
The Rebellious Branch (ch3)

A smile was plastered on Bene Jessica's face while she was holding the newborn in her hands with great love and care. But it looked like it was Lady Jessica who needed care - her gentle and slim figure seemed inadequate to hold the 10 kg boy, and even though she couldn't be considered short with her 187 cm high - her son was 67 cm from birth.

Drakonen Pavel Borisovitch, or more European version Paul B. Drakonen that was the name given to the newborn by his parents Drakonen Boris Vladimirovitch and Benne Jessica Landruil. The firstborn of the branch family formed by exiles Boris and Jesica.

Both Boris and Jessica were exiled from their respective clans for not keeping the purity of blood. In other words, they refused the political marriages that were forced upon them and chose to follow their hearts, even if that meant to leave the main house.

Boris Drakonen hailed from The Great House of Snakes clan. He chose to name his branch Drakonen family, after the legendary ancestor of Snake clan - Pavel Drakonen the monstrous entity, who lived for more than 400 years and reigned terror with his Dragon-Snake totem.

Coincidently newborn looked as buff and tall as his ancestor was rumored to be, so it was decided to name the kid after him.

Jessica Languin was Maiden of the Monsandru branch of Bene clan which wasn't a clan in customary ways, but a conglomerate of freaks, as they were called. Each and every member of the Bene clan had some kind of ability that was passed through bloodlines. It was rumored that the head of the clan was ruling his kin for more than 1000 years, some even claim that he was the one who established the clan. The legend says that it was the ancient Monsanto company researches that were found by a bunch of talented scientists that made Monsandry family so powerful. Monsanto was the company which aimed to feed everyone with healthy food. They were flagmen in genetic modification researches which lead to breakthroughs in many areas. GM researches were often used by evil people to spread fear and scam ignorant masses slowing down the advancement of science, which in turn, let them survive with their outdated technologies. In the memory of their great predecessors, the genius scientist named their family after the ancient company.

The one born amidst the battle was the title of the newborn who was claimed to be the good omen of that branch, some even called him The prime one or Alpha. The kid who was just born already had expectations of countless men upon his tiny shoulders.

"How are you? Isn't the brat to heavy for his own good?" Boris Drakonen had unexpectedly gentle even velvet voice while he was addressing his wife.

"All good. The kid got the best of me. I can already see him being barbarian like you are!" Jessica softly chuckled but then said in a more solemn voice: " What about stray dogs?"

"The Wolf clan still keeps silence. I guess they are to shock. The rabid dog choked on the bone that was too hard for its rotten teeth." Boris laughed coldly: "I want to see the clan head face right now. Oh, how sweet it would be."

"I will not let the matter rest if not Letos, Mark and Johns weird breakthrough You and Our son would not see the Light of day." The temperature in the room dropped as Boris continued: "The court has to give us satisfaction!"

"We have frozen the body of perpetrators. I bet they didn't expect me to be ice mage" Jessica's crystal laugh had a weird vibe to it.

Hearing the laugher Paul awoke from his sweet Dreams and softly giggled while trying to touch mother face. When he moved it was like snakes wriggling under his skin - he had strength far surpassing what newborn should have. The kid's control of his movements was still superficial so Jessica took his arm in his to avoid accidental slap to the face by the young brute and let him touch her face.

"God, how could we bear such an ork of the human being? If he keeps growing that strong, even without inner energy he would be an extremely terrifying warrior." Bene Jessica could help but muter.

"Darling, why do you dream of him being a warrior? He can be mage just like you! Just imagine our sweet Child being the scholar. On the second thought, this image gives me creeps. He already looks like ferocious animals offspring imagining such a ferocious scholar that would be a look to live for! " Boris nearly halved with laughter, while he was imagining all kinds of picturesque sights of his kid being an extremely hairy orc in mages robs.

" Stap it, You! Don't even joke this way! " Jessica faked shudder:" Go step further- what if Bene order will take him as a disciple? Being a freak and mad scientist at the same time!"

