


We are now in the canteen and eating quietly when Vanessa suddenly speaks

"I'm so excited about what will happen tomorrow!" Vanessa said thrilled

Huh? Why? What will happen tomorrow?

"Yes! I'm also excited!" Yna said and the others agreed

"Wait! What are you saying? What will happen tomorrow?" I asked

"Didn't you listen to prof before?" Alexa asked confused

"No," I said

"Tsk. As always. So look at your brain it's empty because you are not listening to the prof. Your brain is empty yet you still have the audacity not to listen. STUPID." said Clyde

What? Me? Stupid? I even became one of the top in our school. I have a lot of medals. How dare him?! He rarely speaks so why do only harsh words come out of his mouth every time he speaks? Why? Why is he so hostile to me? Does he have any problem with me?

"So?! You don't care! Mind your own business! And who are you calling stupid?! You jerk!" I angrily shouted at him

"Hep! Stop it okay? You're going to fight AGAIN!" Blaze stopped and emphasized the word again because Clyde and I were always fighting, there was never a day when we didn't fight.

"So what we said earlier was about the duel that will take place tomorrow," Vanessa said

"What duel?" I asked

"Tsk. It means fighting, stupid," said Clyde

"I know what duel is. I'm asking what kind of duel, jerk," I retaliated

Clyde was about to speak when Drake already spoke.

"ENOUGH OR ELSE--" Drake said leaving his threat in the air and I fell silent there as well as Clyde.

"Duel is a battle between the two persons where they need to use their power or ability. It's like a sort of examination to test your powers. All you need to do is win against your enemy." said Drake and my eyes almost popped out at what drake said

WTH?! No! It can't be! It can't! I'm so dead! What do I do I still don't know what powers I have. Damn. What should I do?!

"Oh, what's with your expression Sophie?" Yna asked

"The truth is I still don't know what powers I have until now," I confessed and bowed my head while biting my lower lip.

"Don't worry, you will know that tomorrow in the fight. Because there's a possibility that you might release your power there." Drake comforted me. Drake is right I can do that all I have to do is think positively!


I'm so dead! I think I'm going to faint. Oh my God. What will I do? Today is the day I don't want to come. We are here now in the arena. I am so nervous, what if I can't release my powers and then my opponent is strong?

Then suddenly someone took my hand and I saw who it is, my eyes had widened.

It turns out that it was just Clyde! Why is he holding my hand?!

I tried to remove his grip on my hand but I could not because his grip on my hand was so tight.

Why? Why when Clyde held my hand it felt like electricity?

"Okay, students I know that all of you are very excited about this duel so I'll explain what you're going to do. First, wear the bracelet we will give you," said Master Harvard

And suddenly bracelets appeared on our wrists.

"You can kill your opponent because they will live again and that is because of the bracelet. That bracelet can fake the death of a creature. So if you do not wear that bracelet and your opponent kills you, you will die kayo. Do you understand students? " long explanation by sir Harvard

"Yes!" we all answered in unison

"So now lets the battle begin!" said Master Harvard

And started calling two students.

Later on...

"Sophia Sandoval and Trixie Hernandez!" Master Harvard called

Geez! It's me! I immediately got off and went to the ground.

When I see whom I can fight.

Shit! It's Trixie! I'm so doomed! Of all people why it must be her? Trixie Hernandez is the woman who is very angry with me because I allegedly stole Clyde from her!

"Oh, it looks like I'm lucky now eh? My opponent is a weak slut," she said mocking me

"Woah! Are you calling me a weak slut or are you referring to yourself?" I said

She looks pissed that I seem to be unaffected by her insults and she immediately rushed at me.

She attacked me with her vines. Her powers were controlling vines. Her vines have thorns and because I have no idea what my powers are I just blocked my face using my arm.

Shit! It hurts! Her vines hit my arm that causes my arm to get wounded.

"WEAK!" she shouted and she attacked me again and again with her vines but this time I didn't block the vines because my arm was already hurting and I couldn't move.

So her attack hit my left cheek. Shit! My arm already bleeding as well as my face.

"You don't deserve to be here at the academy because you're just a weak slut! If you're whore then your mother was also a whore too, isn't she?" she grin as she insult me and my mother.

What the heck did she just say?! I suddenly felt furious when she called my mom a whore, you call me any names you want just don't ever mess with my family.

"What did you say?" I asked her trying to suppress my anger

She suddenly smiled with an annoying smile knowing that she hits the right spot.

"I said your mother is a whore because you are like that too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So it means that your mother is a weakling because you are also one." she said and then I was completely swallowed by my anger.



