
Legendary Football Manage dropped

Back in 2006, he took the reins as the head coach of Real Madrid, tasked with harnessing the talent and egos of football's biggest superstars, including Ronaldo, Zidane, Raul, Beckham, Casillas, Carlos, and Ramos. As a humble newcomer, his challenge was to transform this group of world-renowned players, each with a reputation for ruthlessness, into a formidable, harmonious force capable of making the football world quiver with their collective brilliance

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CH - 63 Is it appropriate to bully newcomers like this?

On the evening of March 28, the Alp Stadium in Turin.

The game is already in the second half, it will be 60 minutes soon, and the score is still 0-0.

Since the second half, Capello has been standing in the command area of ​​the home team's coaching bench, adjusting the team's tactics from time to time according to the situation on the field, especially some of the players' movements and positions.

But tonight, Real Madrid guarded very closely.

Capello looked up at the time, turned his head, and nodded towards the assistant coach Gabbiati in the coaching bench.

Gabbiati immediately walked to the bench and called Mutu's name, telling him to warm up quickly.

The Juventus assistant has a solemn look on his face, and the situation on the field is not optimistic.

Capello brought two attackers as substitutes, Mutu and Sarayeta, the latter also reaching 1.88 meters tall. If he goes up again, Juventus will have three towers in the frontcourt.

But the biggest problem for Juventus tonight is that the midfield can't play the ball.


At the beginning of the first half, Juventus actually played very actively.

Trezeguet and Zlatan Ibrahimovic attacked Real Madrid's backline fiercely.

Real Madrid still adopted a four-two-three formation, trying to use the five midfielders to seek stability, but the effect was not ideal at first, and was suppressed by Juventus for a few minutes, but Gao Shen quickly made adjustments, especially letting Raul and Both Beckham pressed forward, containing Zambrotta and Chiellini, plus Negredo suppressed the central defender, and Zidane aimed at the double midfielder.

As a result, Real Madrid gradually stabilized its position.

After Real Madrid stabilized, it became more and more difficult for Juventus to advance from the backcourt to the frontcourt.

Especially in the midfield area, Real Madrid has a total of five players in this area.

As a result, Juventus was forced to attack with frequent long passes.

Trezeguet and Zlatan Ibrahimovic have a high-ball advantage in the frontcourt. Ramos is not tall and Woodgate has more injuries, which led to the comparison between the two in the contest with Juventus' two major centers. suffer.

Gao Shen is obviously aware of this, so he attaches great importance to the competition for the second placement.

Trezeguet's ability to take the ball is weak, and Real Madrid will control the second spot; Ibrahimovic likes to take the ball at his feet. As soon as he gets the ball, there will be at least two or three Real Madrid players around him.

Because Real Madrid's formation is very meticulous, it can completely control the second point effectively.

The ground is not good and the long pass is not efficient. Juventus is also speechless about it.

The data can well reflect Real Madrid's defense tonight.

Throughout the first half, Juventus only had three shots, none of which was on target. Trezeguet and Zlatan Ibrahimovic created a total of six offsides.

Who would have thought that Real Madrid would actually play defense at the Alp Stadium!

But just that?

Gabiati always felt that Real Madrid tonight was strange.


When Gabbiati returned to the coaching bench, Capello also walked back from the front, took a sip of hot water, and held up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking somewhat anxious.

"Let Sarayeta warm up later, tonight will be a tough fight." Capello said solemnly.

Gabbiati nodded, "I always feel that Real Madrid is a bit strange."

Capello glanced at his assistant and nodded slightly, "Have you found it?"

Gabbiati was taken aback for a moment, it turned out that Capello knew it a long time ago.

"Every time we press out to attack, Real Madrid also presses forward, defends high, presses our midfield **** through the midfield, and at the same time presses our two centre forwards out of the penalty area, so our shot So few times, but so many offsides."

After Capello's explanation, Gabbiati immediately understood.

"However," Capello changed his words, "every time we retreated properly and wanted to let Real Madrid come out to play, they also retreated, so the rhythm on the field became very strange, not the same as usual. The game is very different."

When Gabiati heard this, he suddenly realized.

He finally understood why he felt strange, it turned out to be the rhythm of the game.

Juventus entered, Real Madrid followed, Juventus retreated, Real Madrid also retreated.

But why are you kicking like this?

"Why?" Capello chuckled, "It's very simple, it saves effort."

If any team faces Juventus, if they want to score, they must invest in troops, and must consume a lot of physical strength and running, because Juventus is known for its solid defense.

In other words, after investing a lot of troops and consuming a lot of physical energy, it is still unknown whether they can score goals.

The lofty approach is that Real Madrid doesn't want to score goals. Apart from taking the opportunity to fight back quickly, the rest of the time is aimed at Juventus' advance and retreat to maintain its own formation.

