
The New Journey (Part-3)

"Hokage-sama", After Kan entered the Hokage office, he respectfully bowed to the man sitting in front of the office.

"Ah, it's Kan", Hokage was originally looking at some documents, and when he saw Kan come in, he quickly smiled and said: "I have been hearing about you for a while now. I believe it's our first meeting"

The attitude of the third Hokage is very gentle, and it seems that he has never been a decisive Shinobi.

"Yes Hokage-sama"

"I heard from Minato that you helped a lot in their Mission. Good job there"

"Thank you Hokage-sama", Kan lowered his head even more, "Working for Konoha is what every Konoha shinobi should do"

"Do you work for Konoha?" The third Hokage laughed a little

Kan looked at the man who was smiling yet at the same time measuring Kan.

"I am afraid I am not following Hokage-sama?"

"Do you know what's the greatest trick the devil ever pulled? It was convincing the world he did not exist. How did you think he did that?", Hokage asked smiling and putting his hands over his chin


Kan nearly frowned

"Tell me, I am sure you know the answer", Hokage smile even more

"By making sure that only ghosts saw his face", Kan answered silently

Hokage chuckled, "I was reading your files before you came in. You have done nearly 1500 missions over the course of 10 years in your career. That's around 150 missions every year. Every one of them is a life and death mission. How are you still alive?"

"My companions actually...

"Ah, good thing that you brought up your companions. I almost forgot that. In most of your missions, your partners never made it back... Why? Did you kill them to hide your abilities?"

"I am just a simple Genin Hokage-sama. I wouldn't dare"

"Yes, I had talked with the ones that made it back. They are the chunnins and Jonins I believe. They only said that you were a burden during the mission and you have no ability to speak of. They even say that some Genins are better than you"

"I am sorry for being so weak Hokage-sama"

"Strangely enough, I get this answer from everywhere, My spymaster, My black ops, My intelligence service give me the same exact answer. But you know what I found? A person who is so hard to kill that even when I sent an Anbu to kill them nothing happened to them; Instead, the Anbu suddenly turn out to be a sleeper agent. Out of no-where. Why do you think this happened?"

"Sir?", Kan was startled

"Oh don't be so afraid, I am sure it's nothing to a person who is in a life and death situation every moment"

Shocked Kan looked at the man who was still smiling.

"Apparently, that Anbu took some confidential documents. And I would really hate it. If it gets in the wrong hands. Perhaps I should say that I will spare no effort to kill her if that happens. I am sure you know that, right"

"I am not sure why you are telling me such crucial information Hokage-sama. I am just a simple Genin"

"If that's the case then let's change that. This is also the reason you are here"


"From today onwards, you are Konoha's elite Jonin. That's a higher rank than a normal Jonin. Meaning you will have a command over them. You are also pulled from the shinobi corpse from this very moment", The Third Hokage said to Kan with a smile

"Hokage-sama, I can't afford it. I am not qualified enough to...", Kan was interpreted immediately

"Kan", Hokage was not smiling anymore, "Everything about you screams traitor. But I trust Jiraiya on this matter. As an Elite Jonin, you are to report to me after every mission. If you don't do so, I will have an Anbu to come and get you. If you betray the village. It won't be like before. Elites will be sent for your head. If a comrade disappears in your leadership it will now have dire consequences. All the village elders and clan leaders will have your information soon enough"


"As an Elite Jonin. You will have certain political rights, and status. You will also have a right to have your own Genin team, and start your own clan if you wish"

"Yes Hokage-sama", Kan bowed even more

"Your current team will consist of you and Mikoto, your wife"

"Yes, Hokage-sama"

Hokage smiled, "Why such a long face? Disappointed?"

"I don't dare Hokage-sama"

"I don't trust you"


Hokage chuckled, "Get ready, You will have a new mission as soon as your documents are updated and circulated to people concerned, and remember, You will report me after every mission"

"Yes Hokage sama"



As soon as Kan came out he cursed and cursed at Hokage. Wanting to kill that guy off if possible.

