

Life? Death? what's the difference? Many consider these two elements as opposites and the bane for the other but in reality, they are just different sides of the same coin. Derik always dreamt about becoming a cool mage and when the time came, he was disappointed... But even with the status of an archer he still pushed forward until he stumbled upon his magic... A power he could call his own.... DEATH!

Riviz · Fantasy
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671 Chs

Chapter 32: Falling apart

The plan turned out to be successful but at the cost of their friendship and trust, now everyone felt positive about completing the mission but they still couldn't bring themselves to speak on the matter after the very short battle between Derik and Cyrus in fact, that short exchange shouldn't be called a battle, it was just a one-sided beating. Even while holding back Cyrus couldn't deal any damage on Derik, this is inconceivable. Till now, Cyrus remained silent and with just seven days to work with, this problem has to be solved.


They quietly ate breakfast with dull expressions on their faces, even Derik expression was filled with regret and despair, at this point, he regretted showing them his sorcerer ability. When he decides to use that power, the darkness does not only invade his body but also invades his mind. Things become clearer to him and all forms of emotions disappear, this helps decision making thousand times easier. He now understood what the mysterious hooded figure in his dream said about emotions stagnating his growth.

"Emotions truly are irrelevant…" Derik unconsciously muttered while he reached for the cup of water beside his plate. His eyes remained fixed on his food and even when he felt the gaze of the others he just chose to ignore.

"You all are pathetic," Karl said while cutting out a small piece of steak and tossed it into his mouth. His menacing gaze fell on everyone in the room and he sighed

"If this is Briton's strongest recruits of the year then this year's harvest is extremely poor… first, the pretty light magic sorcerer let his magic spirit push him around, and after been destroyed, he decides to keep b#t#hing about it and act like the f##king victim here… You threw the first punch and got roasted… so what? … grow up, man!" Kira said staring into Cyrus' snow-white eyes which were void of pupils and iris, Cyrus' eyes slightly twitched as he quietly listened to Kira speak. even though the blood mage hauled insults at him, all the blood mage said was quite true. He let his holy magic spirit fill his mind with violent thoughts against Derik, he also attacked first and after losing in a free and fair fight, he wore a sober expression on his face throughout the night till this morning acting like the victim. At his current level, he should be above such petty behaviors.

"And you all are crazy and dumb… we finally find the answer to our problems and you guys treat him like a monster, would a monster spare the life of someone who attacks it with murderous intentions?... yet he was still didn't bear any hostile intentions for any of you... I won't say I'm disappointed because… to be honest… I didn't expect much from you guys…You're all sloppy… slopping…this is why I don't make friends… most of them are fake" Kira said with a disgusted expression as he briefly glanced at everyone in the room. The disgusted expression on his face instantly vanished the moment his cold gaze fell on Derik and a smile appeared on his face.

"You shouldn't beat yourself up because of these guys… they are not worth it… When you're done let's pack up and head north-east we don't have time to waste on these guys… I hope you know how to make use of a compass…" Kira said not sparing the others even a glance. He got up and walked out of the room only stopping when he got to the door

"Bring your grimoire… bow and arrows with you… we are going in alone… we have to be prepared…" Kira said

[I guess only Kira can understand the way things are] Derik thought

He sighed and left the without uttering a word or sparing them a glance. Even a few minutes after Derik and Kira left the Dining hall, the others remained silent and rooted to their seats, every one of them had personal reasons why they refused to speak on this matter. Donald who initially saw Derik as the hope of the physical classes, the one capable of standing atop all classes, magical classes included. Now the so-called 'chosen one' has been corrupted by magic, the young archery class recruit will indeed stand atop all classes but not as a physical class member but as a sorcerer. Meanwhile Cyrus pondered on all that took place that night, for the first time in his life he felt like he made the wrong choice, not only did he fail to kill the archer he branded as an evil being that must be purged but he also sowed the seed of discord and enmity in the team, this was against his beliefs but no matter how much he tried to speak up and apologize, that calm voice in his head always rebukes him.