One advantage of doing this is to minimize the player's running and physical consumption.

But the disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, unless you seize the opportunity in a quick counterattack, otherwise, don't even think about scoring a goal.

"Is this too conservative?" Gabbiati felt a little amused, thinking to himself, no wonder the Spanish media are bombarding him for being conservative. Sure enough, he is extremely conservative, and he doesn't even dare to attack.

But Gabiati can become Capello's assistant coach, and it is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He quickly thought about it.

"I understand, he is preparing for the next national derby and the second round."

Thinking of this, Gabbiati was a little stupid.

This is too bold, isn't it?

Although the Champions League is a two-leg match, how many people have such courage?

Isn't this something only the world's famous marshals dare to do?

"Real Madrid's lineup is just that, without the Brazilian players, it is difficult for them to play all the games well, so from the beginning, he never thought of winning at the Alpine Stadium, he just wanted a draw, preferably Zero to zero." Capello said helplessly.

Facing an opponent who has a tight defense and doesn't want to win, he also has a headache.

As for ugliness, Juventus and Real Madrid are only half a pound.

So far, the home team has four shots and zero shots on target, while Real Madrid has one more shot, five shots and one shot on target.

It was a quick counter-attack in the first half. After Beckham's big foot was transferred, Felipe suddenly hurried from the left, and directly covered the bottom and made a pass from the bottom line to the goal, followed by Negredo. Goal.

As a result, Buffon flew out and saved.

This is also the most threatening attack created by the two teams so far.

Other than that, it's really drowsy.

"You know what? The pain in the world is that people don't know what they want, they always want more, but they don't understand that God has secretly put a price on everything, how much you get, How much will be lost."

Capello sighed secretly when he said this, "This kid knows exactly what he wants, and he can resist the temptation, so you see, as soon as Real Madrid stepped forward, he shouted to let the team back, Because he only wanted a zero-to-zero game from start to finish."

Gabiati was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Capello's evaluation of Gao Shen would be so high.

Is Gao Shen really a 25-year-old young man?

"Even if this game is really 0-0 for him, then he is so sure that the next national derby will win against Barcelona, ​​and he will be able to beat us at the Bernabeu in the second round?" Gabiati wondered.

Capello shook his head and smiled, "Who knows? That's the funniest thing about football, isn't it?"

After a pause, Capello said again: "Even if you ask me, if he really forces him to 0-0 in the first round and goes to the Bernabeu in the second round, is there any chance of winning? I can't answer you."

"As a manager, everything we do, every decision we make, is to help the team as much as possible, to improve the probability of scoring or winning, and there has never been an absolute two in football. Character."

Gabbiati nodded, so this is the so-called unpopularity.

A lot of post-match analysis is based on the results to deduce the reasons. It can really be deduced from before the game.

"This kid is a bit interesting, really interesting." Capello turned his head and glanced at the high level in front of the visiting team's coach.

"Then what do we do now?" Gabbiati asked, "Just let him keep the score?"

"He thinks beautifully!" Capello scolded with a laugh, "Let Sarayeta go to warm up and get ready to play."



Gao Shen stood in front of the visiting team's coach, staring worriedly at the situation on the field.

Real Madrid's players all have an attacking heart, and he is afraid that they will rush out accidentally.

At this time, you can't rush.

Going out~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is very difficult to score goals, but the physical consumption is even greater. What will you do next to fight against Barcelona and Juventus next Wednesday?

More importantly, he has also been watching the situation at Juventus, trying to find loopholes and exploit them in the second round.

But he didn't expect that Capello would be so ignorant of martial arts.

In the 60th minute, Mutu replaced Camoranesi and played the left midfielder. Nedved was switched to the right.

Then, he saw Saraieta run out to warm up.

Five minutes later, Sarayeta replaced Vieira.

"Damn, is Capello crazy?" Maquida shouted in disbelief.

Three center forwards!

Sarayeta, Trezeguet and Zlatan Ibrahimovic are all 1.9 meters tall.

Gao Shen also had the urge to scold his mother for a while.

This shows that bullying Real Madrid players is short, right?

But don't say, Real Madrid players suffer physically.

Capello actually had another meaning. He saw through his lofty intentions and forced him to play a war of attrition.

Otherwise, think about it, three 1.9-meter high center forwards stood in the penalty area, and the high ball flew directly in the sky, Nima, that scene was going to kill people and set fire to them!

Gao Shen turned his head and glanced at the home team's coaching bench, just as Capello looked towards him, he even nodded and smiled at Gao Shen, making Gao Shen only curse his mother.


Capello is Rijkaard's master!

Are these two masters and apprentices really planning to join forces to kill me?

How to say, you are also seniors who have achieved fame, so you bullied me, a newcomer?

Do you think it is appropriate?

Bullying me like this will really give you more pleasure?