

Life? Death? what's the difference? Many consider these two elements as opposites and the bane for the other but in reality, they are just different sides of the same coin. Derik always dreamt about becoming a cool mage and when the time came, he was disappointed... But even with the status of an archer he still pushed forward until he stumbled upon his magic... A power he could call his own.... DEATH!

Riviz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
671 Chs

Chapter 37: “This is what a real monster looks like”

"Interesting," the mysterious hooded man said casually as he watched patiently waited for Derik to arrive. His raging purple fire like eyes shifted to Derik's claws which were shrouded in dark-purple flames, in fact at this moment, most of Derik's body was shrouded in dark-purple flames leaving a trail of purple flames wherever he went, his bright blue eyes burned bright in the midst of the dark purple flames, at this point the boy actually looked like a demon comparable to the mysterious hooded man. If this mysterious hooded man could understand human feelings he probably would have been afraid.

[Is he really human?]

[He's forcibly using my powers in my dimension… against my own will… amazing!]

[So this is the power I sensed in this kid the first time I pulled him over to this world… I've struck gold this time!!! This host is perfect] The mysterious hooded man thought.

"Very well… I shall grant you your request" the mysterious hooded figure said and waved its hand.

"Die!!!!!" Derik growled and leaped towards the mysterious hooded man and struck forward. Just before his claws could reach the man everything shattered like a broken mirror.

"What's this?" Derik screamed in anger and his blue glowed even brighter. Soon everything faded and only darkness remained. No matter how much he tried he still couldn't see a thing

"With the little display of strength and courage you displayed today, I have no reason to suppress you anymore… I will contact you only when necessary and you can use 'our' power without limit… Just remember the anger and hate you felt today… it will keep you safe… I will be watching, human" The voice of the mysterious hooded man echoed in Derik's ears

The half roasted stone troll walked towards Derik's unconscious body and picked him up by the head while the other two stood by the sides and watched. The stone troll growled at the unconscious human and was about to apply force to its grip in hopes of crushing the human's skull but before it could act a sudden outburst of energy poured out from Derik's body, tossing the troll over twenty meters back. The two remaining stone trolls growled in response and sent two stone fists at Derik

"Pitiful… Death magic: Death Beam" Derik said indifferently. Suddenly two huge black magic arrays appeared by Derik's sides and black beams poured out of both magic arrays, destroying the stone fists, blowing away the stone trolls as well.

"You think you're scary? Do you think you're a monster? Let me show you all, what a real monster looks like" Derik said as he walked towards all three stone trolls. Suddenly a bright blue light burned in his eyes and fangs and claws appeared. His short black hair instantly stood up looking spiky and his voiced deepened, his shoulders broadened and it looked like he had aged by a bit. His frosty gaze was fixed on these stone trolls and his murderous intentions were vividly made known to them, these stone trolls could only shudder in fear as

"Pitiful… Death magic: Death Beam" Derik said indifferently. Suddenly two huge black magic arrays appeared by Derik's sides and black beams poured out of both magic arrays, destroying the stone fists, blowing away the stone trolls as well.

"You think you're scary? Do you think you're a monster? Let me show you all, what a real monster looks like" Derik said as he walked towards all three stone trolls. Suddenly a bright blue light burned in his eyes and fangs and claws appeared. His short black hair instantly stood up looking spiky and his voiced deepened, his shoulders broadened and it looked like he had aged by a bit. His frosty gaze was fixed on these stone trolls and his murderous intentions were vividly they watched the blue-eyed monster shrouded in diabolic black aura approach.

The sudden burst of death energy spread so far that even the other members of the team in castle black which was over a thousand meters away felt it and involuntarily shuddered in fear

"D…De…Derik!" Daemon stuttered as she spoke

"Monster!… something so evil shouldn't exist…" Cyrus' statement was cut short by the murderous glares from Kira and Gin. If only Kira can solo the whole team, having Gin and Kira attack him is simply suicide, even though they are not at their peak currently, he doubted he would be able to handle these two mages. Donald and Karl could only shudder in silence not daring to voice their thoughts




All three stone trolls desperately struggled with the three claw-shaped arc of pitch-black energy. Even with their stone skin and metal claw skills, they felt excruciating pain as they were been pushed back by Derik's casual claw attack

"If this is all level twelve beasts famed for their outstanding defense and superb durability are capable of, then I'm truly disappointed," Derik said indifferently.