When Trixie said that, Sophie was filled with anger. Suddenly Sophie's eyes lit up and Sophie's whose eyes turned black. You see no other color but black.

EVERYTHING was filled with fear when they saw Sophie who looked like that, add the very bad aura around her.

"Now you made me furious, you will pay for that! Taste my wrath you bitch!" Sophie said and Sophie's voice also changed and it became scary even though Alexa is now afraid of Sophie even Trixie.

"I will kill you mercilessly and I will make sure that you'll regret that you were born and you'll just wish that you died," Sophie said coldly

"Mourir!" (Die!) Sophie shouted

"Ahh!" Trixie shouted because Trixie felt she's dying in pain.

"Tu vas mourir!" (You will die!) Sophie shouted again not everyone could understand what Sophie was saying earlier.

"Ahh!" Trixie shouted because the pain that Trixie was feeling worse with her was slowly dying.

Everyone became petrified with what they're witnessing right now and they become more terrified when Sophie looked at them they were even more scared.

Sophie approached Trixie who was already writhing in pain

"Does it hurt?" Sophie asked but Trixie didn't answer because she was constantly screaming because she was already writhing in pain

"So I guess your answer is yes," Sophie said

"Let me help you to ease the pain," Sophie said and smirked

She lifted Trixie by strangling her.

"Ack!" Trixie groaned

"Sophia Sandoval! Enough!" Master Harvard shouted

Sophie looked sharply at Master Harvard which made him suddenly step back out of fear on Sophie.

"Stop me again and I will kill you mercilessly," Sophie said in a monotone voice, and Master Harvard went pale.

"So where did we stop? Oh, right! Because I'm a kind person, I will ease the pain you're feeling right now." said Sophie

And Sophie suddenly grabbed Trixie's heart

"Kyaa!" Everyone squealed when Sophie grabbed Trixie's heart.

"Ahh!" Trixie shouted and she turned to ashes

Sophia pouted and almost get teary-eyed. She's acting like a child whose lollipop got stolen.

"Oh no! I don't have a playmate anymore. What will I do? I'm not yet satisfied. She's no thrill. I'm so bored to death I still want to play." she said depressed and then all of a sudden she smiled which creeps the hell out of me! She clapped her hand with joy like a child.

"Now that I come to think of it. There's still a lot of people here. So all of you will be playmates instead. I'll kill each of you in front of everyone then the whole place will be filled with blood. Isn't that exciting?" Sophie said as if what she thought was a bright idea and smirked devilishly and laughed like a madwoman.

Fear is written on all of their faces.

And Sophie approached the people ahead.

And the people in front are Vanessa. She is also scared because Sophie might kill them.

'Doesn't Sophie recognize us?' Drake asked in his mind

"I don't know all of you" Sophie answered Drake's questions as she tilted her head because she had read what Drake was thinking right now.

"D-did you just read what I was thinking?" Drake asked stunned

"Of course. Why can't I? I'm more powerful than all of you." Sophie said smugly

"Don't you remember us? Sophie, we are your friends!" Yna said agitated

"I don't! I don't know all of you! I don't have friends!" Sophie shouted and suddenly strangled Yna

"Ack!" Yna whimpered in pain

"Hey, Sophie that's enough!" Blaze shouted

'She doesn't seem to be the Sophie I met' Alexa thought

"Because you don't know me even just a little bit," Sophie said

"World is full of illusions and secrets. You will never know what is real from not. You can't even know the difference between a lie and a truth." Sophie said and she would have pulled out her mother's heart when suddenly someone hugged her

"Sophie please stop! That's enough! Calm down. This is me, Clyde." Clyde begged

And Sophie suddenly let go of Yna and looked at Clyde she touched Clyde's cheek

"Effacer les mémoires des étudiants (Erase the memories of the students)" Sophie cast a spell and Yna also cast a spell to protect us from the spell then Sophie smiled and the color of her eyes returned to normal and fainted. Fortunately, Clyde caught her. Vanessa immediately took Sophie to the clinic. Later Sophie woke up.

"Ugh" Sophie groaned

"I'm at the clinic again?" Sophie asked

"Uh-huh! There is nothing new there, You just get here a few weeks ago, and yet you already become a regular here in the clinic," Yna teased Sophie

"What just happened? Why am I here again?" Sophie asked

'Does it mean she wasn't able to remember what happened to her again' Clyde thought

"Don't ask because you might have a headache again. There's nothing worthy to remember on it." said drake

"Okay!" Sophie said cheerfully.

Then everyone went home to their respective dorms to what happened today Sophie became even more mysterious to her friends.