
Legendary Football Manage dropped

Back in 2006, he took the reins as the head coach of Real Madrid, tasked with harnessing the talent and egos of football's biggest superstars, including Ronaldo, Zidane, Raul, Beckham, Casillas, Carlos, and Ramos. As a humble newcomer, his challenge was to transform this group of world-renowned players, each with a reputation for ruthlessness, into a formidable, harmonious force capable of making the football world quiver with their collective brilliance

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Gao Shen is really ready to be scolded and even condemned by the whole country in Spain.

From the moment he decided to keep a 0-0 away game, he was ready.

But what he did not expect was that he did not wait for the crusade he "expected".

In other words, the media and fans crusade against him far less than he expected.

A 0-0 draw with Juventus away, everyone who is familiar with and understands football knows how difficult it is, but for Real Madrid fans and for the Spanish media, the lofty conservatism is unacceptable.

The previous 1-0 was like this, but now, they have adopted a polarized attitude towards Real Madrid's 0-0 away game.

For example, in Aspen newspaper, headed by the editor-in-chief Alfredo's column, they gave a high evaluation to the performance of Gao Shen and Real Madrid in Turin, believing that Real Madrid can retreat completely in the away game in this devil's schedule. It's already quite a remarkable achievement.

"Since Gao Shen took charge of Real Madrid, we have seen many things from this atypical Real Madrid that we have not seen before, such as cohesion, unity, and bloodliness until the last moment."

Alfredo is also obviously afraid that Gao Shen will be criticized overwhelmingly, so he defends Gao Shen in the column, believing that Gao Shen is not conservative. For example, his start at Highbury Stadium showed amazing courage, courage and determination. .

"Without his persistence, it would be difficult for Real Madrid to score the first goal at Highbury, and there would be no miraculous reversal later."

Alfredo said that as a Real Madrid fan for decades, he is very aware of the current team's problems, aging, unbalanced lineup structure, and the team's shortcomings are very obvious, whether it is in the Champions League or in the strong dialogue. , are very disadvantageous.

Against a strong team like Juventus away, how can Real Madrid play?

Even, Alfredo believes that with the current situation of Real Madrid, facing Capello's Juventus, even if it is replaced by any other famous coach in the world, it is estimated that it is difficult to do better than Gao Shen.

The words of the editor-in-chief of Aspen newspaper can be said to have a high respect for Gao Shen, and even directly compare him with world famous coaches.

But also in Aspen, there was another report that questioned Gao Shen and his Real Madrid.

The doubters believe that Real Madrid's advantage lies in technology and ball control, but Gao Shen did not show enough courage to face Juventus directly, which led to Real Madrid being restrained on the scene and forced to fight hand-to-hand with Juventus.

"It turns out that Real Madrid is absolutely at a disadvantage in terms of physical confrontation and competition for golf. Ramos and Woodgate are like children in front of Trezeguet and Ibrahimovic. block."

When the body is at a disadvantage and the overall tactics are not as good as the opponent's, Real Madrid should give play to the advantages of the Spanish team, use its own skilled technology and the advantage of passing the ball, to pull and consume Juventus, rather than passive defense.

"Obviously, from the beginning, he didn't think about winning in Turin, he just wanted to keep a 0-0 game."

Doubters believe that Juventus also has its own problems, and Real Madrid is not without opportunities.

If Real Madrid can show more courage to attack in the game, and at least get one away goal, it will be a huge advantage.

The doubters said that the conservative Gao Shen made Real Madrid very petty, without the grace and luxury of the past, but also lost the most charming offensive storm, and even lost its creativity completely, making it unfamiliar to everyone.

Spanish gold medal host Della Morena has a more neutral attitude in his own program.

On the one hand, he recognized the views of the doubters. From the beginning, Gao Shen never thought of winning away games, so his starting point was conservative, which made Real Madrid play in Turin very embarrassed, and even completely lost its own advantages. .

But on the other hand, he also understands and recognizes the profound approach.

"A lot of people who are skeptical will only type on the keyboard and write. They always feel that players should have unlimited physical fitness on the court, but they never pay attention. In fact, players are not superhumans."

Della Morena said in the program that physical fitness is the foundation of football games. Without physical fitness, all interviews are required.

But physical energy is not a battery. It does not mean that the player stops moving when it is consumed to zero. Before this, the player can continue to play a role, but the player will follow the physical energy consumption. After reaching a certain threshold, the technical action will go out of shape. It's easy to make mistakes.

Facing a team like Juventus, both technique and ball control require a lot of movement, which requires physical support.

"Gao Shen must have made a comprehensive assessment of the team's physical fitness. He fought against Deportivo La Coruña last week and scored three points. This time he visited Turin, he must have thought about scoring away goals, but he must have evaluated the benefits. and risk."

De La Morena believes that with Real Madrid's current lineup, physical fitness and state, it is too difficult and risky to break Juventus' goal in Turin without being scored by the Bianconeri.

"Many people think it's a draw, so why don't you strive for a one-to-one match?"