While the duo was Dreaming about the future of their beloved one the perpetrator was smiling and giggling as if he understood what the grown-ups were talking about. The one born in battle wasn't looking like one at all yet this title already stuck to him and every commoner in the mansion was gossiping about him. Be it his size or his looks - everyone was praising Lady Jessica and Boris for being such exceptional parents.

Meanwhile, in the royal palace, the youngest Prince had flustered looks as though he was slapped in the face.

"We thought You have more brains than that, who might have thought that Your true intellect lies in your pants!" The figure on the throne was extremely enraged.

"How could you allow that fucking Wolf clan to borrow our corps for an attack on the Snake family? Moreover, they have little Bene Maiden as the Lady there! Do you want to drag kingdom into the war? Is the name of Boris Drakonen just a hollow sound to you?"

"But father, they are just bunch of exiles! No one will move for them!" Prince Jefry couldn't help but rebuke.

"Shut up! We wonder if you are truly Our son." Kings Richard voice sounded tired.

"Do you really believe that Snakes and Bene exile someone? No! They only kill perpetrator! If they didn't kill - that means they couldn't and the only way not to slap themselves in the face was to exile these diehard kids."

"While it's not impossible to defeat Boris and Jessica it's nearly impossible to kill them. Having vicious beasts lurking in the shadow? No one wants such a threat!"

"Good thing Wolfs were dumb enough to send their elders when they thought they have what it takes to finish off Jessica and her offspring at one. We wonder if both of you are made from the same stone wood - that would explain your retardness" King was still fuming but finally he calmed down a little bit as the understanding of the way out downed on him.

"Let's put it this way - some clan hired mercenaries to attack the Drakonis mansion, when the information got to us we were already too late - the crisis has passed. Remember we do not dare to implement Wolfs without proof." Richard finally got a hold of himself while going through the solution.

"George, take two tier 3 medicines, and Dire beast hatchable snake egg and one tier 4 full body tempering book preferably the one which doesn't require external medicines, if it cause him a lot of pain that would be the best, Our heart already bleeds to send so much on this little incident, let him feel some of this pain to." The king chuckled soundlessly while he tasked the treasure keeper.

"Deliver these items to the Drakonens as the gift for the firstborn of the new family"

"And You, little shit, tell Us what did that bitch offer You so you couldn't refuse?" Richard's voice was extremely icy. "Don't dare to bullshit me saying it was all done on your own moxie."

"On the second thought, We care not. You shall be in seclusion for the next half a year, breaking through in some body strengthening art. Wish this will make you think before you do. Remember never to offend this family! Soon everyone will know how dire can even the instructor of the Dragon-Snake can be."

"But, dad!" Jafry was horrified.

"Dismissed. Now on the next question. What shall we award Boris for a successful scouting mission? God, We wished he wouldn't be able to so he would humble down a little bit." King said with a faint smile.

"Forget it just ask him directly what does he want, make it tier 4 reward and monetary remuneration of let's say 100 Diamond coins" Still feeling guilty he directly gave away quite a fortune. In this world, 100 coppers were equal to 1 silver, 100 silver to 1 gold and 100 gold to one Diamond. With half a copper you could buy an Apple with 2 copper coins you could get a chip shirt, so 100 Diamond coins were not small summ at all.

"Ah, We nearly forgot. If the Dragon-Snake family really can deliver the proof of the Wolf clan involvement - make the Wolfs pay and make the payment fare!" Richard was already tired of this situation.

"Well little bastards, congratulation with passing your first hurdle. Now you own the right to hold your heads high in Our kingdom. Everyone dismissed send Us some drinks and warm the bed."

One more introductory chapter

I really think that GMO researches are framed by the companies which gain from it. I mean the companies who use outdated technologies in their works and don't want to invest anything to aim for a better future.

DevilsMocktailcreators' thoughts