
The New Journey (Part-1)

Minato returns to the village with bloody bodies of both Kan and Mikoto in his hand. As they were quickly rushed to the hospital where the spear was finally taken out.

Kakashi was immediately taken in by the Uchiha clan to answer some questions. And to give Obito's eyes back.

Minato gets Hokage involved in it, saving Kakashi.


2 Months Later~~~

Kan's return to Konoha causes much disturbance. With the rumor between him and Mikoto Uchiha, there were many baseless facts that came out of it. Some even say that she is pregnant with a bastard.

It hits Uchiha Clan harder than anyone else... Uchiha Mikoto was to marry their new clan head Fugaku after this mission. Only the fact that they didn't announce it yet allows them to keep their face.

Kan became the center of attention of the entire village. The unknown commoner and a civilian born dared to seduce the pure-blood. How brazen of him.

Mikoto Uchiha was not just a simple clan member. Her status was very high. Even in the clan itself. She carries the name of the Uchiha just like Fugaku. Or she wouldn't be chosen as the bride of the clan head out of all the people in the entire clan.

If they make any mistake or make any achievement. it affects their entire clan. With Fugaku marrying Mikoto, his position would be strengthened even more. That's why this marriage was so important from a political point of view.

This was not just a scandal that higher-ups could ignore.


Hokage asked for Kan's file but found nothing special. It was like this guy is a perfect example of being average. Average grades, Average status, Average abilities... everything about this guy screams average. Yet, for some reason or another, He is surviving in the corpse for more than 10 years.

The corpse is not a place where one could survive for 10 years. Even if they are geniuses. Yet this average guy is doing it for a decade... How is this possible?

To further know about Kan he even asked Minato and his team about the mission; There is more to this guy than meets the eye.

Why is he doing this? Is he a traitor? That was the question Hokage thought at that time.

With the clan head Uchiha Fugaku's permission, They asked for Yamanaka Inoichi to do the confidential mind scanning of Mikoto. Fugaku agreed since there was a chance that this was just a hoax and it would clear any misunderstanding there was.

She could not even refuse since she was in a coma state for the past 2 months.

But all it did was triggering Kan's trigger in her mind that he planted beforehand. It did not affect her in any way but it was very useful for fooling Yamanaka's mind scanning.

Yamanaka Inoichi even scanned another coma patient, Kan's brain to find whether he is a traitor or not.

It was confirmed that Mikoto did have sex with him. Kan's trigger hides her Mangyoku Sharingan and his wind control abilities from them, dispelling any thoughts of being a traitor at the same time.

It was just using putting Genjutsu in their mind to mix lies with the truth. As for the mission, She got most of the credit. Since Kan gave it to her.

It would be easier for people to accept that as well.


3 Months Later~~~

Even after 5 months, Mikoto and Kan did not wake up, But what's surprising was that the scandal still did not go away.

The Village executives did not let Uchihas get away with this. They fan the heat using their own methods; plummeting Uchihas's reputation even further.

They do not like Uchihas anyway. How could they let such a golden opportunity fly by?

Meanwhile, in Hokage's office, the third generation of Hokage; Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the scroll in his hand to the table, took a strong puff of the pipe in his mouth, and closed his eyes carefully thinking.

In all fairness, The third Hokage was a war veteran like none other. He survived the first war, the second war, and now the third war. If one can say that wisdom comes with age. It means someone like him.

He saw everything in his life. Done everything in his life... Kan's plan, Elder's petty jealousy, everything was just like a child's play to him.

But the problem here is that this Kan guy managed to fool Yamanaka. How?

If it weren't for Konoha's mission assessment and intelligence system, saying that Kan Korimachi is just a weak Genin with no strength to speak of, and only fit to be in the shinobi corps. Hokage would have believed it was a fake report.

He still didn't believe this report in the slightest.

A Genin even after being 18 years old? Who are they kidding? He couldn't have survived in the corpse for more than 10 years just by running around. Not to mention, Fooling Inoichi is a very impressive feat too.

10 years on the battlefield. It's not easy. If you are weak, you will die. The old man knows and understands that. Yet, Kan Korimachi is just an unknown Genin.

What bullshit.

But no matter how he thinks, the biggest question still remains why was he hiding in the first place.

Everything screams 'Traitor' about this Kan.

But then another problem surfaced. If he was hiding, why did he come out and become a center of attention? He even took Uchiha Mikoto down with him. why? Just why?


