
legend of white eye douluo

this is the strory of shaolin master and also naruto fans who died because of accident and reincarnated to soul land world. PS: this story is belong to original author of DD and cover also belong to original creator in google.

Miliyant · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


the dean who hear sun Jian's introduction stun then react "oh hello little one, I am the dean in this academy. my name xia no i am level 55 wuhun frenzy dog spirit king you just can call me dean, nice to meet you". said dean with smile. " "ah, nice to meet you to" reply sun jin with slight bow head. "hahaha what a polite kid, okay then, you want to enter the academy right little one? then follow me. oh yes old sir you do not have to worry about the little one enrolment I will handle everything" "ahh, thank you very much for your help" "it's nothing, we at Notting academy is always welcome to every talented child let alone a genius like sun Jian right two-guard sir?" said dean with a smile, but this smile ia very scary for them.

""ahh! yes,yes the dean is right"" "humph, this time i forgive the two of you. but if this thing happens again then don't blame me for being cruel, quick apologize to the old sir". ""old sir we sorry for what happen before, I hope you forgive us" it's okay,no problem, ah yes dean sir I entrust this child to you. I hope you don't mind" "hahaha it's okay". then old jack parting with sun jian and said few words like don't forget to eat, and always hear what teachers said and so on and then old jack direcly back to holy spirit village. " okay xiao jian right? can i call you like that?" asked dean with smile. "yes, its okay dean" "hahaha don't be so nervous, after all you will stay in this academy for six years. so I hope you can adapt with this academy quickly." "okay dean" "ah yes, if you someday need to hunt spirit ring you can call me, I am in my office for most of the time. got it?" "okay dean".


after that, dean asked some teachers to guide sun jian about academy. soon, it's noon. sun Jian also needs to go to his dormitory. according to a teacher who guides him before, there is no working class from 2 years ago to the present. so basically he is alone in this dormitory, which is very comfortable because no one will disturb him for a while. 'huh finally it's settle, from the current timeline it is still 6 years before tang san come to this academy and 4 years before master come. huh no matter what let's work hard to reach many advantages over tang san, sorry tang san it seems like I will become much stronger than you. hehehe (with evil smile) I couldn't wait the day when tang san and co enter Shrek, I will bully them in the 4 test hehehehe'.

(to be continued)