
legend of white eye douluo

this is the strory of shaolin master and also naruto fans who died because of accident and reincarnated to soul land world. PS: this story is belong to original author of DD and cover also belong to original creator in google.

Miliyant · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


not long after dean pick up sun Jian, the two finally come. "hey xiao Jian, this master that I always talking about. quick say hello" "I have seen master," said sun Jian politely. "what a polite kid, hello xiao Jian I am master nice to meet you," said master with a stiff smile on his face. 'damn I have not thought master came, I almost forget before' said sun Jian inwardly. he didn't know when the master came to this academy because the dean only said this year he will come. but he never told a specific date when the master comes. if he knows, he will wait near the gate then when the two unruly guards start harassing the master he will come out to save the master. isn't that a very good first impression?.

but the two deans and master didn't know that the polite kid in their eyes right now has a bad idea about the two. "oh yes, xiao Jian can I asked you something?" "can master" " then I will not polite, I want to ask you about your wuhun can tell me" "okay master, my wuhun name byakugan or you can call it white eye. my wuhun have each passive and active ability, the passive ability is the blue energy that I can produce unconsciously since I pose my wuhun or when I active my spirit ring ability. this blue energy also could strengthen my power twice, as every war-type spirit master has. and the last is my wuhun active ability, my wuhun active ability is I can see through everything in my sight and even could see my target weakness or flaw and also my wuhun have a very long zoom about max 10 km from where I stand and my eyes also have a 360° vision where I almost no blind spot." that is all about my wuhun ability". hiss!! master reaction right now can be said that like what happened to the dean before. the shock he got is no less than dean's before, and he couldn't help but also said "what scary wuhun ability you have right there, you are a bug-like existent for someone who is the same realm as you. you are invincible, even your opponent is still has a higher realm than you but you can see his/her weakness your role as auxiliary also pretty huge. any force in this continent I believe when they know your wuhun specific ability, I am even kidnapping you is very possible".


after the shock episode before, everything also going on the right track again. master also asks sun Jian if he wants to be his disciple, and under the persuasion of the dean (no he pretends to be unwilling) finally becomes the first master-disciple. master also gives him a quite large space storage, it's not the same as what tang san got from the master, it is a necklace with a small crystal ball as it lion tin. On the following day, the master also taught him many things. including various martial art that master know, but the most what master taught him is of course his theory about wuhun. from this, he learns a lot and even knows what direction his wuhun would take in the future, and a suitable spirit ring for his wuhun so that is can maximize his strength.

and unknowingly, another 2 years passed.

(to be continued)