"But the real situation is likely to be that Real Madrid is distracted from the attack and the defense is no longer focused, and the final result may be one to two, or even zero to two, which will be quite difficult for the second round. "

"Everyone knows that as long as you give Capello a ball advantage, it will be difficult to get back from him."

However, de la Morena also concluded that since the first round was 0-0, Gao Shen would definitely consider scoring a goal in that round.

The hidden danger is that in the middle of the two rounds, Real Madrid will play another national derby.

"This is Real Madrid's devilish schedule!"



After returning to Madrid from Turin overnight, and returning home after the disbandment, Gao Shen slept with his head covered and entered the tactical library to review the gains and losses of the game.

This is actually a very good habit.

Whether it's studying or working, now that I'm a head coach, it's really beneficial to review every day.

It is also a way of self-improvement.

The next morning, when Gao Shen went out to buy breakfast, he bought a few newspapers.

He was a little surprised by the reaction of the media and fans.

At least, there are no uniform bombardments and accusations in the newspapers. Media such as Aspen, Marca, and El Pais not only support and approve of his lofty remarks, but also criticize and question him.

This made Gao Shen feel quite comfortable in his heart.

At least, no more criticism and accusations as before.

However, he vaguely felt that this had something to do with Barcelona's performance.

In the away game against Portuguese Super League Benfica, Barcelona also failed to score, and finally shook hands with Benfica 0-0.

Good guy, Real Madrid is facing Juventus, Barcelona is known as the strongest team in the Champions League quarter-finals, and facing the weakest Benfica, the score is zero to zero.

Then tell me, can you only scold Real Madrid and not Barcelona?

Even the uncrowned king with the thickest skin probably wouldn't be able to do such a thing, right?

Gao Shen doesn't care whether Barcelona can advance, because in his opinion, there is no suspense for Barcelona to advance. He only cares about whether Rijkaard will stay in this game.

It's just that I didn't do enough homework before the time-travel. Unlike those guys who were ready to be the protagonists of the time-travel text, they even remembered the game clearly. Gao Shen doesn't understand at all now. Did Rijkaard keep his strength? ?

Barcelona also has problems now, that is, injuries.

Both Messi and Xavi were out for a long time. The two central defenders Edmilson and Marcos were both injured and Puyol was out due to injury, which led to the game against Benfica. Rijkaard even arranged for Van Bommel to be the central defender.

It was reported earlier that Puyol was able to catch up with the game against Benfica, but he didn't even make it to the squad. Did Rijkaard deliberately let him play in La Liga?

After all, the Champions League is two rounds, and it is not difficult for Barcelona to return to Camp Nou and kill Benfica.


Gao Shen analyzed the newspaper while reading, and ate breakfast wholeheartedly by the way.

As soon as I finished packing and was about to go to work, the phone rang.

Carlo called him to congratulate him on a good result in Turin last night.

"I read the morning newspaper, and more and more people recognize you more." Carlo said lightly.

Gao Shen was listening on the phone, and there was a little peculiar smell. I am afraid that Carlo's mood at this time is far less calm and calm than his tone. After all, the more everyone recognizes Gao Shen, the evaluation of Carlo's predecessor will be lower. .

With the same lineup, the environment that Gao Shen faced was even so much worse than that of Carlo, but he just led the team to such a result, and what about Carlo at the beginning?

Gao Shen didn't know how to answer the call~www.mtlnovel.com~ immediately changed the subject and threw his own question over.

"It's possible." Carlo agrees with Gao Shen's judgment, "Barcelona likes to control the ball and attack from a high position, and the back line has a lot of space. Puyol's presence is the biggest supplement to the back line, and Rijkaard may let him concentrate on it. Prepare for the Clasico."

Since the game between Real Madrid and Barcelona was played at the same time, Carlo did not watch the game between Barcelona and Benfica, so he said that the specific situation will only be known by looking at the video of the game.

"I'll watch the video first, come to my house for dinner in the evening, and let's have a good chat." Carlo laughed.

He is now idle at home and has a lot of time.

There is a free advisor, of course Gao Shen will not refuse, and then he talked about Zidane and Beckham coming to his room before the game.

"What are you going to do with Ronaldo and the Brazilian players?" Carlo asked with concern.

This should be the biggest variable in the Real Madrid locker room right now.

If it is handled well, Real Madrid's strength can go to a higher level, but if it is not handled well, it will be really dangerous.

The World Cup only comes once every four years. How many four years can a player's career last?

If Gao Shen's attitude continues to be tough, there is no guarantee that the Brazilian gang will not directly overturn the table. At that time, the team can still concentrate on preparing for the game?

Gao Shen is also aware of this, so he also has a headache for it.

There is a saying that is quite right: war is a continuation of politics.

If this sentence is put into football, it is: the game is just a presentation of results.

So there is another saying on the football field: the moment a player walks into the field, the outcome is already decided.

"I'll think about it again, let's meet first and listen to what he has to say."