
Legendary: Awakening of the Behemoth

Waking in a pitch black space after having sunk with the ship he was on, a young man who has lost his name hears a voice in his mind that welcomes him as "Young Behemoth" It only takes a few minutes for it to explain the world he is about to be sent to and guide him through some basic topics, such as the magic the land is filled with and in no time the young man finds himself in a strange world. With an unusual ability to see an energy that acts as his guide, the young man sets forward to become an adventurer, the most powerful individuals alive. But in following the guidance of the strange energy when the time comes to decide on his abilities, he is actually given what is to be considered the weakest of all combinations! The road to becoming the strongest will be difficult, but necessary to save this new world because of the promise he made, and because of the name he must live up to. * I do not own the cover art. If this is an issue simply inform me and it will be replaced. * The average releases will be one per week with large attempts to release more often than that.

Tyrrg · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Caravan Arrives

The next morning had the town in both high and low spirits. Families and friends had shown up to see the group off, some cheering them on and wishing them good luck whilst others were extremely emotional at the thought of them leaving. Even Juin had made a point to come and was standing with Raen, who was carrying a bag on his back from the older man.

Juin had given him this bag last night, nothing excessive inside but it still meant a great deal to Raen. The bag only consisted of a few supplies such as matches, a knife, a length of rope, and a little bit of money. For a group of adventurers it would be almost completely useless, but after recalling the various sorts of tests which he might face in getting ranked Raen knew the real worth of such items.

It took a few hours for the people to calm down, some going about their day to day routine until only families remained of the group. Right around that time a small dot could be seen far off on the road. It would be another hour or so until the caravan arrived so Raen took this time to ensure he had all of his meager possessions as did the others. There was a little bit of mingling going on with the group but an air of seriousness slowly settled in. After all, this was a step towards not only riches and honor for their friend, but dangers and places unknown. They were all both excited and nervous in equal shares, Raen perhaps most of all as he considered this the first real step in finding a way to complete the being from between the realm's request.

The caravan was actually quite impressive once it could be seen, and not only Raen thought so. A variety of large animals hauled carts that ranged from fine looking carriages to a single expensive looking vehicle that was being pulled by what looked like a wingless dragon. Raen recognized the beast as a Black Drake, a very powerful creature that often was seen in higher society as a regal mount. All eyes gawked save for Juin who bumped into Raen with a hint of mirth.

" If you think it is impressive now just wait until they bring you lot to the main building for the test. " It took a moment for Raen to pull his eyes from the sight before him, unable to even fathom how grand the main Guild hall must be. Even if he was from a different realm and knew that the village he was in was quaint and tiny, never could he truly imagine the impact such finery would have. His mind went to the descriptions he had read in various books of countless capitals and castles. It now made sense why Hala looked forward to travelling so much.

When the caravan was only a hundred meters or so from the village a number of carts stopped while a smaller vehicle moved on by itself. Since there was only a single road leading into the village this made sense, the town wouldn't have been able to comfortably hold such a large number. As it was the caravan was already blocking off any normal traffic which might be trying to make its way into the village, not that this was the case.

The driver looked to be an older man who had extremely short grey hair and a mark over the left side of his face that resembled a burn. He brought the cart over to the waiting group and hopped down, clearing his throat and walking up to Juin. Raen was a bit confused by this but a quick look around made it clear that no one else was surprised. When the man spoke his voice was quite gruff, unexpectedly large for someone who looked so feeble.

" Well now it seems you have raised quite a few recruits Juin, I'm a bit shocked though not to see your son. Did the boy decide not to wait and went off on his own? '' Though the man was smiling the mood immediately became tense. Juin held his own smile but his tone was quite dangerous, enough so to make the skin on Raen's neck crawl, not that he didn't understand the anger.

" Ah well it is quite unfortunate but my son is no longer with us. These fine men and women only made their choice to honor his memory, which is far greater kindness than I could have ever expected. I'm actually quite shocked you had not heard of this Lerris, we sent a report to the guild after all on the incident. " Juin remained professional but clearly threw out his own insult, making it evident that whoever this Lerris was he must not be important if he had missed such information.

Lerris could be seen grinding his teeth as he turned away quickly and called out to the group. " Alright, those who are going to join the Guild will enter single file into the back of the cart. Your name will be taken by my associate as will your wishes for the amount which will be paid for your honorable volunteering. " Lerris did not look back as he addressed Juin next, going back to his cart and brushing himself off, as if offended by the dirt of the village. " When they are finished you can go to the back and receive the payment and to who it will be paid out to Juin. Do make this quick, I'd rather not waste more time than needed in such a backwater place. "

Most of those present were angered by the man's words, Raen was no exception and perhaps even more so since he viewed Juin as a father figure. Who was this man to come here and insult both Juin and the village? But a hand clapped onto his shoulder and Raen looked to Juin who chuckled softly and shook his head. " Pay him no mind. You and the others will make our village proud. Thank you for all that you are doing...Oh and if Lerris gives you any trouble well...just remind him that though I may be retired, it is a simple matter to send a letter to my friends in the guild about a rude driver. " It actually shocked Raen to see Juin act in such a way, the two older men must really despise one another.

Reluctant to get into the cart that Lerris was driving, the group took a moment to say final farewells before one by one climbing into the back. A tall and rather thin man sat there with beady eyes, marking down their total before going one by one to ask both name and how their contribution fund was to be paid out. True to their words from earlier, everyone set aside a share for Juin while the rest ended up being divided evenly throughout the village. Raen had not doubted that Aldrich and the others would do so, however he still felt a warmth in his heart towards the group when they did.

Finally the man turned his way and Raen opened his mouth to speak but suddenly stopped. It was a silly thing really which gave him pause, but Raen had been given his name by Juin so of course he didn't have a last name to include. The others looked at him quizzically as well, causing Raen to cough to hide the awkward situation for another few seconds while racking his brain for a good idea. 

" It's Ultine, Raen Ultine. " Raen and the others turned in a bit of shock, none the least the man who had been writing down names. Aldrich and the others were speechless as it was Juin who had said this, giving out his own last name as if to claim this new Raen as his own son. In fact, after a moment there were three who had suddenly pieced it altogether, more curious now about their new friend than ever before. 

Raen however quickly bowed his head in thanks, feeling Juin clap a hand on his shoulder perhaps for the last time. Raen wanted to speak but just couldn't find the appropriate words, the thin man handing over a list of how to allocate the payments as well as the full payment to Juin. " Don't you worry Raen, I'm certain my son would be proud for you to carry his name. Thank you for easing this old man's heart while you were here. Now don't forget what I told you, and become a fine adventurer. " Juin smiled rather peacefully as Raen lifted his head and could only nod in response, still shocked by this sudden event. More than ever he was glad of the fact Juin would be receiving so much.

With that the old man left and Raen could feel the cart begin to move. Not one from the group could keep from looking out the back and waving goodbye to their home. Aldrich was of course loud and boisterous, Ceres had shoved himself far enough to wave to his two younger sisters and mother, even Mia who was the quieter twin was shouting back to her mother though Raen could see her shaking knees. Eventually they could hear noise just ahead, likely the rest of the caravan starting to move and finally Raen looked out the back as well, waving goodbye to what was now the only home he knew. It was the first step for all of the group.