"Come in", said the Hokage as he sits straight.

One scholar-looking man came and greet Hokage.

"Hokage sama, This is Jiraya sama's intelligence report over Kan Korimachi", He gave the scroll to the Hokage.

"What does it say", The old man asked as he read the scroll

"Exactly the same as our information sir", The scholar looking man said

"Does it make sense?", Hokage threw the scroll on the table with a frown, "If he is that weak then how did he live past 10 years on the battlefield then"

"Well, he could have always run...

Hokage look at the man with an irritated look, "You have never actively stepped onto the battlefield, did you?"

"No, Hokage sama"

"Well, The thing on the battlefield is... You can not survive in there just by running around"


"Their last mission was a bait. Why someone like Mikoto Uchiha was chosen as his partner"

"Uchiha Elders put her in"

The third Hokage frowned, "Why?"

"There is no official statement or confirmation for this sir. But we did pick out on something", The man said


"You remember the raid where an Uchiha got 200 Konoha shinobis killed? We put the blame on the shinobi corpse saying that they didn't do their job properly to bait the enemy out"

"Yes I remember"

"Apparently; All the corpse shinobis who survived in that mission disappeared mysteriously. My guess, Uchiha's killed them. It didn't cause any ripple either considering we have thousands of these useless guys, and the ones getting killed were merely 20 in numbers"

Hokage leaned on his chair and closed his eyes.

"Kan Korimachi was the leader of this Corpse team that was supposed to bait the Iwa shinobis"


"I think they did it to close any loopholes since they didn't trust us. It could be used against them after all"

"And I believe they sent her to kill the corpse leader just to solidify her status in the clan; so that once Uchiha Fugaku married her. He would absorb all the heat belonging to her after their marriage and stable his position as the new Uchiha head"


The Scholar-looking man looked at Hokage sama who was leaning on his chair, "There is the only thing that I could not digest sir... It was such a simple mission; She is an elite Jonin of the highest caliber and he is a Genin nobody with no strength to speak of. Considering who she is, He could not have harmed her either... Yet somehow they ended up sleeping together. Why?"

His eyes lit up at that moment, "So this is what it's all about"


"Here's what I think... Nothing actually happened between them, She is born royalty. She knows how to carry her name. How can she create a scandal knowing what would happen considering her status? Not to mention she was to marry Fugaku after the mission. I think It's all him. He tricked Inoichi. He tricked everyone. Knowing full well that the elders won't let this one cool down, Given how they hate Uchihas so much"

"But... wouldn't that be harmful to him instead sir? He humiliated an entire clan that shouldn't be humiliated in the first place"

Hokage shook his head, "Since an entire clan is after him. He wouldn't have survived once he came back, Like the incidents before, It wouldn't have caused any ripple either. So he made a big move. Because of this scandal, all the higher-ups are watching him right now. It's impossible to silently get rid of him at this moment"

"If he didn't do anything and came back safe and sound, he would have just disappeared like the rest"


Hokage chuckled, "This boy thought of everything. He can't be targeted right now considering his status. Mikoto Uchiha can not harm him considering she slept with another man right before her marriage announcement. It's like slapping Uchiha's face. They won't let this one go. She can only survive now"

"And the best thing is, he can't be forcibly recruited to Anbu or Roots or any other clan either because his abilities are just too low. Even if we found something missing we can't bet on him during these pressing times... He solved everything without anyone's help. The boy is using his brain"

"Can't Uchihas deal with him like they would with Uchiha Mikoto san", asked the scholar-looking man.

"That's the thing. She can be targeted because she belongs to a clan. He can't be targeted right now because he does not belong in a clan and does not share the benefits and the disadvantages that come with it. Not in the village at least could they kill him. Well, considering he is good enough not to die silently"

The scholar-looking man was very impressed both by that man and lord Hokage, "Then what should we do sir?"

"We will wait. Uchiha clan won't take this lying down. We will make our move accordingly. In the meantime, find everything about this Kan. Where he lives, what he eats, How many times he eats, what he wears... everything"

"Yes Hokage sama"

"Ah, also, Do not let anyone find out about this. Not even elders are any exceptions... Your priority is finding out his true skills and why was he hiding so deep. I am pretty sure if it wasn't for this mess, he wouldn't have come out"

The third Hokage bit his pipe and pressed his hat down: "You know what to do"

"Yes Hokage sama"


1 Month Later~~~

Kan and Mikoto woke up from their coma state just a day after another. It's been over 6 months since they had been in a coma state, and to both of their surprise, Kakashi and Rin were standing right beside their bed.

