever.

Tenshi's eyes looked around quickly as everyone in Wano had their brains buzz, staring at the ash pit that was once Orochi… They froze in the spot.

What do you mean Orochi's dead?

Just like that?

Get beaten unilaterally and then incinerated like garbage?!

Hiyori collapsed to the ground, staring at the ashes in a daze.

But where did Tenshi care? His eyes lit up and he flew off quickly, flying away extremely fast.

Alber watched him go before rolling his eyes and returning to Onigashima. He didn't care about these people at all, he only saw Tenshi and wanted to see him. Now that the goal was completed, what was he going to do here?

Become the new Shogun?

Please! Who would take such a burden…

Tenshi flew into an isolated garden and plucked a fruit off a tree, cackling as he looked at the 7 different stems coming from it. He quickly kept it and sucked everything else into his eye space before looking around at the isolated garden.

His eyes scanned for anything valuable and grit his teeth finding absolutely nothing, "These damn poor ghosts! Not even a single piece of gold!?" Tenshi flew away, shooting around Wano extremely quickly, scanning the ground before coming to the wasteland, grinding his teeth in anger.

He suddenly returned to normal and smiled embarrassingly, "Jeez… It's a bit hard to control…" he clenched his fist, muttering "But… It's really a lot more powerful!" it was a bit hard to explain!

He could feel his strength spike during the time… but he was really too greedy!

The best way he could explain it was… When he opened Greed Mode, he would literally die for money. Whatever he saw, he would go for it, no matter who was there or who's it was!

He spiked in 10x power but he was too reckless and greedy! He wanted everything! The whole world! It was really something!

Tenshi stood in the middle of the wasteland and looked down. He touched his chin and rubbed slightly, muttering "Maybe?" before squatting down and pressing his hand on the ground.

His hand glowed golden and the ground started changing, grass popped up everywhere and the sludge river turned into sparklingly clear water. The grassland started expanding across the wasteland at an astonishing pace and Tenshi smiled gently.

This can be considered payment…

Then next time he turns on Greed mode… maybe he would steal the island of Wano so…

Let's pay in advance…