
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter 76: Dominance!

Alpha Azrael Herrington and Gellibert Ash stood at an equidistant position apart from each other.

Gellibert had a wry smile on his face while Alpha Azrael was observing with a cold gaze in his werewolf form.

He was like a feral beast about to pounce.

Gellibert Ash also started to transform. Bit by bit, his muscles grew, and he grew claws, fangs, and a long snout but his werewolf form looked much emaciated compared to that of Alpha Azrael.

Gellibert Ash surprisingly was the first to dash forward.

He shot forward at high speed targeting the throat of Alpha Azrael's werewolf form.

He thrust all his sharp claws at the neck portion of Alpha Azrael's werewolf form.

The claws met with a thick skin resistance which made it look like it was made of metal.

The claws shattered upon impact as if broken by a sledgehammer.

"Aaaaaarrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh" Gellibert Ash screamed in agony.

Thick blood covered his entire arm up to his elbow. He transformed back to his human form while holding up his arm in terror.

He was shocked about how he was suddenly injured by a mortal werewolf and bleeding. It was unheard of that a werewolf under the Bianca's curse could be injured by a mortal werewolf. Even if he were to be injured, the injury was supposed to heal immediately but that wasn't happening.

Gellibert Ash was also one of the cursed werewolves operating under the Bianca's curse and he was known for his fighting skills and ability to seriously maim and injure other cursed werewolves, although after injuring other cursed werewolves, it was still going to heal however, it was going to be very painful to endure, and because of this, he was feared by the late Alpha James who always allowed him to have his way, be that as it may, Gellibert Ash wasn't aware that there was in fact, a new Alpha in town, and this one could kill cursed werewolves...

Alpha Azrael stood there in his werewolf form after Gellibert Ash had attacked, he still maintained the derogatory look on his face as he slowly reached out to his neck to observe the attacked spot.

Then he raised his head to look at Gellibert Ash, and it was at this point that his voice thundered, "My Turn."

He suddenly dashed ahead in a swoosh, leaving after images behind him as he moved.

The directional airflow that followed the move of Alpha Azrael was like a new breeze arising from a particular distance and blowing with high intensity.

Those behind Gellibert Ash were blown back like flies in front of a spinning air duct.

Alpha Azrael slashed at Gellibert Ash with his claws.

His fat body was easily torn through like scissors to paper. His internal organs were exposed just shortly after a slash.

Gellibert Ash couldn't believe that such a monstrous werewolf existed. His claws were like extremely sharpened daggers.

Before Gellibert Ash could speak, another two slashes had gotten through him. One through the space between his shoulders and his jaws and the other at the point where his intestines were hanging out.

He was beheaded and diced up like a turkey prepared to be shared for Thanksgiving.

His body parts separated as they fell down in pieces.

The subordinates of Gellibert Ash couldn't believe such a monstrous sight. That there was such a monster who could even kill a cursed immortal werewolf was a terrifying thought.

Alpha Azrael didn't stop at that, he marched towards one of the beach chairs around the pool.

He broke one of the wooden stands with his claws and was able to fashion out a stake-like wooden construct from it.

He then went ahead to pick up the head of Gellibert Ash, then he placed the head on the upper end of the stake, and then shoved the rear end of the stake into the ground to make a statement.

Just shortly after he was done, his beta, Londan Grey arrived.

He was shocked to see the head of Gellibert Ash hanging on a stake and his subordinates were on their knees in surrender.

His fear of Alpha Azrael grew even deeper.

He saw these beggarly humans behind him and a lot of questions came to mind.

He approached Alpha Azrael carefully but didn't say a word. He might not say it out loud but this display of strength terrified him.

Alpha Azrael slowly transformed back to his human form. His clothes were torn so it left only his briefs intact.

Alpha Azrael saw his beta Londan Grey approach and the man came with an extra pair of clothes that Alpha Azrael could change into. He felt touched by the thoughtfulness of his beta.

There was a wordless understanding between them.

Alpha Azrael took the clothes from his beta hands and went to change while the beta waited with the beggarly humans around.

"Who are you guys?" Beta Londan asked.

The woman leading them was the first to respond, "We came with the Alpha, he asked us to follow him..." She responded succinctly in a manner that would bring more questions and at the same time leave them off the hook in the meantime.

A short while later, the Alpha returned dressed in a white round neck that expressed his ripped (6-packs) abs, his taut muscles, and his smooth skin.

He wore blue jean trousers to match, and a blue pair of boots.

He looked so handsome and breathtaking as he came out.

The subordinates of Gellibert Ash were so terrified of him that they found themselves too scared to stand up even despite the battle being over.

Alpha Azrael walked with slow strides towards his beta Londan Grey. Every stride was taken with the grace of a male model and the confidence of an Alpha werewolf.

As soon as he approached, he didn't allow his beta to speak before he issued instructions.

"These humans are my guest, make sure they are well taken care of like that girl, and clothed. Also, ensure they are well-fed. They would be staying in the guest house as of today..." Azrael instructed and Beta Londan wanted to explain that the food shortage issue was still a big problem but he kept it to himself.

"My Lord, what of the subordinates of Gellibert Ash?" Beta Londan asked.

"They would pay for their crimes, I will inform you of the punishment for them later. but for now, they would be locked up in a cell for a week and fed, once a day, they would also be integrated into a worker-program that I would formulate today." Alpha Azrael pronounced judgment as he looked around the kowtowing subordinates of the late Gellibert Ash.

They started to murmur as they heard the judgment they were about to face, they hated it but who had the audacity or courage to get up to face Alpha Azrael?