
Surrounded (Part-2)

Two shinobis run within the forest, random projectiles and jutsu flying over their heads, scorching the very earth. One of them ducks their head to dodge the incoming rock attack coming at his head.

They were Mikoto and Kan.

"We need to do something. They will kill us at this rate", Mikoto exclaimed ducking another attack while running.

"I know", Kan grits his teeth and stop and quickly turn back, "Falling skies"

Using his extreme mastery over the wind release, Kan increases the weight and density of the air, making it feel as if the gravity of the area has intensified.

Before they could react, The Iwa shinobis were attracted to the ground, lying on their stomach with all the atmospheric pressure on them, And in a mere second after that, they were crushed completely by the pressure on them.


Kan was attacked out of nowhere by a long-range Ninjutsu. Even Mikoto couldn't react to that.

He rolled on the ground with blood flowing out of his mouth.

She held his arm before long though, taking him with her, "Come on; Come on; Come on"

Kan stabilizes himself before continuing the run

"Can't you take their oxygen or something?"

"No, I can remove the Oxygen from a large place. But the world will correct itself in mere seconds. It's only good enough to dissolve the Jutsu, not drown someone... Can't your eyes help?"

Kan casually told her his secret, It's no problem now anyway. They are in the same boat for life now. One side betrays another will be the end of both.

Besides, Her secret is bigger and more precious. Not even Fugaku knows about these eyes.

(T/N: Fugaku has Manyoku Sharingan but is hiding from everyone including his clan as a life-saving straw. The same goes for her. The same goes for Kan as well)

"No. But something else can", She said while dodging another attack

Kan look at her with a shock

"But I want a promise that you will not betray me here"

"Mikoto, Our current destinies are already completely connected. You live, I live. You die, I die. Besides, I am in a political mess, I need someone strong to protect me, Someone, with great connections and status. Mikoto Uchiha, I won't let you die, no matter what. You can trust me on this", Kan said


She looks at him for some time and finally nodded her head as she releases a mighty amount of Chakra.

She took a deep breath and made hand signs as she muttered, "Flame Clone Technique!"

Clones burst forth from a huge orange glow. All looked ready for their next purpose.

"Okay!" She muttered, "This is either the best plan or the worst idea ever"

The flame clones jumped out; yelling their war cries. Several burst into flame as they were hit by attack after attack, but the rest did not falter. As they neared the enemy, Mikoto made a tiger seal.

"Fire Release: Raging Hell!" She shouted.

The rest of the clones exploded into a magnificent inferno of light and heat and flame! The enemies cried in agony as they burned to crisp.

She used the big smokescreen to her advantage and rush to the enemies.

"Scorching Demon Lotus!!", Her cried sounded in the forest

Like a blooming lotus, layers of flame waves were released layer after layer, and in a blink of an eye, they spread to a circumference of a hundred meters. More than two hundred Iwa shinobis were packed closely as they surrounded Mikoto, and thus, were all drawn into the Scorching Demon Lotus. Under the hot flames, all of the Iwa shinobis quickly turned into ash.

Only the sound of their agonies could be heard. The smell of the burning flesh filled the atmosphere and the forest surrounded them was turned into the barren land, burning furiously.

This is the definition of hell.

She closed her eyes and fell, losing control over herself.

Only to be caught by Kan, He wraps his hand over her shoulders from the back, "Great Job"

As the Scorching Demon Lotus' flame slowly extinguished, more than two hundred Iwa shinobis were charred as they burn into ashes along with their weapons.

Kan straightened his back to put Mikoto on his shoulder, "Let's get out of here...

Kan couldn't even finish his sentence when 1000 Iwa shinobis were already there!!

Kan's lips trembled right there, as he was unable to continue saying a single word. If this wasn't a delusion, then it was a nightmare; a well and true nightmare.

He was not Minato. He was not someone that could deal with thousands of these guys.

"Remember your objective. No matter the cost, Konoha's scum 'Flash' must die"


Kan who heard this was surprised, "Minato? Oh damn, we are near Kannabi Bridge"

He curses his luck as he began to run in the opposite direction desperately.

Anywhere near Minato in this war means fighting an entire army. Kan didn't realize it before but they were running towards the Kannabi Bridge.

"Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. I need to run"

It was too late already. He was surrounded.


Back with Kakashi~~~

The Illusion created by Sharingan is different from other illusions. There is no need to put Chakra in the opponent, Just look at them in the eyes and it's done.

Although Kakashi can't reach that level; his illusion skills are not bad.

As soon as his eyes moved, Sharingan's illusion was already in effect, The Iwa shinobi was in trance.

Of course, Kakashi would not let go of this opportunity. He grabbed the Iwa shinobi's left arm forcefully, and firmly grasped the hand full of Chakra, and used the other hand to stab the Iwa shinobi's throat.

At this moment of extreme crisis, The Iwa shinobi demonstrated the necessary qualities of a strong shinobi, as he regained consciousness in a very short time.

Although he was caught with his right hand, he still has a left hand!

Almost instantly, his left hand also burst out with a terrifying chakra; and then hit Kakashi's chest fiercely.

Kakashi with his extreme vision was able to see everything. He let go of Iwa shinobi's left hand and jump back.

Although he was forced to pull away, Kakashi stabs with the short blade in his hand at this moment.

The Ninja sword that contained Kakashi's white chakra directly slice the left hand of the Iwa shinobi.

