
Legendary Drengr

Vemir, the 4th years old son of the Drengr Bjornson the Bearknuckle, the brave warrior of Nordland, suddenly awakens his past life memories he lived in 21st century Earth. [Ding! Astralchip successfully installed!] [Detecting new body! start reading the Biometric DNA...] [Reading Completed! Initiating Assistant Interface..] [Successfully Installed] [Finish installation, System ready to be dormant forever in 3 seconds] [1... 2... 3...] [Beep!] With a lifeless voice suddenly appeared inside his mind, memories of his past live started flowing inside his brain. Thus, his Saga to become Legendary Drengr in the mysterious land of EDGARD started within the simple hut his father leave behind....

Douglass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

The Seer voice echoed, creating halts to the noisy murmur within the crowds of excited children.

Vemir, who gets his thought suddenly disrupted, moving his eyes toward the Seer unconsciously.

Even though he still worries about the appearance of the Thrall among the soon to be sacrificed animals, he still couldn't ignore the big presence of Seer who made even the Jarl act obedient behind.

'This Seer, I couldn't grasp his true presence at all. And the pressure he gave me, is that some sort of energy or something? Somehow it affected my sense when trying to perceive him... or maybe her?'

Vemir thought.

All of sudden, caught by surprise, Vemir felt the Seer's gaze stop on him when the Seer observed the crowds.

Vemir heart suddenly trembles, as he felt the piercing Gaze the Seer gave him seemingly trying to pass through his soul.

Unbeknown to him, a cold sweat slowly drenched his back, as his body began to shudder.

'Something is resisting the energy... Is it my Astralchip mechanism? Ugh! This heavy feeling.. What exactly is this energy thing?! Don't tell me!! Is it magic?!'

As the pressure became heavier as his body also continue to try to resist it,


The pressure suddenly disappears, and Vemir's body slowly back to a relaxed state.

Exhaling a heavy breath, Vemir unconsciously wiped his wet hand that was drenched in sweat to his pants and stared in the Seer's direction.

For some reason, Vemir could feel the Seer smiling at him when their gaze met, even though he couldn't make sure of it since the Seer's appearance was covered with a veil.

It was just Vemir intuition that told him so.

After some short time, the Seer moved its eyes from Vemir and began observing the other children, seemingly acting as if the invisible confrontation before never happened.

Seeing the Seer acting like this, Vemir began to ponder,

'What is this guy trying to do? Did "he" got some divination or something'

Knowing it was impossible to guess the intention of the Seer, Vemir decided to put this thought back on his mind and began worrying once again about the appearance of the Thrall.

'Unsettling! Are these people also become the sacrifice at the upcoming event? I thought it was only animals?! Urghh!!'

Thinking he had to drink the blood that was shed from the sacrificed lives in the incoming event, Vemir felt his stomach begin to churn, making his face pale.

'WTF! So this is why mom said to steeled my heart before!! Isn't this too much?!!'

The realization of the cruel reality hit Vemir hard, making him feel conflicted inside.

Maybe when he didn't have memories of his past life before, his blank moral compass might be still taking the situation he was in acceptable, albeit he might not accept it fully.

But now, seeing human lives being sacrificed like this, his physiological brain is forcefully against it.

Still, Vemir knew he couldn't do anything to change it, he now realized how naive his thought was.

He underestimated his new world's backward condition too much. He should know with how barbaric thinking his people are, he should be expected something like this would happen sooner or later.

'I wish I have those novel protagonist cheats and systems in this situation! Shit shit shit!!'

Just as Vemir was conflicted, The seer began to order the Jarl with his head.

After seeing the sign, the Jarl went back to their respective group followed by the priests behind them.

"Attention children of Katterggat! Follow the priest and lined up in your respective place properly, the ceremony will begin soon!" (Hilda)

Hearing Hilda's command, Vemir's peers began to move, following the new priest that Hilda brought with her with the Seer's command.

With the unstoppable flow of his moving peers, Vemir blankly followed the others lifelessly.

Unbeknown to Vemir, the priest brings his crowds not far from the circling totem, just outside the area encircling the flat terrain.

If he had not been lost in his thought, Vemir would surely be realized that the flat terrain actually had a cave in line, creating a pattern centralize where the sacrifices belong, breaching out to the outsides of the totem, creating a similar pattern to what the Japanese empire flag's pattern in his previous world.

At the end of the branched shallow and small drain line, there were spotted lower terrain made of stone where something like a bowl was placed on top of it.

By the design of it itself, clearly, the small line drain was designed for the blood of the sacrifice to flow and ended up collected to the multiple bowls just outside the circular flat surface to where the childrens are.


