

Life? Death? what's the difference? Many consider these two elements as opposites and the bane for the other but in reality, they are just different sides of the same coin. Derik always dreamt about becoming a cool mage and when the time came, he was disappointed... But even with the status of an archer he still pushed forward until he stumbled upon his magic... A power he could call his own.... DEATH!

Riviz · Fantasy
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671 Chs

Chapter 123: Giving life!

Derik's eyes lit up as he urged his death power and it burst out like a volcano, the death aura soon gathered in one place, taking the form of a skeleton the size of a small mountain.

"Death magic: Shriek of the dead!" Derik laughed out loud like a mad man.

"Good… Interesting…" Demos laughed, he was obviously pleased with what he saw…

"Before we give this being life, we need to be sure this is the desired form you want it to be in… we won't be able to undo this later on!" Demos warned.

Hearing this, Derik's eyebrows were knitted together as he pondered on what Demos just said. He has always been okay with the form of his avatar and he really didn't see any reason to change it. He didn't want anything too flashy but he also wanted something that can strike fear in the heart of his opponents. This is the best form he could ever wish for!

"There is nothing for you to fix, my avatar is perfect the way it is" Derik smiled as he spoke.