Kakashi put away the sword in its scabbard.

The Iwa shinobi's Left-hand falls onto the ground and explodes.


The huge roar was really uncomfortable in Kakashi's ears. At this time, the dust was all over the sky, and the rubble was splashing. Kakashi could only pull the distance a little away again.

But at this moment, Kakashi suddenly noticed that the Iwa shinobi had suddenly gotten up, and throw some smoke bombs as he was struggling to run back quickly.

"There is no running now", Kakashi said emotionlessly

Kakashi looks at the Iwa shinobi with disdain, he immediately took out the kunai and follows. For Kakashi, there was no smoke at all.

His eyes could clearly see the Iwa shinobi's Chakra, he could even clearly see the Iwa shinobi's smallest of movements.

The Iwa shinobi was very uncomfortable at this moment, he really underestimated the power of Sharingan.

The boy he battled just now is not very old, and he looks like he is twelve or thirteen, but the intensity of his eyes makes his scalp numb.

He heard from others that he must never look at Sharingan during the battle.

But before he witnessed it with his own eyes, he didn't care. He was a person who had never met or fought Uchiha. He felt he could win, The opponent is not even an Uchiha

He was not careless. His fighting style and fighting rhythm were based on his own ideas.

And he had consciously or unconsciously avoided those eyes, but he never expected that he would be caught by that kid, he also gave Kakashi a chance to catch him. Just to know whether it is true or not.

Without any movement at all, without any chakra fluctuating at all, he was directly hit by the illusion!

Even if the illusion had an effect on him for less than a second, it was this less than a second that brought him great danger.

Even if he somehow managed to react once he woke up. His actions were still seen through by Sharingan!

As a result! He lost his entire arm.

At this time, The Iwa shinobi was thinking about how to deal with this little ghost while stopping the bleeding.

If he did not stop the bleeding, he would definitely lose too much blood; and the kid would be even more troublesome.

"Someone told me that this is the battlefield. Those who fight over their heads and underestimate their opponent are dead", A voice came out of thin air.

"Damn it! So fast?"

At this moment, The Iwa shinobi suddenly felt a terrible killing Intent.

He didn't have time to react, and a Kunai had already pierced his heart from the back!

The Iwa shinobi looked pale, Then he slowly fell to the ground, looking like he was completely dead. Kakashi, who was standing behind him, tilted his face in confusion.

"Is that it?"

At this moment, the dead figure of the Iwa shinobi suddenly woke up, and with terrifying Chakra in his hand, he punched toward Kakashi!


Kakashi seemed to be a little flustered as if he didn't expect this to happen!

But the Iwa shinobi didn't hesitate, he concentrated all the chakra in his hand. One punch to decide it all. And it did hit.

The figure that got hit disappeared with a poof of smoke.

"Clone! Damn you Brat", The Iwa shinobi muttered

But the Iwa shinobi didn't give up and turned around forcibly. Chakra continued to gather in his right hand, and he threw a punch again.

But this time he couldn't even touch Kakashi. He turned around forcibly, the severed left hand was bleeding all the time. It was incredible that he could slam such a punch!

Half a meter, thirty centimeters, ten centimeters, just when his fists were about to focus on Kakashi,

Kakashi's figure suddenly twisted slightly, dodging the attack, and at the same time, his kunai smoothly pierced the Iwa shinobi's chest!

The ten-centimeter-long kunai pierced the Iwa shinobi's chest obliquely. Kakashi's use of force was great, and the sharp kunai pierced the Iwa shinobi's heart, except for the handle, all other than the handle had been submerged in his chest.

The blood continued to flow down the wound, dripping to the ground, moistening the nearby ground.

Kakashi's scarlet eye stared at the hunter, and the Kunai in Kakashi's hand twisted hard. Killing the Iwa shinobi.

Suddenly, the screams resounded throughout the wilderness!


Kakashi came out of the forest only to hear an ear-deafening blast.


Kakashi looks at the side, there was a dust cloud coming up. With Rin coming out of it. Completely unharmed and covered in fresh blood.

Kakashi nodded.

Minato came from the side covered in blood too.

"Good job team. We have officially completed the Kannabi bridge mission. Now all that's left is...




Earth-shaking blasts sounded completely overwhelming the entire area.

"What was that sensei?", Rin asked

"Someone is fighting nearby. Let's go"


Kan jumped back with blood covering his entire body, and a spear coming out of his chest from his back, joining both Mikoto and him. He made a horse sign.

"Wind Style: Implosion"

Kan is in a league of his own when it comes to the molecular manipulation of winds. So long as there exists some form of gas, such as oxygen or hydrogen. Kan is capable of performing fission; creating a multitude of incomprehensible and deadly explosions with enough force to eradicate an individual.





These explosions cause the atmosphere to expand rapidly, and create winds and shock waves so strong and immense that they almost blew everyone over; Kan utilizes them as a catalyst to perform other blasts without expending unnecessary chakra.

It requires an extremely perfect level of chakra control that one can not get if they do not practice Genjutsu or Medical arts. These continuous blasts redefined this entire place's structure.

But even after all of this, Even when many died. Many Iwa shinobis still survived.


Kan couldn't react when a broadsword swings out of no where, and cut through his ribs.

Kan stumbled but he still reacted and kick away the Iwa shinobi.

He grits his teeth and took the heavy sword out of his ribs.