"You will be promoted my foot. He is clearly threatening me", Kan grumble and went away, "I need a new plan to protect myself, especially from that old man"


Inside the tower, Hokage watch Kan from his window with a frown

"Other than the basic documents we didn't find anything on him sir", said one of the Anbu

"It's alright. Just make sure that he is not the sleeper agent or traitor. That's all that matters"

"Yes sir"

"Get his documents ready. Since we do not know anything about him, Just use the basic information we have on him and create a forged resume"

"Yes sir. What should we write on his skill tab"


"Yes sir"


The Anbu blurred

Hokage look at the grumbling Kan walking away


By the time Kan went back home, the sky has already darkened, looking at the front door, he didn't have the courage to open it.

It's not yet dinner time, but the time is pretty close already. Ignoring the fact that he came home so late, He is feeling a bit irritate right now.

"Perhaps I should talk to Mikoto, We have been giving each other a cold shoulder for a while now. For better or worse, we live together anyway"

Making up his mind he pushed open the door.

"Mik... o… o…"

Looking at the scene, his words got stuck in his throat and he became incoherent while opening his mouth wide right there.

On the other side, her face was full of shock at seeing him barging in. She froze there with a shirt in her hand, completely immobile…

Black hair held to the back of her head, pearly and tender white skin, it has a luster so smooth anyone would want to touch it. Her face is red all over making the usual serious her look that much cuter.

The shirt she was holding in her hand drop when he came in. So she stood in that stance with no shirt in her outstretched hands, facing him….

In every sense of the word, she is completely naked in front of him!

The place fell silent.

Looking at each other like this, none of them recovered.

He cried inside his heart.

Gulping, his eyes instinctively moved at an incredible speed, scanning her from top to bottom. His mouth gulping furiously when he looked at her huge breasts.

She eventually recovered, dyeing her face pink, her body started to become flushed with a tinge of pink under his gaze. Just as she was about to shout, she noticed the stunned look on him when he saw her chest.

Her flushed face swapped with one of furious bashfulness.

Still blushing; she walked in front of him with great strides, ignoring the fact that she's still in her birthday suit, she got close to him while grabbing his collar and howled at him.

"Don't you know how to knock?! Also! What's with the stunning face, are you pleased with something? Ahhh??!!"

Amidst the roars, she finally noticed his hand on her chest, pressing it a little.


Letting go of his collars, she pushed him back and she was going to say something but she saw his ogling eyes.

It suddenly returned to her that she's not wearing anything. Inside her heart she wished somebody would put her out of her misery, hastily she picked up the clothes on the floor and blocked the eyesight that seemed to have substance (Tl: she can feel his eyes) and blocked her tender white body before panicking.

"Why are you still here, get out!"

He nodded but there was much reluctance in his eyes.

She picked up the object near her to fling at him.

"Stop looking! Get out of here!"

He dodged her attack with ease, before closing the door behind him and wiping off the sweat on his head.


Kan never had a girlfriend in his life. He never even touched a girl before and not kill her. He is an assassin and a shadow through and thorough.

This is the first time he saw a girl naked in his life. It was so stimulating that for the first time in his life he didn't know what to do anymore.

He stood there staring at his hand, "It was so soft", Kan muttered

"Pa" Her door slowly opened revealing a blushing Mikoto. She was wearing a pajama as she walked out of the room glaring at him.

"Forget everything just happened!"

She uttered with a grudge.

"How do you even forget such things", He asked muttering

At such a shameless answer, she lowered her head with forelock covering her eyes, her body began trembling. She was releasing a mighty killing intent.

"Forgetting is... impossible, but I definitely won't tell a second person…"

The two fell silent after that. After staying taciturn for a while, she finally lifted her head.

"You mean it?"


What kind of a man would share this kind of information with anyone else. This kind of event should only entertain him.

"If I hear that a 3rd party finds out about this, you dead!"

She threatened him, and only after seeing him so serious, she finally manages to escape from her embarrassment.

She just gave him a cold hmph along with that line.

He nodded to her before moving his eyes over to her body.

Today might just be the worst day he ever experienced, But this, he will never forget this.

Without hesitation, she brought her hands up to shield her breasts while shooting a glare at him.

"What are you looking at! Will you only be satisfied after looking a few more times?!"

"God, that would be nice"

The line slipped from his true thoughts.

"You.. you..."

Her eyes turning red as she lifted her fingers to point shakingly at him.