After the first attack, the stone trolls were in miserable conditions, especially their hands which were completely stained with death energy to the extent that residual death energy sipped out of their injuries.

"Playtime is over… Lets end this" Derik muttered. His image blurred in the next second and like the wind, a black ball of energy blitz past one of the stone trolls, leaving only a headless body behind. The headless body of the stone troll fell to the ground like a log of wood, not offering any resistance what so ever.

"Next" Derik muttered and in the next moment, the remaining stone trolls swung into action. They punch out repeatedly at Derik and numerous stone fists flew at the blue-eyed archer who laughed at their efforts. With a crazed expression on his face Derik dashed forward, the instant the stone fists got in range, the young archer brandished his claws at the stone fists.


"Die!!!" Derik growled as he appeared right in front of the next and swung his claw horizontally at the beast instantly splitting it in two. The troll only stared at Derik in disbelief before the upper half of its body separated from the lower half, it refused to believe that this 'thing' that killed it was a human

"One more" Derik laughed and casually walked towards the monster…

… Castle Black…

Every member of the recruit team was gathered at the giant iron gate of castle black waiting patiently for Gin and Kira to appear, after a few minutes the two finally showed up dressed in casual clothes but they had a few pieces of equipment on them. Gin held on to his magic weapon tightly as he approached the other members of the team, both he and Kira gazed at the other members of the team coldly not trying to hide their hostile intentions

"Where we parted ways with Derik is just north-west of this place… its been over an hour since the sounds of battle subsided and by now the victor should have left the place.. if Derik actually won, then he's probably not here because he sustained too much injury so his travel speed is greatly reduced.. if that's the case we will meet him on our way there…" Gin said

"If Derik is hurt bad… You will do your job as an oracle and heal his injuries… Do you hear me, Cyrus?!.... And if he's dead… we will finish what he started… we will end the lives of trolls and recover his body… these trolls are already injured and are not at peak fighting condition… hit them with everything you've got… that's all" Kira said.

The others had no choice but to nod showing their approval, even Cyrus was helpless in this situation. And when they were about to leave they saw a figure approach, his eyes were normal and his clothes were practically shredded, there were no traces of injuries on his body and his face was void of any form of emotion

"Derik…" Daemon gasped

"Derik!!" Kira muttered

"Yo! Derik!!" Gin said

Upon arrival, Derik glanced at the faces present and simply dropped the bag on his hand

"When the association comes… give them that… Mission accomplished… I need to get some rest… I don't want to be disturbed" Derik said indifferently. He was about to walk past the but his path was quickly blocked by Gin and Kira who wore worried expressions on their faces. The eyes searched for the talisman which was meant to be on Derik's neck

"Where? Where is it?" Gin asked

"Where is what?" Derik responded, pretending to be clueless about the matter

"The talisman…" Kira quickly spoke up

"Oooo… you mean this?" Derik said as he pulled out the talisman from his back pocket and tossed it to Kira

"I won't be needing that anymore… goodnight" Derik said after which he walked away. The others remained quiet not daring to meet his gaze, even Cyrus. Their eyes were fixed on the bag which was stained red probably with the blood of the monster. Kira quickly picked up the bag and was shocked by how heavy it was, he then noticed blood dripping out from the bottom. His expression turned grim and he quickly opened the bag

"What tha...!!!" Donald screamed and retreated. In fact everyone present took at least a step back as the stared at the head of the level twelve troll lying on the floor. They could guess that even the troll was shocked by its death, it probably wasn't expecting it because its eyes were wide open even after its death

"Damn!!!" Karl muttered and looked back at the castle which Derik just walked into, he doubted if the fourteen-year-old kid who just walked past them was human.

"Monster" Cyrus muttered…