"Are we going to let them go?" Gin asked with a serious expression on his face. Not directing his question to anyone in particular, after waiting for over a minute without any response the young enchanter sighed and left the room.

Derik stuffed his grimoire into the bag and hung the filled with arrows on his right shoulder. The small-sized quiver which was filled with bolts and the black crossbow which bore the adventurers association insignia hung on his waist. His gaze shifted to the black bow on the bed and the leather armor beside it.

"I guess I won't be needing the armor anymore" Derik muttered, thinking back to the fight between him and Cyrus. The bone armor came with a barrier of its own which protected him from all attacks sent at him, capable of taking a direct hit from smite. He sighed and picked up the black bow and walked out of the room.

… Outside the walls of Castle Black …

Its been an hour since he left the dining hall and packed his stuff which consumed about a few minutes after which he left the castle and patiently stood at the castle gate waiting for Derik, While he waited, he thought of a few things which he naturally didn't pay attention to

[Castle Black is located outside the giant walls of the Gyro kingdom… so why isn't it been attacked by monsters?]

[There are magical monsters blessed with the ability of flight… why haven't they attacked the towns located at the edges of the wall?]

[Why haven't these monsters attacked the wall in the first place?]

[How can humans create safe routes which connect them to other kingdoms?]

[Is there some kind of spell or item that stops monsters from getting close to the wall?]

[Is castle black also protected by such spell or item?]

"And finally… how long is it going to take this archer to get his stuff ready? … like seriously?" Kira said

"Ooooh sorry!!!... I spent too much… indecision issues…" Derik bowed slightly as he apologized. Kira simply sighed in response and turned around, facing the huge iron gate, his gaze was fixed on Derik who ran towards him

"Okay… you don't have to apologize… let's get going… where is the compass?" Kira asked indifferently. Derik's face instantly turned red and he took a step back instinctively. He immediately bowed slightly and whispered

"Sorry… I forgot... I was so focused on what to wear so I didn't remember…"

Kira dropped his bag on the ground and sat beside it, his eyes were filled with doubt as he stared at Derik.

[Is it ok to take on these beasts with this guy?] He thought.

He felt like going at it alone but he couldn't do so for three reasons, the first was the main reason, he can't beat these monsters alone. Even if he decides to make use of the Blood zombies ability, how sure is he that he will not encounter high leveled beasts on the way? Even if he can create an army of blood zombies as he did during the inter-class competitions, he still won't be able to maintain it for more than a day. To be honest he won't be able to create an army as large as the one he created during the inter-class competitions. To create and sustain such an army, he had to use all the low mana rejuvenation potions his family was able to acquire for him and in this world, potions are not as common as you think. There are cases were adventurer teams accept jobs which offered just an intermediate healing potion, this is why not everyone carries potions around. His family has to expend a lot of resources just to acquire five of those potions he used in the inter-class competition and they were willing to do so only because he promised to utterly crush the other representatives and win the competition. At this moment he doesn't have these potions, the second reason are because he doesn't know how to use a compass. This is why it's important to have a team consisting of all classes, magical class recruits, and members are usually too focused on creating new powerful spells and other magic related stuff and usually end up neglecting the important things which the physical classes practice. And the final reason is quite simple, after watching Derik fight even before he was blessed with the peak three stars rated Death magic, it's quite accurate to say that this kid was unique, possessing enough strength and speed to suppress level five ogres and even take on level nine trolls. This is not a feat just anyone can boast of, even if the boy acts clumsy right now, he is probably the most reliable person to tag along with at the moment.

"Alright… alright… Let's go get it" Kira finally spoke. he got on his feet and walked towards Derik but suddenly stopped, his gaze shifted to the blue-haired teenager incomplete blue armor walking out of the giant black iron gate. In his right hand was a compass which he flaunted and on his back was a black leather backpack.

"I guess you guys forgot the compass and some snacks for the road… I checked the store and felt you guys forgot about it so brought snacks for three…" Gin laughed. Derik and Kira slightly bowed their heads in shame

"Well… I guess we are good to go" Gin said wearing a charming smile on his face