The children sat in their respective spots with a solemn expression.

In front of their eyes, the priest of the temple already stands nearby the sacrificial animals and thrall with blades like machetes in their hands.

The seer, standing not far from the priest, observing the crowds of children sitting orderly, encircled the soon-to-be slaughter hall not far from the Gods stone totem, creating the already solemn atmosphere became more solemn.

The silence continues for a while before the Seer enigmatic androgynous heavy voices began to sound,

"Far.. Far.. Back in the time when the Ancient one, Audhumbla lives within the endless ice, the Allfather, Odin, hunted and slaughter the Audhumbla and created the mortal realm where our feet stepped.

During the battle with the Ancient one, Allfather lost one of his eyes.

From the pair of eyes of Audhumbla, he created his two sacred beast, Huginn and Muninn to replace his missing eyes, and help him oversees the realms.

From the horn of Audhumbla, he created his divine spear, Gungnirr.

And from the brain of Audhumbla, the Allfather ate and reached divinity, expand his wisdom of the universe, and ascended his soul to become the first god who later created his own divine kingdom, Asgard, which only could be reached with Bifrost.

Then... What happened to the rest of the Audhumbla body?

Children Of Nordland, the vast lands that spread all over Esgard was once the corpse of Audhumbla, the Allfather used to create the land, seas, and sky.

And now, the soil of our Nordland people resides was where the hearts of Audhumbla belong, which is still beating until this day.

The all father, in order to freeze the hot magma beating heart of the Ancient one, decided to take the eternal ice from Niflheim"

The Seer paused his monologue and began to lift his head to the sky and the world of white around them.

"The harsh winter of Nordland is the testimony of how mighty the Ancient one heart was. Even the Eternal ice is barely able to freeze it.

See the sea outside our land!

The once boiling blood of Ancient one became the sea with the help of eternal ice, which now surrounds us, splitting the land where used to be the corpse of Ancient one itself"

"The children of Nordland, do you know why even after this day, our people didn't leave this harsh land of Nordland?

Even after the Great Rggnarr explored the rich and fertile land outside, why did most of us still adamant to stay in this cold place?"

"That is because we are special!

We are the direct mortal the Allfather Created to guard this land where the Heart of the Ancient one was buried under the land!

We are his special children! The children he trusts to guard the hearts of the Ancient one to make sure it kept its eternal slumber in this place!

The Allfather himself, giving us a special body with this responsibility! The body of the Berserker, which is infamous throughout the lands!

The body that the people outside our land fear with their hearts and soul!

Vigorous as a bear! Fierce as a wolf!

The gift that Allfather gave us, was not only a blessing but also used to be a curse!"

"The curse of the forgotten!

Our bodies might be strong, but our souls were still mortal.

From countless winters back, Our people suffer from the curse, slowly becoming a mindless beasts that only purpose is killing!"

"At that ancient times, the Allfather knew our suffering, and sent the Goddess of life, Idun, to help control our blessed body, thus, this ceremony was created by the hands of the goddess itself.

Through this ritual itself we can reign and control our blessed berserker body with our mortal soul"

"through the blood of animals, and the sinner!"

When the Seer mentioned the last words while giving a strong gaze to the Thrall.

"The heionous Sinner that even their nail couldn't touch the tile of Valhalla, we get the divine blessings of Idun which will help us to control our blessed body, and rid it from the Curse"

"The children of Nordland, are you ready to step into greatness? And became the true warrior of Nordland, and became one step closer on your path to being a Great Drengr?!!"

Hearing the Seer, the hearts of the Children started to ignite in ablaze.

Their eyes became firmed and excited as they began to understand, the purpose of the upcoming ceremony turned out to be the cure of the only defect that slumbered blessed body of theirs had.



Altogether with the children vigorous shouting, the sound of Horn coming within the temple also began to echo.

The silent atmosphere suddenly turned into a frenzy festive, as the children of Nordland excitedly scream from the deep part of their lungs.

Except one.


Among the rowdy crowd, only he still had the lifeless pale face.

'What bullshit!! You want us to drink bloods from human just so the who knows where goddess said so?!! Ridiculous!!

Ah shit! How can I be so naively stupid?! I should be known that these viking like people are savage as the story told I heard!


Maybe it was just me being denial... I..'

Seemingly ridiculing his thought, the priest begins to sing a hymn and draw the blood from the Animals and Thrall's necks mercilessly, giving a zero shit to the conflicted life philosophy and moral struggle of Vemir.

'Damn it all!! so be it!! If this fate wants me to become savage, then come! Let me be one! I swear when I am strong enough I will erase this ridiculous need of human blood in this stupid ceremony for sure!'