
chapter 1: adventure of beginnings part 1

(In the village of rel, kai amiritsu also known as the world's weakest adventurer is setting out for his first ever adventure)

"kai are you finished packing ?" *sighs* "not yet mom!" (kai yells down the stairs of his house) *clothes rustling being shoved into a bag* "your going to be late!" (kais mom exclaimed) "im coming." *shoe's thumping on wood* (kai rushes down the hall) "kai stop running or you'll..." *loud thud* "fall." (kai lay a mess at the bottom of the stairs) "are you ok" (kais mom said rushing twords the stairs) "yeah im fi.." *rubs head* "ow" (kai exclaims) "noting a little magic cant fix" (kai says calmly) *shaking her haed* [HEAVENLY BLESSING] ( green light emits from kais mom's hand ) "thank you" (kai hops up Enthusiastically) "are you sure you want to do this it could be very dangerous" "yes mom im very sure its just an e rank dungeon there shouldn't be any problems" " but kai your an f rank the weakest i dont want you to get hurt" *smiles* " i won't mom believe in me I got this" "I love you" (those were the last words kai said to his mom before the unthinkable happened)