
legend of white eye douluo

this is the strory of shaolin master and also naruto fans who died because of accident and reincarnated to soul land world. PS: this story is belong to original author of DD and cover also belong to original creator in google.

Miliyant · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

ch 9

after hunting for his spirit ring in the spirit forest before, he and the dean also going back to the academy. in this travel for hunt spirit ring, sun jian also gain a lot of knowledge from the dean. he also personally thanks the dean for his care. finally, the 2 of them arrive at the academy and the dean also said to sun Jian to rest today. after arriving at the dormitory, sun Jian also directly lay down and couldn't help but think of what happened before 'it's shocking that the skill who couldn't exist in this world suddenly appear. and that Shaolin eagle also, if my memory is correct that Shaolin eagle should not exist at all. I think when I read a book about spirit beast before, that the Shaolin eagle only an ordinary spirit beast. even its skill name also I didn't think about it at all, but I didn't though that skill is kaiten!! it is just a different name. it seems like the butterfly effect has begun since my arrival to this world, so, I need to be more careful in the future. who knows what will happen then.


another 2 years have passed, for these 2 years, there is no major event happen. except for the name of sun Jian become louder and more well known to everyone in Notting city, even the event about him defeated the son of city lord before whose originally only people within academy know has been known by everyone in the city. and spirit hall branch who originally ignored him before also paying attention to him again. especially after he got his third spirit ring not long ago, a 10 years old kid but already spirit elder who are not shocked when they hear this. even stupid people also know that this kid if there is no accident in the future he will surely become title douluo.


"huh it's another 2 years, and I also have reach level 32nd spirit elder. but the experience for hunt my third spirit ring this time is unforgettable, that white monkey skill is very scary. how could eight trigram palm reach the crushing power to that level, it's like a combination of Tsunade strength power and gentle fist". yes, a month ago when sun jian reach level 30th he also once again asked the dean to help him hunt spirit ring. but this time he wants to defeat the spirit beast he wants to hunt by himself, but what is shocking that the target he wants to hunt this time reach a life-threatening level. of course he knows what kind level of danger of spirit beast he wants to hunt from the book, but the real being was even more terrifying than what was written in the book.

the name of that spirit beast is the flash crushing monkey, this monkey strength just what it said before, like a combination between strength power & gentle fist. it fast but powerful, this is the simple explanation of this monkey. the age of monkeys they hunt before is around 2000 years old, if you see the age, you must be thinking it's not too powerful. but the reality is skinny, this monkey almost kills himself at that time, if not the dean protecting himself I am afraid he already becomes a dead soul right now. but even so, the back of dean because protecting him before also become edema and blue to the flesh for a week. just that fact enough to show you how scary that monkey. let alone that monkey skill name is 128th crushing fist, just name itself explain how much punch that monkey drops to dean back.

"well, let forget about that scary experience. also thanks to that monkey, my third spirit ability also very powerful. well let name it Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight punch. yes that is it"

(to be continued)