"Kakashi... Rin", Kan muttered and went back to sleep


2 Month Later~~~

The situation was not very good for Kan. His reputation plummeted 8 months ago. Everywhere he goes there are only cold eyes looking at him.

Kan was thoroughly confused. Having sex with someone before marriage is a big taboo in this age and day. Especially between the two people who did not belong in the same world.

But it should not be that big of a deal to the civilians or any other clan for that matter. Maybe to the Uchiha clan. But something else is definitely going on.

A few days later, he got the answer. The rumors. The rumors were way worse than he imagined.

Kan immediately understood that someone is pulling the cord to fan the flames. He shrugged, maybe another political war against Uchihas.

He went to the forest behind the lake. And went toward a big tree where there were countless dent marks caused by his kicks and punches.

He put the bandages on his legs and fists, and start kicking the tree.

"One, Two, Three … Thirty-five, Thirty-six …"

Kan's body was drenched with sweat as if it was raining over his head.

Soon, his body began to get more and more tired, Especially the ankles part, They were turning numb.

Even so, he still didn't stop, he grits his teeth and continued.

Huff! Huff!

Gradually, He started breathing violently sweat soaked his clothes, and his sweat was dripping on the ground.

Finally, when his legs were too numb for him to stand, he stopped.

"Let's take a break, and meditate"

Kan lied down while staring at the horizon that was beginning to shine the traces of sunlight, this made him relax for a bit.

"If I could just continue to enjoy this scene every day", He muttered with a smile as he sits up.


After some time, Kan was sitting cross-legged in the abandoned forest with no one around; meditating his hearts out.

"Wind is the element of freedom", Kan muttered

If anyone would know what Kan was doing at this moment, they would be astounded. The harmony between his chakra and the wind was astounding. The stimulation of the winds restores and increases his Chakra reserves, as well as improves his body and mind, and overall enhancing every part of his being and by extension all his powers and abilities.

This is how he was able to become stronger; despite being nothing, and born with no talent at all.

This is also the reason his wind mastery is unmatched and still continues to improve further.


Kan enters his home only to see Mikoto Uchiha in sweat coming house too. Clearly from her own training session. They didn't talk to each other, and Mikoto went to the bathroom to shower.

He shrugged and open the fridge to drink water.


(1 month ago)

The scandal really took its toll on Mikoto. She literally was called sl*t by the villagers and the clan. Uchihas were not kind either.

Just a month after she came out of her coma state, She lost her status. Due to her past status and her haughty attitude, she attracted too much trouble as well.

Now she was nothing. Anyone could bully her... Well, she was actually really strong on her own and not a damsel in distress, so it didn't really matter.

There were even assassination attempts at her too. It was clear that her own clan sent them. She could not even complain. What happened before was like slapping the Uchiha council.

She decided to leave the Uchiha compound to stay alive. It was getting too dangerous. She lived with Kushina for a few days, But the elders ordered her to come back. She couldn't reject the offer. Minato wasn't able to do anything either. It was a law-abiding and fair order that she could not reject.

She belongs to a clan, and while it comes with some great benefits, it also comes with some disadvantages.

She was constantly bullied, and taunt at. And most importantly, people call her names behind her back. Even those she called friends were no exception.

Fugaku never took any action against her. He believed in her. But he never helped her either. His pride as a man and his position would be at risk if he does.

Getting no help from no-where. She decided to leave the compound once and for all.

She asked for help from Kushina. Who suggested getting married to Kan. He is from outside the clan, by marrying him she could be free of clan laws. Also, the rumors that are just too extravagant will slowly die too.

Especially the one that says that she is sleeping with Fugaku and Kan both like a sl*t she is

Mikoto thought a lot, but she couldn't come with a better offer.

She could run from the village. But that would be so unwise. Uchiha clan and the village too would kill her if she does that.

And after thinking a lot, she decided to marry Kan. She could go for the fake marriage but it would be impossible to fool Uchiha elders.

Even if she hates this man to the extreme. He is the only person who could get her out of this mess.

As for love. Forget it, She could never get it in this lifetime anyway. It's just a business deal anyway.

I exhausted 8 chapters in 2 days. Now I only have 3 chapters in stock. So, 1 chapter per day till I fill my stock again.

DaoistFnrD3ncreators' thoughts